200+ BLCK mobo


Level capped
Nov 7, 2007
I'm going to be starting a new build soon and am trying to choose a mobo. I'm going to want the X58 chipset and will be pairing it with a microcenter i7 930.

Part of this build is going to be an overclock toy. I plan to WC the CPU and possibly the mobo. I've been busy with work lately and haven't been keeping up with the X58 arms race lately. I'm looking for something that will get me above 200MHz BLCK. I want to be limited by the 930 I get and not my mobo, and that limit to be with bored line unsafe voltage.

Where should I start my search? Rampage III and Classified? Is there something that's come out and I've missed? Not looking for a "go buy this newegg link here", just more of a starting point to weed out the trash 180blck boards.

Thanks in advance.
I suspect that most non-budget boards will easily be able to get you to the 210 mark for the 19x210=4GHz mark. Past that, you'll start to have to overvolt the QPI and VTT and such quite a bit on any board. There really aren't a lot of bad x58 boards from the well-known companies.
I suspect that most non-budget boards will easily be able to get you to the 210 mark for the 19x210=4GHz mark. Past that, you'll start to have to overvolt the QPI and VTT and such quite a bit on any board. There really aren't a lot of bad x58 boards from the well-known companies.

whats wrong with 21x200? :)

any decent board will get you there
I suspect that most non-budget boards will easily be able to get you to the 210 mark for the 19x210=4GHz mark. Past that, you'll start to have to overvolt the QPI and VTT and such quite a bit on any board. There really aren't a lot of bad x58 boards from the well-known companies.
19X? 21X ftw. I'm not afraid to add voltage, never have been and never will be. And I'm not looking for a budget board, I'm looking for something to have a real shot at 215, although, I'd love to go higher.

whats wrong with 21x200? :)

any decent board will get you there

Most of what I've read (although a lot of it was when X58s were new) showed a lot of boards topping out around 180 or right at 200 BLCK. I know I'm not going to be happy to hit "only" 200x21.
most big-brand-name boards that have been released in the past year or two will hit 200+ blck no mater the budget. most reviewers don't take the time to mess with other settings to stabilize their OCs at higher speeds when doing their overclock tests, I've seen many reviews of the same board saying the blck limit was ~196 then another reviewer would say 214 then another got it stable at 230 with a bit more work.

if you wanna take a general look at boards, I'd suggest you probably look at the gigabyte boards, they're pretty well known for being able to push above 200 with little tweaking. I think evga are just as simple as the gigabyte most of the time. from what I know, asus can take a bit more work post-200, but almost all can do it. other boards I haven't read too much into, but I know at least one budget msi board was able to push past 200 easily.
only way you are hitting 21x215 is under water. I'll be making that attempt in a few months
Trouble is (rant coming) damn manuf give a list of features and call it "specifications" . /end

If I was motivated enough I would find out what the actual manuf and part number of the clock generator chip used on a board and look up its specs. Its distance from the CPU socket would also be of interest as would the actual trace between the chip and the socket.

However 200MHz is peanuts for a decent clock chip so not sure you would find a lot of difference in the specs on higher end boards. Also a manuf may use 2 or 3 different vendors for the clock chip on the same board based on price and availability just before a manuf run.

So likely a wild goose chase, but if interested enough thats what I would do. Going about it without the board in hand would be a challenge. I have pulled clock chip numbers off of good high resolut
ion pic of boards on the internet but its a hit and miss affair depending on the pic and if the part is marked well by the manuf. and they have gotten smaller so you have to find a killer pic. Sometimes a review will mention it,

ASUS Rampage III Gene http://www.clunk.org.uk/forums/reviews/35117-asus-rampage-iii-formula-living-review.html#post99964

The problem lately has been ICS is owned by IDT and they do not make the datasheets for these specialized parts public.
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Ok, now that's sick. I doubt I'd that would limit a 950 on WC. Even if it did, I could live with a 6Ghz machine lol.
Asus Rampage III Formula 261 Bclk on air!


pretty sure that it's just the gulftowns that can get that high. seen bloomfields almost reach 230s when researching this board, but there seems to be soulthbridge bandwidth problems post 216~218 (most are hoping this gets fixed with a bios update, but noone's really been able to determine why it's happening).
Really? You're recommending the 4way SLI board? Why?

You don't need to use SLI, the boards are good overclockers. Look at the MSI Big Bang board too, TheGoatEater hit 231 bclk on it with the i7 930 I bought from him. Or the Rampage III Extreme.


Or you can sit on HWBot and look at everyone with a X58 chipset and see how high they got their bclk and on what boards.

