2080Ti's with factory installed water blocks?

Evil Scooter

[H]F Junkie
Sep 22, 2000
Gettin lazy in my old age.. been watching but have yet to see any of the usual suspects pimping 2080Ti's with pre-installed water blocks??
^^^^ Thx hatter... but I'm looking for models that have a pre-installed block to be plugged into an existing loop. there were a few options with the 1080Ti.
^^^^ Thx hatter... but I'm looking for models that have a pre-installed block to be plugged into an existing loop. there were a few options with the 1080Ti.

I'd probably wait for the Hydrocopper which hasn't been announced yet. I've got 2 EK blocks here waiting for their 2080Tis.
^^^^ Thx hatter... but I'm looking for models that have a pre-installed block to be plugged into an existing loop. there were a few options with the 1080Ti.

Eh, I’d get a cheap reference and full waterblock it. While you have it apart solder over one of the 8 pin shunts. That’s my plan anyways.

Warranty smarranty.