2005FPW Poll

What condition exists with your 2005FPW?

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Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 14, 2004
I have one on order guys and gals and I want to attempt to determine my odds of getting a good one.

1.) More than one dead pixels

2.) Back light issue

3.) Both

4.) Perfect Condition
Just got my second one in today, set it up next to the first and here is a pic of both with black backgrounds, new one on the right, old on the left.


As you can see the new one is every bit as bad as the first one got after a week of use. And the first one got steadily worse over that week. The patter is differnet, the problem is most prominant in the top middle aread isntead of the top left corner, but I Cant really make a decision between them. The real problem is that next week I am going on vacation for a month, there is no time left to try a third time. Does this mean Im screwed? I cant imagine what to do now.
Well the way I look at it is if the first one sucks , thats it and I go 243T I dont have the patience.
i bought 2 and both had severe backlighting problems and more than 4 dead pixels each. i am having them picked up by airborne express tomorrow. I am going to buy 2 Axim's to replace them.
There are not enough options.

Not every backlighting problem is "severe".
fallguy said:
There are not enough options.

Not every backlighting problem is "severe".

I was thnking in terms of my criteria for buying it. I can deal non severe since i have multiple dvd player/screen options. This screen will be used for gaming and so my concern is the ratio of terrible to acceptable regarding backlight , I however cant deal with dead pixels. I have been fortunate not to ever get a screen with a dead pixel but i have seen them and they are anoying to say the least
Ok. The first monitor I received has backlight issues, and 6 dead pixels (origionally it had one dead pixel). The second one that I received today has 1 dead pixel, much worst backlight issues. I was thinking about trying again but I won't bother. A freind was telling me to just keep sending them back until I get the one I want. I don't want to be bothered with the whole process. I just want a refund. Probably going to have to pay alot more now for a similar monitor. I guess it will be worth it if it works the way it suppose to out of the box. This was the first product I purchased from them and very likely the last one. They had to have seen the problem with the backlight. :mad:
The numbers are proving to be quite interesting. I wonder if all the good ones are different revisions as they relate to the bad ones. Perhaps a poll as what revision everyone has will be in order next
my 2005FPW is (as i have posted in several other places) free of dead pixels or bad screen dooring but the backlighting is fairly bad. i didnt vote in the poll because my situation doesnt really have an option...perhaps have a mod add one that says something like 'moderate backlighting issues or other' ?
I find it interesting that most if not all poll participants are new subscribers to the forum
The one I got today is pretty good... minimal backlight leakage and no dead or stuck pixels.

The backlight leakage kind of resembles bander's leakage problem in the LCD to the right, -except I only have the minimal problem in the bottom left corner of the screen.... everything else is black.

bander said:
I am gratified to see that as time marches on the panels seem to be improving. It is my sincere hope that all the new panels will be good , and eventually we will all enjoy this monitor in the way it was designed. This would have to be the best lcd buy available for $600 if you get a good one
My 2005FPW that shipped this past Monday (12/6/2004) is about as close to perfect as you can get... no backlight issues at all, and one stuck-green subpixel visible only on a pure black background. Good luck with yours, and if you do get a bad one, seriously consider trying again, this panel is simply great when it's proper!
GoldenTiger said:
My 2005FPW that shipped this past Monday (12/6/2004) is about as close to perfect as you can get... no backlight issues at all, and one stuck-green subpixel visible only on a pure black background. Good luck with yours, and if you do get a bad one, seriously consider trying again, this panel is simply great when it's proper!

very cool, i just got notification that mine went out Friday. I hope mine is perfect.

Wow wtf am I gonna do with all these monitors
I called Dell today to swap out mine. Three corners are exceedingly bright and I have 2 dead pixels. To tell you the truth, I could live with the pixels, I didn't even notice them until I started running tests.

BTW, I'm not sure how Dell got "award winning service". That was an hour and a half of sheer torture trying to get them to exchange this. >: |
Well mine should show Tues or Wednsday I hope I dont get a lemon
I will also let you know soon. It supposedly just shipped.
I am getting sick of this, my third one shoul dbe in next week, and i definatly dont have time to go for a fourth, or even return the third due to winter break.
I am so happy that they just let me return them for a full refund. My DHL overnight shipment will arrive at Dell today and I will then call to get my full refund credited.
jacuzz1 said:
The numbers are proving to be quite interesting. I wonder if all the good ones are different revisions as they relate to the bad ones. Perhaps a poll as what revision everyone has will be in order next

It's interesting that over 50% do not like your chances. If you have a 50/50 chance of getting an acceptable working monitor than there is definitely something wrong. Hopefully Dell will fix this problem because they are the only ones currently offerring a cheaper and smaller alternative to those wide screen 23"'ers. On a positive note, should you return for a second one your chances should improve.

Doesn't Dell give you 30 days to exchange your monitor for a brand new one before they give you a refurbished one? I'm sure Dell is building up a nice stockpile of everyones back light leaking monitors. I wonder how much success Dell will have at fixing the back light leaking before sending them out as refurbs. I can see it now, somebody exchanges their no back light leaking monitor and/or dead pixel monitor due to some other failure for a new monitor with worse leakage.

I'm still waiting for Dell to rectify this problem or another competitor to release their 20" WS version. :mad:
As I said earlier, first one bad........its time for a 243T @$1680 and they will sell it to me at that price after my lawyer gets through with them.
Got my second monitor on saturday. Just called and they are sending a 3rd and a return airbill for the second that they forgot. Hopefully 3rd time is the charm.
Just got mine in, I have it hooked up to my 700m vga out and its perfect. I dont see any dead pixles and the back light looks perfect. I have florecent lighting here so the back light may not be showing. I will take a side by side pic with my 213T when I get homeif I have time but so far I am absolutely thrilled. This monitor is a steal at $600. I hope my luckholds up and she stays perfect.
My replacement is much better than the first. No bad pixels on the replacement either (1 green on the original). They are both Rev A00 from Mexico.

I posted a comparison photo in the other thread, but didn't vote because I'm having other problems with mine (both of them).
I just got mine. It looks good so far, no dead pixels that I can see and no problems with the backlight. The only problem is the sun :eek: I need to wait until night so I can actually see. It's so bright right now. I'll let ya know.
someone at fatwallet reported they got the new revision A01, perfect monitor...

cant wait to call in for a replacement...at the end of this week.