2405 - Fullscreen movie problem


Feb 26, 2005
Hi everyones, I just got my 2405FPW 2day and when I play a DVD movie or watch HDTV on my computer at fullscreen, noticed some tearing effects to movement of objects or characters. Yet when i resize its fullscreen to just a lil smaller window all working great....Does anyone has this similar problems? does this mean my LCD is a defective display? Any input is appreciated.
If it was a hardware problem, u'd observe 'tearing' at any size of the video-image. :p Did u try lowering the res and see how it works? prolly ur videocard can't handle or something of that sort. :D
yeah how exactly are you inputting the video? I didnt quite get the full situation here maybe a bit more detail about how everything is set up and what you are using?
Many thanks for the valuable replies. As I have already mentioned about the tearing effect, my rig is PIII 933Mhz 512MB SDRAM w GeForce4 MX440 64MB. The effect is ONLY noticable on fullscreen movie, if i drag the movie window to resize it smaller (say 1cm close to the fullscreen size) and all the tearing is disappeared. I tried to capture some SS at fullscreen and no tearing found on JPEG files. It ONLY happens when the movie is playing and thats it. So I think some of yous are RIGHT, prob the graphic card?!? perhaps..Other than that, my 2405FPW is just a big (_|_) BEAUTY. :)
Im guessing that rig doesnt have enough juice to push the movie at that resolution.
I have heard that PowerDVD has a problem with full screen on the 2405. What DVD software u using?
yeah i would agree with the rig having a problem displaying video at full screen or have you trield using various different players? seeing if those work? Or tryed your monitor on someone elses computer and see if it works?
I have something very similar which I always figured was driver related, but I don't think it can be called tearing. On very large movie window sizes (it doesn't need to be full screen) there are individual lines of the image that are offset by as much as 20 pixels. It's not a deinterlace issue because it shows up when no horozontal change in detail is present. It happens with both DVDs and with MS's HD material. System is a P4 3ghz with a Gf4 4200Ti.
I've posted on this before: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=880105

I have the same problem with an XFX MX4000 running under FreeBSD and XFree86 4.3. I think I've narrowed it down to an XV driver issue:

The problem occurs when I use *any* movie playing program (VLC, Xine, Mplayer, Totem) at 1920x1200 *FULLSCREEN*, with the accelerated XV video output driver. If I resize the window, so that I leave about a 1.5" vertical strip bare at either end of the screen, I don't get tearing.

The problem does not occur while using the X11 software video output driver, with any movie program. However, this driver is slower, and my computer (Athlon XP 2500) cannot keep up at fullscreen using this software driver.

As a stopgap solution, I resize to 1680x1050 in order to watch fullscreen movies. Since the movies are usually less than 350 lines horizontally, I don't really lose much.

I tried an Nvidia 5500 card with 256 MB memory (Chaintech), and the problem went away. I think it is an issue with the XV acceleration on the MX4000 and MX440 series cards.

I've just ordered an XFX 6600GT with dual dvi, so I'll let you know how it works out.
I call this the overlay bug. It only affects full screen video overlays at certain resolutions when using the DVI port on some NVIDIA-based cards. I've seen this problem reported on various forums from time to time, but nobody ever has a real solution. NVIDIA fixed the problem for 6800-based cards in the beta driver, but they never acknowledged the problem in older cards, so I don't know if it's a driver problem or a firmware problem with some cards, but it's definitely not the monitor. You can work around the problem by not using video overlays or by using the VGA port, but those aren't real solutions. The only real solution is to get a different video card.
Actually, I have the problem with VGA on my card (I don't have a DVI output).

I didn't try DVI on the 5500 either, as the EDID problem reared its' ugly head and I wasn't aware of it at the time.
Hmm, this is the first time I've heard of someone experiencing this problem when using the VGA port. I wonder if we're talking about the same problem. The problem I'm talking about sounds exactly like what bchomp described.

As for the other thread, I'm using the 193.16 pixel clock modeline on my GeForce4 Ti 4600 with a Dell 2405FPW on the DVI port using the binary NVIDIA driver in Linux with XFree86 4.3.0. I do get a "mode clock 193.16MHz exceeds DDC maximum 170MHz" warning message in the XFree86 log, but it works anyway. 165 MHz is supposed to be the maximum for single link DVI, so I don't know why it works. This card doesn't experience the overlay bug either. Perhaps the "IgnoreEDID" option will work, but I didn't have to use it.
I have a 6600GT with 2405 and PowerDVD 6. It ran fine at full screen
170 MHz is the maximum clock rate listed in the Dell manual. I don't know if I would run it at 193, but that's just me being paranoid with an expensive display. Did you try the modeline that the monitor communicates by EDID? I posted my XF86Config in another thread.

My problem is *exactly* as described by the OP; I don't think this is a DVI problem, but rather a problem with XV acceleration at high resolutions. Perhaps it is a bandwidth problem?
Hi again,
I have tried different drivers for my video card (from ver28.83 to 43.45) , also atm I am using Avermedia DVB-T tunner card(this has MPEG-2 chip decoder built-in) to watch Digital TV n HDTV and this has its own driver and applications to watch/record TV and Mpeg-2 movies. They all have the tearing effect at fullscreen. So....I am not 100% sure that my GF4 MX440 is faulty or the tunner cards problem. But, watching movies @ 1cm smaller than its actual size is just a CINEMA like experience nevertheless.... :DCheers!!!
zoo25 said:
Hi again,
I have tried different drivers for my video card (from ver28.83 to 43.45) , also atm I am using Avermedia DVB-T tunner card(this has MPEG-2 chip decoder built-in) to watch Digital TV n HDTV and this has its own driver and applications to watch/record TV and Mpeg-2 movies. They all have the tearing effect at fullscreen. So....I am not 100% sure that my GF4 MX440 is faulty or the tunner cards problem. But, watching movies @ 1cm smaller than its actual size is just a CINEMA like experience nevertheless.... :DCheers!!!

so wait... lets slow down a little, is ALL of the video that is giving you the problem coming in through the tuner card? or is it doing it with other video as well?
PowerDVD XP, Avermedia DigitalTV application, WIndows Media Player 9...all video playback applications have the same effect when maximized to fullscreen. I dont know whether the applications running based on my GF4 MX440 or tunner card, so i can not tell...
zoo25 said:
PowerDVD XP, Avermedia DigitalTV application, WIndows Media Player 9...all video playback applications have the same effect when maximized to fullscreen. I dont know whether the applications running based on my GF4 MX440 or tunner card, so i can not tell...

all of those things would/should be running off the gf4 mx440 which all signs seem to point to being your problem, try swaping it out fora friends card or something or get a new one if you got the big bucks
zoo25 said:
PowerDVD XP, Avermedia DigitalTV application, WIndows Media Player 9...all video playback applications have the same effect when maximized to fullscreen. I dont know whether the applications running based on my GF4 MX440 or tunner card, so i can not tell...

Like I mentioned, this sounds like the overlay bug I was talking about, which means it will affect ALL video overlays, no matter what the source. Did you try using the VGA port?
What drivers are you using? I had the exact same problem until I updated the video drivers to the new 71.89. I'm running a 6800 GT BTW, so it might not work in your case like someone else already mentioned.
I've now installed my 6600GT.

No problems, DVI works great.

You should change your card.