2012 Most Annoying Words

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Reuters has a list of 2012 most annoying words posted that...like...you know...are annoying. Whatever. ;)

When it comes to the most annoying words or phrases used in conversation, those four top the list in 2012, according to the annual Marist Poll. "Whatever" headed the list, cited by 32 percent of adults, and next came "like," which 21 percent didn't like. Runners-up included "Twitterverse" and "gotcha'."
People have been saying all of these words for years.
The word 'like' has been said annoyingly since the 1980's, this isn't news.

Yet none of these lists include the word "cloud". :rolleyes:
I can handle everything but this bullshit 'fiscal cliff' business. This was not a pair of words used together in the last 3 months and is a retarded phrase to generate fear and hype.
the word "like" irks me so much that if I notice someone using it incorrectly in a conversation i'll ignore them for the rest of the conversation.
i'm glad i don't listen to too much rap music.

that YOLO shit would annoy me. I've heard a few say it.

When did people get so inarticulate? Anyone know the history of "like" ?
Was it spoken by some airhead bimbo in some famous movie, and all of a sudden everyone started to speak like her?
When I was a kid, I swear I didn't hear that many "likes" in a sentence.
"Whatever" is hardly a 2012 creation... "Like" was used even more in late 90s, I feel (whenever Clueless came out).
"Whatever" is hardly a 2012 creation... "Like" was used even more in late 90s, I feel (whenever Clueless came out).
My top two are "read" and "think". Think annoying. No, don't tell me how to think, that's annoying (read - really annoying). Maybe these people could just learn to use the !#$!@#$ backspace key.
Using tweets as a source for a news article. Triple tacky for using a tweet in an article about someone passing away.
Anything Jeff Probst says, he sure knows how to wear out a phrase. Plus someone should show that guy what a sentence fragment is. Jeff loses reward...
"You know" needs to die ! It annoys me way too much when i watch ESPN and one third of the interview are two words - "you know".
Hate is strong for one word but when some of these kids manage to string them together and use them multiple times in one "sentence"... :mad: And I hate emoticons too :mad::mad::mad:
"Gun control".

Agreed. Throw "bipartisan" in there as well.

A few others that should go away:

Cloud - it's offline storage on a freaking server farm. I'm with Red Falcon on this.

Hacktivist - If you wear this label then you're not a hacker and you're not an activist. Activists refuse to sit on the back of the bus and get hauled to jail. They don't hide in their mom's basement while pretending to have some kind of moral high ground. Hackers - real hackers - don't go around pretending to be activists, drawing unwanted attention to themselves in the process.

Teabagging - A tea bag is a pouch full of tea leaves that you brew into a hot, soothing drink. It is not a scrotum. Quit desecrating my Earl Grey you disgusting little mammals!

Literally - This word is rarely ever used correctly.

Brony - I have nothing against anyone of any age or gender that likes a specific equestrian-themed kids cartoon, but this word is annoying. I hate the way it sounds, and I hate the use of "bro" as a prefix to other words, such as "fist", "hug", etc.

Bling - Do I even need to explain this one?
The first few posters in this thread nailed it. "Cloud" and yolo are flipping annoying.

My vote for worst would be "Cloud". Stupid bullshit. But alas, that is what the world loves. Lies and bullshit.
I feel like having an aneurysm every time I hear "bro".

It's alright, brah.

There are a ton of words that when I hear them come from someones mouth, I instantly think less of that person. It sounds shallow, but it's difficult to take someone seriously or think of them as smart when they sound so retarded. I'm not the best speaker, nor the best at grammar. I have a lot of weak spots. But -

"Like, all these bro's are having a good time, but, like, you know.... YOLO and all. But, I'm all, like, too good for stuff, you know, like all that stuff, you know. Like, we should, like, totally hang out, you know, like all the time.". Sounds like a 15 year old Valley girl, but said by straight dudes. I can't do it. I can't stand that talk. I just hope that I didn't sound like such a fucking idiot when I was younger.

Also, some of those IT folk - "It's all in the cloud. We have the cloud set up so your applications are running in the cloud. All you have to do is connect to the cloud and your cloud is actively clouding within the cloud while you're jacking off to the cloud.". I guess if you don't know how it works, where it physically is, or what machine it's on, it's 'in the cloud'. Luckily, my bosses know better and have been working in the industry for a while and share the same hate for that buzzword.
"No Problem" made my list.
Went to this restaurant and ever other word the server used was No Problem.
What happened to "your welcome"?
I'm 32 and those words were around when I was 13.

With the same slang meanings as today? Meaning "awesome, great, spectacular, bitchin', ballin', radical, bodacious"?

Sick used to be gross and nasty. Beast was... well, a beast. Boss was the guy you worked for.

That's so sick. I want one. When I was younger, and we said something was sick, it was gross and made us want to vomit.