23 inch vs. 24 inch


Dec 24, 2007
As a revision to my last thread, I decided to simplify my question: What, in your opinions, is better, a 23 inch monitor with a pixel pitch of 0.266mm or a 24 inch monitor with a pixel pitch of 0.277mm? Both monitors have a resolution of 1920x1080, but I am not looking for reasons as to why 1920x1200 is better. I would be using this monitor for mostly gaming and text based work (web-surfing, word documents, etc.) Any help is appreciated.
Technically speaking and without regards to the actual panel technology, the smaller the pixel pitch, the sharper images and text will be. However, they will also be smaller.

In this case the difference is so small, I really doubt pixel pitch alone will make much difference. Look for other things that distinguishes one monitor over the other.
They are both identical LG models, just an inch difference in screen size. I didn't know if the smaller pitch is good because things are sharper or bad because things are smaller. And if I get the 23 inch, will I end up missing that extra little bit of space.
Basically, is a 24 inch really that much different than a 23 inch, or is the extra space worth it.

I moved from a 20.1" display with an aspect ratio of 16:10, to a 23" display with an aspect ratio of 16:9 at 1920 x 1080.

And I'm very happy with that move.

I've gained vertical height. I have no horizontal bars with most HD video content (though, I wouldn't stretch the video to eliminate them, either). And the added horizontal proportion is very handy for keeping image editing or word processor palettes and other small windows out of the way of a main function or browser window.

So, if 23" at 16:9 is a move up in size, overall, you'll most likely enjoy it, even if you previously used a smaller 16:10 aspect ratio on a smaller display.

But, in the unlikely chance that you're moving down, in size, from a 24" display at 16:10, to one at 23" and 16:9, you may not appreciate the move so much. Of course, the dot pitch would usually be slightly better on the 23", but not by much.

Please let us all hear what you finally purchase and how you like the result.

Peace to you,
C. Livingstone