21 Signs You've Been Spoiled Rotten by Technology


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Most of us lead an easy life technologically speaking and it really shows when things just don’t go our way all of the time. Expectations are high that everything will perform perfectly and if not, suffer our wrath. You, good people, are spoiled geeks. :D

We are living in a geek's paradise. We are so spoiled by our gadgets and the Internet that we expect everything to be automated, digitized, and customized, not to mention responsive to the swipe of a finger. Technology has rewired our brains, altered our expectations, and, frankly, turned us all into cranks.
I don't like how they have juxtaposed "iCrap" and "technology" so many times. It gives people a bad impression.

Seriously hoodies are technology? isn't cotten weaving from the 1700s
COTTOn! fuck spelling! where were you technology! POS fail intwerwebs crap! gah! I go tweet!
Funny...the satire was great.

However...I'm more of a "holy crap that's cool" than complaining/whining about tech. I know I'm spoiled by all of this. And I love it.
5. Nothing is fast enough for you anymore. ATMs, TV remotes, microwave ovens--all now suffer from too much "lag" for your tastes. Fortunately, pressing buttons repeatedly while swearing like a sailor does, in fact, alter the time-space continuum.

When you have a high end pc everything feels this way.
17. You keep clutching your Apple iPad and waiting for something magical, revolutionary, and life-changing to happen. If that doesn't occur, don't blame Apple; you were probably just holding it wrong.

I lol'd
I have thoughtfully prepared my replies too all 21 spoils:

1 I don't use smartphones I use a netbook.
2 I don't use a touchscreen anywhere I don't like them.
3 wtf are you talking about?
4 I told you I don't use smartphones I use a netbook, pay attention.
5 I will admit my TV takes forever to bring up the guide and take key presses.
6 For the third time, I don't use smartphones.
7 I really don't watch that much TV.
8 That's why I have tons of old DOS games to play on my netbook.
9 YouTube really does annoy me *buffering* *buffering* *buffering* *buffering*
10 Ick, Facebook.
11 Panwhat? I use Winamp for my radio stations.
12 Twitter? no
13 I use a CRT tv, my LCD computer monitor has a bigger screen.
14 I have my own internets because I don't have to pay for a smartphone...
15 I must admit I do lots of yard work.
16 My 5mp camera works just great.
17 Apple? not a chance.
18 Are you stupid or something? I told you I don't use smartphones.
19 It's over 100F out there, I don't even own a hoodie.
20 Ick, Facebook.
21 Damnit I'm about to shoot you in the face, I don't use smartphones.
The only one I'm kind of guilty of is number 19. I usually wear a hoodie from late-September to mid-May. It's not until it gets to be about 70°F+ outside, that I consider taking it off and wearing a t-shirt.

Unbelievably, not a single item on that list applied to me, but maybe it's because that list is unnaturally leaning towards Apple-obsessed otaku/geeks and those people who have let technology take over their lives in different ways to myself.

I mean, wouldn't a more universal worry amongst technology enthusiasts be that feeling of despair and anger when your internet unexpectedly goes down for several hours, especially in the midst of something important online?
1. True. My desktop pc is pretty rock solid, but this Android phone blows. Much rather'd have a iPhone 4G with the kinks fixed, and on Sprint/Verizon.

2. I'm pretty good at knowing whether something is touch screen or not. Touching the screen on LCD computer monitors is a sin IMHO. (thinking from the 90's where LCD's were flaky and super expensive)

3. I might use twitter, but seriously, SCREW Foursquare.

4. Screw that. I never wait in line for things like that ever.

5. Em, kind of I suppose. The only thing I find super slow is traffic, my shitty remote (super generic), and my shit android phone. Or my shit TWC internet connection, great most of the time, but it can blow!

6. When I'm with people that don't use their phone in this function, or I'm not allowed to (school)... I put my phone in my pocket and I'm done. If I'm with friends that do use it... well we all use our phones then.

7. Tivo was dead, right? Don't all TV companies have their own boxes and DVRs? Either way, I still use cable w/o any box+dvr at all.. If there is nothing on TV, then I don't watch it. If there is something good on, I do watch it! Easy as that.

8. *throws up in mouth a little* One) Never been on a plane that let me access internet at all. Two) I rarely use wifi on my device anyways... that's what 3G is for. Connecting to wifi is an ordeal and a situation I don't like wasting my time with. Both go 2mb/down, but 3G I don't need to spend 15min connecting to.

9. Youtube loads pretty fine most of the time. It only blows if I'm trying to do HD over 3G or if there is maintenance.

10. I still do get a bit road-rage-y... but I'm not that much of a facebook weirdo. Flip em off, do the man thing.

11. Screw streaming music. I like downloading things and having that feeling of "having a copy" of it... digshital or not.

12. One) I don;t like American vehicles, Two) Any "phone features" they do build into cars is gonna blow. Use your phone if you really need to, or not at all like you're supposed to. Eyes on the road.

13. No? lol?

14. Screw people who steal wifi. There is nothing good about this. I might as well drive over to the gas station, load up on a $100 of gas and drive off w/o paying.

15. Don't really care, and two, live in an apt... got people in charge of that.

16. The megapixels number war is utter bull****. Move along here....

17. I've used ipads in the past, and their really awesome. But I'm not jumping on that ship until a couple much-needed changes happen.

18. Both markets have apps that I need and do the same thing. If people seriously choose a phone to get some crap porno app... they deserve it... that's creepy. There's a thing called "the internet"... with websites, and stuff to download, and torrenting, lol... everything is there!

19. I don't have hoodies. They make you look like a bum. #snob

20. I don't give a crap about celebrities, or Facebook. I have a FB to watch what kids at school have to say... but even that is almost not worth it.

21. That's just plain spooky. Seriously, there's something wrong with you.