2006 - Whats Next in Gaming?


Oct 16, 2003
2005 - A lot to like and dislike on the front of gaming. We saw some great ideas and innovations, such as SLi, the nVidia 7800 series, the Sony PSP, the Microsoft XBox 360 to name a few. For games, we saw the much anticipated release of Quake 4, F.E.A.R, Battlefield 2 (OK, a lot to like AND dislike at the same time about that one), and Grand Turismo 4 just to name a couple.

I'd like us all to take a look into the crystal ball to see what would we can look forward to in the gaming arena of 2006. What hardware can we look forward to? What new innovations do we reckon will come out? And most importantly, what games can we look forward to in 2006?

From my personal view, everyone was looking forward to Quake 4 and F.E.A.R to come out for most of 2005, and a lot of hype was built up by gamers and non-gamers alike about them. Can we expect another game to create this sort of fever-pitch excitement around it, and then deliver? Finally, what games are gonna rock in 2006, and which ones will simply rock out?
Well from the PC side of the coin, I am hoping that NWN2 and Oblivion (also for 360) will be great time wasters from hell, as other offerings in the franchise seemed to be for me. There are some neat looking FPS's coming down the pipe. Hellgate: London, and Timeshift look to be cool even if they don't bring anything new to the table.

I'm hoping that the new Ghost Recon game will rock serious ass, and give me some cooperative play time on my 360. I'm also looking forward to FF12, and Kingdom Hearts 2 (shipped 1mil in three days in JPN) so those should make a splash for us here as well. Although it sucks that we have to wait until August for FF12 here.

Until a glaring reason to game on PC comes my way, most of my time will be spent in front of the 360 (can't afford to upgrade to keep up right now) I'm waiting for the new Star Wars RTS to show its face, and there is a C&C pack that contains every game inside it coming at the end of this month, so those will garner some PC face time.

edit: The more I read about Alan Wake the more I'm thinking it sounds pretty damn cool. It may be a pretender to the Silent Hill throne, but if it adds better gameplay mechanics to the SH creep factor, I'll be set. My friends and I like to have scary game movie nights, so we should all be entertained.
What is the release date on that Hellgate game? I knopw in March is the new Full Spectrum Warrior and Elder SCrolls. Also I believe is teh Godfather game which actually sounds alright to me. New Hitman game is coming out but not sureo nthe release date on that. I just wish more game were coming out now in this month or the next, it seems like nothing is coming out now!
I think Unreal 2007 and the upcoming Unreal Engine 3 games will bring alot to the table. We also shouln't forget about the PPU and what it has to offer either. I think the level of physics in this new generation will skyrocket because of the PPU.
I'm totally looking forward to Titan Quest. Diablo-like gameplay with a good 3d engine? I'll try it. Maybe this one will finally be as good as or better than Diablo 2 (so many have tried, and so many have failed).
Chams said:
I think Unreal 2007 and the upcoming Unreal Engine 3 games will bring alot to the table. We also shouln't forget about the PPU and what it has to offer either. I think the level of physics in this new generation will skyrocket because of the PPU.

Yes, I think UT2k7 will rock along with games that will use the Uneral Engine 3, HOVERBOARDS FTW!
Doward said:
I'm awaiting a "Revolution" for gaming ;)


My predictions are that I will be playing on the Revolution, and I will still be playing CS:S.
Imo, pc gaming is seriously regressing...and sli is the main reason why. Im sorry, the solution should be to work more on making faster hardware, not to tell consumers to buy 2 of their cards (which now cost double what a high end card did 5 years ago, mind you). Now they unveil quad sli like its an 'innovation'? Its pathetic, especially conidering you can get a 360 and an hdtv for far less than the price of a high end gaming computer nowadays. Yes, you can build a box that isnt the best for a lot less money, but to make one that compares to 360 or ps3 you'd have to spend so much more. Even if ps3 costs $5-600 it'll be a bargain next to computer hardware considering it'll last you ~5 years or so (well it would if it wasnt made by sony...buy your replacement plan). Im not terribly bothered, cause ive always been a big console and pc fan, and now they're making my decisions much easier.
Obliviand and Spore Are 2 games I am REALLY excited for.

For non PC, I can't wait for Zelda:Twilight Princess either.

2006 looks like a sweet year for gaming.
Spaceman_Spiff said:
Imo, pc gaming is seriously regressing...and sli is the main reason why. Im sorry, the solution should be to work more on making faster hardware, not to tell consumers to buy 2 of their cards (which now cost double what a high end card did 5 years ago, mind you). Now they unveil quad sli like its an 'innovation'? Its pathetic, especially conidering you can get a 360 and an hdtv for far less than the price of a high end gaming computer nowadays. Yes, you can build a box that isnt the best for a lot less money, but to make one that compares to 360 or ps3 you'd have to spend so much more. Even if ps3 costs $5-600 it'll be a bargain next to computer hardware considering it'll last you ~5 years or so (well it would if it wasnt made by sony...buy your replacement plan). Im not terribly bothered, cause ive always been a big console and pc fan, and now they're making my decisions much easier.

