2005 Post Your Workstation

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lesman said:
Eh, makes sense I guess...but then how do you use your keyboard? It's WAY out of any easily usable position! Hey, I guess we all have our ways, heh? :p
I cleaned up before I took the pic so I just put the keyboard in the center.
Had to throw out the pizza boxes.
I've been around here for a long time, and I finally decided to register. First time posting.
It's unbelievable some of the setups on this thread... well, here's my little messy space:

I'll be moving out to college this fall, so I won't even bother changing it around and making it cleaner..
GlobalFear said:
Link to that backround?

@ wincustomize.com, but i can't find link.. will send it to you via MSN ;)

DarkMonkey said:
I love that guitar.

heh thx, got it on ebay for $10.. i just wanted something cheap and simple to play occasioanlly
That_Sound_Guy said:
Thats right! Keep you LAN party types out of the rest of the house! :p

Haha... even though... Looks good there my boy... Show them the basement! ;)
ericlikeseatin said:
whoa...i recognize that keyboard....did it come from a P2 IBM Netvista from ages ago?

If thats in reference to mine, your kinda right. Its the current remake of the keyboard i think your talking about. This one rocks because its got the usb hub built in the top right corner and buttons that actually work without drivers unlike logitechs.

And to Zorprime - Nevar!
im still using my cordless keyboard that came with cordless keyboard/mouseman optical :p
recently upgraded my mouse to mx-1000, like it a lot personally

one thing for sure.. logitech stuff just lasts forever.. lol this keyboard has survived 5 soda swirlys so far.. as in you tip the keyboard upside down and about 1/2 of a coffee mug worth of soda pours out
ryuji said:
im still using my cordless keyboard that came with cordless keyboard/mouseman optical :p
recently upgraded my mouse to mx-1000, like it a lot personally

one thing for sure.. logitech stuff just lasts forever.. lol this keyboard has survived 5 soda swirlys so far.. as in you tip the keyboard upside down and about 1/2 of a coffee mug worth of soda pours out

To the dishwasher with it, STAT!
mutazx said:
To the dishwasher with it, STAT!

Lol, a friend of mine tried that once, and when he plugged it back it in just kept typing QHGHGHGHQHQHQHGHGQHG [enter] QHGHQGHQGHGHHGHGQ over and over... was really funny to watch him try to IM anyone :p
Dr. X said:
Where'd you get the large nvidia sticker is it? on the inside of your case door?
the nvidia sticker came from a tournament at a lan party. it is pretty awesome, i get compliments on it all the time. i wish i knew where i could get another one for my shuttle's case.
ScHpAnKy said:
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What are the dimensions of those posters on his wall opposed to the ones on the site? i am looking on ebay as well and i have found a bunch but i dont want small ones, i want big ones just like the ones on his wall.... any idea?
Thats mighty nice Alienware you have there, a lot better than their usual huge green monsters. What kind of cooling is used on that videocard?
navicaph said:
Thats mighty nice Alienware you have there, a lot better than their usual huge green monsters. What kind of cooling is used on that videocard?

Thanks. The graphics accelerator is a Quadro FX4400 with stock cooling, which does a good job. There are at least five heat sinks along with the usual GPU fan. My average GPU core temperature is 51C with an ambient temp of 40C, which isn't great but good enough for me. Besides, I don't want to void my 3-year warranty by modifying the card. Here is a tighter shot of the GPU:

Nice workstations everybody, keep the posts coming!!

Also, nice big tv and nice monitor (the apple one)

I think the people know who im talking about!
"Alienware Patents Pending" :p ;)

Some nice stuff, I really like the Apple LCD.

Kind of weird positions of mice though, I couldn't use that setup comfortably the way you have everything positioned. You must be used to that for some reason...
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