2405 theory


Mar 7, 2003
Hope no one minds this thread. :)

I was just thinking that with so many incredible deals on Dells 2405 screen, that maybe dell is trying to unload them for something new? Anyone hear anything about something coming up?

ps apologies if it has been asked before.
epicstruggle said:
Hope no one minds this thread. :)

I was just thinking that with so many incredible deals on Dells 2405 screen, that maybe dell is trying to unload them for something new? Anyone hear anything about something coming up?

ps apologies if it has been asked before.

Maybe, but maybe not. Remember this is DELL. They have serious buying power and competive pricing thats very hard to beat though some quality issues have hurt that. A 30" is probably on its way in some point in time but when the 2005 first came out, it was the excect same chaos. Suge a huge LCD *at the time* for such a killer price, the 2405 just repeated the procedure.

24" is plenty big, I couldn't justify getting larger, not to mention my video card woudln't handle it to well.
I wouldn't get anything bigger than a 2405fpw... mine is already big and probably at times too big.

I don't think that they are comming out with any new item, the holidays are comming up and they are gearing them according. Their purchasing power is huge so they get great discounts on massive quantities. Also, remember, they are trying to push their sales with coupons and rebates... so they might be comming up short on their sales estimates and started pushing these out for cut-throat prices and counting them as a full sale.
Ahh yes, I forgot. Dell is the Wal-Mart of the computer industry, they have BULK of almost everything, either premade or made themselves and as we all know, the more you have of something, the more you can lower its price and make up for cost and loss in sales of items. *you should see Wal-marts warehouses, holy shit!!*

Hell, my LCD needed to be manufactured when I ordered it, so that should tell you something about supply and demand of Dell products.
epicstruggle said:
Hope no one minds this thread. :)

I was just thinking that with so many incredible deals on Dells 2405 screen, that maybe dell is trying to unload them for something new? Anyone hear anything about something coming up?

ps apologies if it has been asked before.

they had specials on it since day one. Serious.
I think the next generation of LCD's from dell will be Ultrabright screens. They will have similar sizes, but with the Ultrabright technology like they have on newer laptops.
i would think the next type of LCDs to come are ones with higher pixel density. instead of 72 pixels per inch, 300 pixels per inch.
It was just bugging me that dell was trying to dump these monitors to make room for the next best thing. I guess i should check myself in to the loony bin for seeing conspiracies over such great prices. lol.

Nah they had great deals when the monitor first came out as well. I think what they do is have short time deals to flood the market a bit and get people talking about the monitor again, get owners of the monitor hyped and talking about how much they love the monitor which in turn gets people with little patience excited and wanting to own one so they purchase the monitor at the full price (Dell is still probably making a ton of money off these even selling the monitor at $700 as well)
Anything bigger than this 24" would be better off for movies than gaming. Not to mention the setup you'd need to run games at it's native resolution. Heck you need TDMI to run the high end Apple Cinema displays...
epicstruggle said:
It was just bugging me that dell was trying to dump these monitors to make room for the next best thing. I guess i should check myself in to the loony bin for seeing conspiracies over such great prices. lol.
They have to have new models almost ready to go. The current crop has been out for about a year now and Dell needs to introduce panels that offer 8-12 ms response time, if not lower. Every other manufacturer has these speeds now and Dell will follow suit. My prediction is their 19, 20, 21 and 25 inch panels we're seeing 30-35% discounts on now will be more like 50% discounts by the end of the year after they are discontinued in favor of the new lineup. Who's going to want a slow 20 ms resposne time when the new ones have 8? Besides me, that is. I'm waiting patiently.
cold solder said:
They have to have new models almost ready to go. The current crop has been out for about a year now and Dell needs to introduce panels that offer 8-12 ms response time, if not lower. Every other manufacturer has these speeds now and Dell will follow suit. My prediction is their 19, 20, 21 and 25 inch panels we're seeing 30-35% discounts on now will be more like 50% discounts by the end of the year after they are discontinued in favor of the new lineup. Who's going to want a slow 20 ms resposne time when the new ones have 8? Besides me, that is. I'm waiting patiently.

What are you talking about? the 2405's don't have 20ms response time :confused: Try more like 8ms if not less.
gizo said:
i would think the next type of LCDs to come are ones with higher pixel density. instead of 72 pixels per inch, 300 pixels per inch.

I think you got a little bit carried away here. If you look at Dell 2405, at 0.27mm dot pitch we get 25.4/0.27 = 94.07 dpi
At your desired 300dpi the 1920x1200 resolution screen size would be about 6.4"x4"
I sure as hell don't want to try to read text on a display like that, but than again maybe you have eagle vision ;)

What I personally would like to see is 26" widescreen with 1920x1200 based on IPS technology with a bit higher contrast ratio, of course with HDCP. Now that would be a perfect one.
I hope we see something new and exciting from dell. They havent let me down yet, but the wait is killing me.

epicstruggle said:
I hope we see something new and exciting from dell. They havent let me down yet, but the wait is killing me.


Christmas time is typically not a good time to release newer consumer brand electronics for obvious reasons, you'll probably have to wait until 2006.
Ockie said:
What are you talking about? the 2405's don't have 20ms response time :confused: Try more like 8ms if not less.
Bzzzzzzt! Wrong. But thanks for playing. :p
Even Dell only claims 12 ms.
PRAD reports it's 12 ms for grey-to-grey rsponse time, but an overall average of 16 ms.
THG measured it for themselves and found it was closer to 20 ms.
If the response time of the 2405FPW was 8 ms I would have bought one months ago. Who told you it was 8? I get a kick out of people who pull numbers out of thin air and waste no time in telling somebody else they're wrong.
The response time is "good enough" for me. I don't notice it (maybe you do), but since I already have one...I'm happy with it. :)
SB22 said:
I think the next generation of LCD's from dell will be Ultrabright screens. They will have similar sizes, but with the Ultrabright technology like they have on newer laptops.

But this screen is already 500 nits! My Sony 19" Clearbright screen is only 400 nits and this screen looks a little better than the Sony.
1c3d0g said:
The response time is "good enough" for me. I don't notice it (maybe you do), but since I already have one...I'm happy with it. :)
Oh I agree 100%. If you're not a real picky gamer it's definitely good enough for games, and s superior display for many other tasks. If my theory is right they'll be replacing them with a new lineup just because they have to keep up with the Jonses, so to speak. When everyone else is offering - or claiming anyway - 4, 6 or 8 ms response time Dell can't just sit around and let people think they're not trying to keep up. Hey, maybe I'm wrong and Dell might stick with these for another year. They are very good monitors.