20x30x20...5970 only option for eyefinity?

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Nov 10, 2004
So I wasn't going to upgrade for a while, but I wouldn't mind having the room and reduce noise level by going from 3 gpu's to 1 gpu

is the 5970 the only option I have for eyefinity to work w/ my 2x 2001's and 1 x 3007?

I must say that adding 2 more 3007's have come to mind, but that won't be until much later...

TIA as google and forum searches have come up empty since those running eyefinity, run 3 of the same resolution LCD's

* FOUND the Answer....looks like I gotta get 2 more 3007's
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TIA as google and forum searches have come up empty since those running eyefinity, run 3 of the same resolution LCD's

Because that is all that is possible sorry. I assume that you are currently running SoftTH?

Hopefully Nvidia's nFinity will provide us with PLP surround (like you are wanting)
ok, I'm off to read about PLP as I'm not sure what the difference is...

SoftTH runs like garbage on my setup for some reason...my local frys has 5850's 5870's, and 5970's in stock...so I was going to just grab a 5970 and call it a day
SoftTH always runs like garbage. :/

PLP is Portrait Landscape Portrait which is how you would be running the monitors to get the 1600 vertical resolution, sadly the only option for that currently is SoftTH.
damn so, even w/ the 5970, I won't be able to run PLP? well that changes everything then =(
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