This is complete BS. SLI is not needed AT ALL, only people with to much money need SLI. PC gaming is not dying at all, HL2, it's expansion, all the great MMORPGS and single player RPGs, the fact that diablo 2, which is years old, still sells for $40 is also a good indicator that PC gaming is alive and well.
This is complete BS. SLI is not needed AT ALL, only people with to much money need SLI. PC gaming is not dying at all, HL2, it's expansion, all the great MMORPGS and single player RPGs, the fact that diablo 2, which is years old, still sells for $40 is also a good indicator that PC gaming is alive and well.

Its alive, i just dont care about it anymore, and i think consoles have just surpassed them. Diablo 2 was a great game, but we're talking about gaming in the future, not five years ago...people still play old console games as well but thats really not the point. To be fair though, diablo 2 lives on cause of online play, which xbox 360 finally makes easy and accessible. The mmorpg is the only area that computers have over consoles anymore- think about how much less whining you hear out of people about how you cant play fps with controllers now. Sheesh, back in halo's days that was all anyone said to criticize it, but now we've just gotten used to it. Honestly, though, with blizzard pulling in millions of dollars every day from WOW, with who knows how many expansions coming over the years, you might see a lot more developers lean towards the mmo in the future.

EDIT: My main point about sli is that video cards in general are just far too expensive...i remember having a hard time dropping $350 for a geforce 3 when that came out, and now 300 is somewhat mainstream.
Gob said:
the fact that diablo 2, which is years old, still sells for $40 is also a good indicator that PC gaming is alive and well.

Diablo 2 for 15.99$ new or 7.50 new/used. pwn3d
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DragonNOA1 said:
Diablo 2 for 15.99$ new or 7.50 new/used. pwn3d
I meant it and rthe expansion, which runs about $35 here.
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waaa-waaa, cry cry. Say what you like now but dont try and change the story. I can't think what you mean, I only have to go by what you have typed, and thats what you said.

And then b4 I can post a link of a cheap combo pack you say, thats what the price is around where you are... well in my neighborhood (the internet) it runs for 30$ new. Still pwn3d by 10$ cheaper than what you meant to say.

PS: Have a nice day and dont get mad ;) Rainbow skittles for you!
Do NOT turn this into a PC vs. Console thread.

I am looking forward to the WoW Expansion, Elder Scrolls : Oblivion, and perhaps the succesor to the 7800GTX.
i'm looking forward to oblivion and diablo 3 on the pc. the upcoming zelda game for the cube, halo 3, and the latest incarnation of madden on the next gen consoles since madden 06 on the 360 was sort of a disappointment. having said that, i think its going to be the hardware that makes the biggest splash in the gaming industry; two new consoles, ati's newest graphics card, 7800gtx successor, amd's am2, and intel's new line, its all there in 2006.
We will continue to see professional gaming get bigger. With the CPL announcing both CS 1.6 and Q4 as the two games used throughout the $1,500,000+ world tour, along with DirecTV announcing their Massive Gaming League to be shown on their new gaming-only channel. There's no doubt that 2006 will be the year that professional gaming explodes if everything goes well.

I have no idea about anything else though :p
astern said:
We will continue to see professional gaming get bigger. With the CPL announcing both CS 1.6 and Q4 as the two games used throughout the $1,500,000+ world tour, along with DirecTV announcing their Massive Gaming League to be shown on their new gaming-only channel. There's no doubt that 2006 will be the year that professional gaming explodes if everything goes well.
Now thats something I didn't think about. With more and more gamers playing online and racking up their skills, a world series like that will attract big playing numebrs and audiences alike.

Certainly, I think that console gaming is going to become more and more a part of everyday life. With Microsoft's pitch to put the console in the living room, with a host of features such as DVD playback and storage to encourage this, I'm sure many people are going to spend their hard-earned cash on the 360 (and PS3 when that comes out) as an entertainment center first, gaming console second. And with more games being produced for consoles (with online support), we are going to see this trend continue massively.

I have another game we can look forward to: Duke Nukem: Forever :D

Yes, I know its an old joke. Lets hope that they can at least TELL us something more about it this year then.
DragonNOA1 said:
that's m2, not am2

It's no longer called m2 anymore, it's am2.. http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=28367

Anyways, I'll be looking forward to Nintendo Revolution, and some PC games.

C&C: The First Decade - all Westwood games + full Windows XP multiplayer capabilities! Can't beat playing Red Alert over LAN!

Splinter Cell: Double Agent - Unlike MGS, this series actually runs on PC. :rolleyes:

Those are the only 2 I'm waiting for, and they're due out Q1 of 2006.
if theres gonna be a diablo 3 its going to suck considering 90% of the diablo 2 team is currently developing guild wars at nc soft.
No big deal. I was just giving more options, I know my thread had a bunch of games.

Personally I'm looking forward to Alan Wake.
Techx said:

yeah whatever happened to prey I read it was supposed to be out before christmas in 2005 in computer gamer or some magazine...
Windows Vista and DX10 or Aero or whatever its called should bring some interesting things to the table, and the PhysX card or whatever. I'm waiting till probably September to update my aging rig...unless there's a cool AMD tech tour again this year (i had to cancel last year, even though I had both groovetastic bundles ordered :( )