2007WFP to 2407-HC.. opinions please.


I said WEENIS, not...
Apr 10, 2006
I'm debating getting a 2407-HC now that they have come out.. and I currently have the 2007WFP.. ( s-IPS ) my question: Any of you make this switch or have/used both of them?.. I'm thinking it'l definately be a very nice jump because of the size and the res.. I just don't want to be disappointed going from the S-IPS to a non IPS panel.. as I haven't had experience with others (other than older lcds)..

Is it worth it? (I spend a ton of time on my PC.. enough that purchases are easily justifiable(although thats not why im posing my questions) and just don't want to end up being pissed if the IQ isnt atleast on par with the 20.1.

Also, I've debated the 3007, but I'd prefer not to screw myself into having to buy a new video card every 6 months, and still get lackluster performance in games, which is the only reason I haven't saved up and gotten one :)... the 2707 just doesn't seem worth it when it comes down to straight dollars to size either..

Just looking for opinions on the upgrade path.. if I should wait if theres any deals coming out soon etc?
I own the 2007 wfp (S-IPS) and the 2407. I do not have the HC model, but if it's better than the non-HC model, you will not have any regrets. I love the 2407 and prefer it over the 2007 in every possible regard.
Hows the IQ on it?

I'm thinking about making the jump also but I've current got a dual monitor setup of 2 2007WFP S-IPS monitors. If I get the 24", I might want to put them in dual config also. Any experiences with that? I know they'll run at different resolutions but I'm wondering if its worth the hassle at all or if I should just keep 2 S-IPS models.
Yeah Zeraz I'll be running the 2007 as my second monitor in a dual setup.. Gotta have a way to browse the interweb+forum+IM+E-mail whilst playing video games on the 2407 via console :-D
i tried asking about how if people were so unhappy with the PVA version of the 2007 (many citing that it wasnt simply because of the lottery but that they didnt like the panel period) if the 2407's pva panel was any different.

now i also couldnt find out how the HC's panel at all differed from the non HC one. But knowing all these differences could definetly help.
i tried asking about how if people were so unhappy with the PVA version of the 2007 (many citing that it wasnt simply because of the lottery but that they didnt like the panel period) if the 2407's pva panel was any different.

now i also couldnt find out how the HC's panel at all differed from the non HC one. But knowing all these differences could definetly help.

I agree.. I mean I've used non SIPS panels and I think a lot of people are simply elitists.. However I really like the fact that with dell.. if you get 1-2 dead pixels.. you get a new monitor.. unlike newegg and some other places where its like "oh well youre fuxed".

and its 3 or 4 years now on the 24.. its nice to know that if something goes wrong I get it replaced/fixed for free.. advanced exchange even.

You pay for the niceities ofcourse, but you also get the warranty and the interfaces that you don't get with some monitors.. I just really want to know How are PVA "so bad" in some peoples eyes.. They sell a lot of the 2407 and 2407HC.. and a lot of people swear by them.. I don't get how now all the sudden the HC comes out.. and everyones hating on PVA..

Perhaps its those people that will never be satisfied with anything, theres always a problem for some people.. not saying dell makes perfect monitors.. because in the perfect world they would have 2 HDMI DVI 2 VGA a series of components and a tv tuner :-p
You all make genuinely good points...

True, Dell has a great return policy compared to NewEgg.
(on paper that is, I'm still finding out after an utterly-frustrating RMA call today and unanswered email Friday)
That's why I bought a 2407WFP-HC instead of a NEC 24" from NewEgg.

Some people can be picky; I guess that's me, not a graphic artist, but a heavy monitor-user.
On the other hand, how about some kind of F'ing advance in the tech since my monitor purchase three years ago?!

Also, some people completely embrace the new; that must be how the dreadful Samsung 941BW has 556 Five-Star reviews
out of 707(!?) at NewEgg, whereas I couldn't wait to get it out of my life.
Perhaps they came from old-tech CRT's, where it would truly be impressive.

From reading reviews at NewEgg and evaluations here, I now trust almost nothing written until I get it into my own hands.

It's unfortunate that S-IPS has become "elitist" high-end now.
In 2004, it had the same better-tech caché that PVA/TN seems to have annexed now.
Except, in 2004, it was actually better!
Now, the new monitors seem to be "better" not for the consumer, but for the corporate bottom-line.

The Dell 2407WFP-HC IS a good monitor.
Despite the fact that I'm returning it...
But, for $735 (delivered to my house), I really expected better.
Better versatility, better image, better viewing-angles and jeez, after three years better value!
It's unusable as my primary monitor... so it's unsatisfactory for the cost.

Hmm. sad to hear you aren't impressed.. although I will address a few things you've said.

About dell, always call, your email will never get answered. I never talk to first line help either, always ask for a supervisor, I know it can take 45-60 minutes to get that far but, in the end it's quicker.

Personally I'm a heavy user, and I do graphics occasionally, so those small little things bug me as well.

Never trust anything that anyone writes on newegg, they screen all of their comments, and internet shopping is easy and trusted now, this means all the retards and uninformed have come out of the woods. You all know how newegg used to be, great prices, great products, now its just turning into another buy.com, "we sell EVERYTHING at moderately good prices!".. and thats why their customer service has gone to shit too.

