2005fpw & Geforce4 ti4200


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 18, 2005
Well, I just got the monitor (pretty nice, other than the few caveats), but it refuses to work on my Geforce 4 ti's DVI port. I'm guessing that the card can't run this monitor at its native resolution, but this is only a guess. And yes, I know DVI ports can't be hot swapped. I shut the computer off, removed the VGA plug, and used the DVI, then powered on. I don't see the POST, as I expected. But then when Windows loads, there is just nothing on the screen at all. One time out of the 5 that I tried, the monitor said "Cannot display input" or something like that, but other than that, nothing showed up. I can only use the D-SUB at the moment, though it looks OK.

My MSI ti4200 has been good to me so far, and my next upgrade won't be until the Intel 955x chipsets come out, so I still have a month or 2 to go. Is there any way on running this baby through my DVI port, or am I stuck with D-SUB 'till I get my 6800GT? Anyone?

Speaking of 6800's, I read somewhere on here somebody having trouble with their BFG 6800GT being able to display this monitor's rez. Apparently NVidia's DVI ports aren't very good? I find that hard to believe. Would a 6800GT be able to handle 1680x1050 on DVI?
I'm using an Albatron Ti4200 with my 2005fpw on DVI right now. I imagine your problem is either with your specific card then or your brand/model of card. I could never get the TV out on my card to work, maybe your DVI is wonky. You might want to go check out MSIs website and see if this is a known issue or if there is a newer BIOS for your card that you could flash to. It's probably not a huge loss to have to use the VGA connection a while, you'll just get a nice little extra bonus when you upgrade to the new card and can also use DVI :)

Also you may want to check what the refresh rate is set to. I'm not entirely sure how out-of-range settings will affect the display as I haven't messed with mine so I can't tell you much there except mine works fine at 1680x1050 @ 60Hz.
Funny, the TV-out works fine, it's the video-in that I previously had trouble with... lol.
I went to MSI's site, but couldn't find anything. Whether it be BIOS updates or info. I read on some anandtech forum that someone had a similar problem with an MSI ti42 or 48... but they said they fixed it by shutting down the system, plugging in, and turning it on. Didn't work for me.

I tried also doing a dual-monitor thing - by plugging in my old CRT to the D-SUB, and the Dell to the DVI, but couldn't get the card to recognize the DVI. Not even in safe mode. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Thanks for your help, though.

Worse comes to worse, my upgrade is just a couple months down the line...
"Back in the day" a lot of cards couldn't run DVI screens at anything over 1280x1024. I wouldn't be a bit suprised if the original Ti4200s had this limitation and a later refresh increased the limit. Perhaps they slipped it in with the 4x -> 8x AGP change.
run sysoft sandra, or some mad0nion 3dmark program. Each of these has an option to display every single resolution, color, refresh rate combination your particular card can output. I just dont know if it broken down between dvi and di-sub.
Both video and mb bios are as up to date as I've found...
Bump - anyone?

PS What would happen when I connect both the analog and the digital to the same computer? lol