As for the want of you to get 3 years worth of advance since the 941BW.. well I don't think it's even been out that long(little research resulted in next to nothing).. but you are going from a 1440x900 to a 1920x1200 screen, and a jump of 5 inches, thats a lot. Also, you have to remember LCDs really haven't improved THAT much for image quality, response colour reproduction etc, yes.. but IQ can only be pushed so far(yeah we stil have a ways to go) but remember when you start getting into really high IQ (no CRT focus to get whacked out of alignment etc) its going to be disappointing when you don't see a huge jump.. at that 731$ you paid for the SIZE... and let me tell you.. 3 years ago you would've paid a lot more for that size..hell I don't even know if they were that big too much beyond 3 years ago.. im not too sure. I got my 2007WFP 2 years ago.

I'm not defending the Panels or advocating dell when i say.. today people expect too much, in the elitist realm.. I know, I'm one of them.. but as I've been a tech elitist for the past 3 years I've been getting a degree in Business Administration.. and I realize exactly why.. you can't mass produce and quality control a product to the elitist level, without elitist price.. lets be honest. 660$ for a 24" monitor isnt an elitist price if you figure in inflation and everything else.. take a gander back at how much some fo the big boy CRTs cost. and then look at the price again.. not much more.. if not even less for more quality in many areas.. but many years later.. Quality control = mega expensive.

As for the viewing angles, I NEVER have understood this.. I always sit directly infront of my monitor and I don't understand how anyone gives a shit who can/can't see their monitor at a home environment.. I'd prefer that other people can't.. Sure it'd be nice to have 90 deg viewing angles in both directions at perfection but... thats next to impossible, atleast with backlit LCDs...

As for versatility I'm assuming you mean the inputs? My only gripe is the lack fo HDMI.. which realistically. is ignorant because that is a TV interface, not a monitor interface.. HDMI was designed for TVs tahts why audio is bundled in with it.. Falls back to the old, buy a tv if you want a tv buy a monitor if you want a monitor.. if you want something that does both, you're not going to get the best of both worlds..

Which is why no monitors have 2 components 2 HDMI 2 DVI, a VGA etc..

Best regards for finding something that suits you though, if you're not satisfied I'm sure you will find something that does satisfy you.. although I do think you might be overreacting because you don't want stuck with another monitor you are unhappy with.

I'd suggest looking into Eizos then.. you're going to pay for that S-IPS panel but it will be fantastic.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824136036 @ 1600+.. you'll take notice to my statement about elitist pricing and inflation :) Eizo is where these monitors would be if companies did not mass produce like dell benq etc..
Sorry, but I must disagree.....

I have a REFURBISHED Dell 2407 sitting here that is going back to Dell tomorrow, unopened....

Nice of them to replace my 2407 rev 4 but send me a refurbished monitor? what a slap in the face


I would prefer to get my money back on this defective monitor and buy something else.

I agree.. I mean I've used non SIPS panels and I think a lot of people are simply elitists.. However I really like the fact that with dell.. if you get 1-2 dead pixels.. you get a new monitor.. unlike newegg and some other places where its like "oh well youre fuxed".

and its 3 or 4 years now on the 24.. its nice to know that if something goes wrong I get it replaced/fixed for free.. advanced exchange even.

You pay for the niceities ofcourse, but you also get the warranty and the interfaces that you don't get with some monitors.. I just really want to know How are PVA "so bad" in some peoples eyes.. They sell a lot of the 2407 and 2407HC.. and a lot of people swear by them.. I don't get how now all the sudden the HC comes out.. and everyones hating on PVA..

Perhaps its those people that will never be satisfied with anything, theres always a problem for some people.. not saying dell makes perfect monitors.. because in the perfect world they would have 2 HDMI DVI 2 VGA a series of components and a tv tuner :-p

Yeah but i was talking about whether the 2407 and whether it has the same PVA as the 2007, which it may not, as alot of people dont favor it, but there appears to be little complaints about the 2407 PVA panel.
Seems every company if they replace a defective product, has a chance to replace it with refurbished.. Willing to bet most don't even put "refurbished" anywhere on it or the box. Kinda blows, especially with LCDs because there isn't much to "refurbish" if something was wrong with it in the first place, so most are probably returns for a pixel or 2 with problems, I bet.
Yeah but i was talking about whether the 2407 and whether it has the same PVA as the 2007, which it may not, as alot of people dont favor it, but there appears to be little complaints about the 2407 PVA panel.

the 2007 uses an S-IPS panel not a PVA. the e2007 uses a TN panel, which is why its so much cheaper.
As for the want of you to get 3 years worth of advance since the 941BW.. well I don't think it's even been out that long

Sorry, I don't think I made that clear.

The three-year comment was directed to the Viewsonic VP201b that I purchased in 2004.
The 941BW was purchased last fall, then returned.

It does seem to me that the overall quality of monitors is dropping over the years.
We are getting cheaper panels, but not because S-IPS tech ramped up, but because
the manufacturers have invested in cheaper technology.

To me, it's like buying 25Gb Blu-Ray burners today at $1000.
Then in three years, getting them for $400, but then they only hold 15Gb.

I could be wrong about this as I'm not in the industry.
the 2007 uses an S-IPS panel not a PVA. the e2007 uses a TN panel, which is why its so much cheaper.

The 2007 'panel lottery' you hear people mention is that Dell started randomly putting PVA panels into the 2007FP/WFP's instead of IPS - people generally said they could instantly tell the difference once they'd seen both, and a huge stink resulted.