2405FPW owners - please read, dead pixel survey


Oct 13, 2004
I've had my 2405FPW for less than two weeks, and since I got it I've been reading every thread I can find about it, particularly pertaining to dead/bad pixels, just to hear what other people are saying about it. Personally, I think it's an awesome display, especially since I paid only $800. :D

As for the dead/bad pixel issue, in most posts I've read about the 2405FPW, owners are saying that they have zero or maybe a couple of dead pixels. In my opinion, I either have a lemon of a monitor, or everyone else out there is blind. Using the Dead Pixel Tester found here: http://www.dps.uk.com/freeware_DTP.htm I've found 10-15+ bad pixels on my screen. I set DPT to solid black, and set the brightness to 100%, and scoured the whole screen for a good ten minutes, and found a ton of bad pixels. They're not "dead" but display some sort of color other than black when on a black background. There are a few that are a bright white-ish color, fairly easily visible at about a one-to-two foot distance from the screen. The others are a faint color - blue, red, or a combination of colors, and are only visible if you move your head from side to side with your nose practically touching the screen. In normal use, you would never see any of these bad pixels unless you were looking for them, but the fact that they're there bothers me.

I find it hard to believe that my screen has 10-15+ bad pixels, and everyone else has a near perfect monitor. So to all 2405FPW owners out there, please take a few minutes and check your screen using the free DPT in the link above and post your results. I need to decide if it's worth calling Dell to get this thing exchanged.

Thanks in advance to everyone who posts their findings.
My first one had close to six stuck/dead pixels. I excanged it for another one and this one only has one dead one in the upper left corner. It is stuck in on postion and can only be seen against a dark background. I can live with just one bad pixel.
I do think that some owners may not want to check for DP. If they dont see it in everyday use, they may not want to mind-fuck themselves in thinking their shit is bad.

On the otherhand, I hate that you got duped like that. I hope that you get enough supporters to make this poblem more well known and I hope that Dell fixes ur shit.

10 pixels is alot, Ill admit that.
No dead/stuck pixels on mine. :) At least i can't find any after searching for a good long time.
Mine is still pixel perfect. I check every so often too see if any pop up. But if I had a couple that I could not see during regular viewing I would let it go. But would keep watch in case more turned up.
I've run DPT several times on my 2405 since it was delivered on Friday. No dead/stuck pixels, yet, but I'll continue checking my LCD regularly during the 21-day return window.

My previous monitor, a Dell 2001FP, had no dead/stuck pixels, either. About nine months after using it, however, I finally noticed a stuck blue pixel in the center of the screen. I probably would've tried to exchange it, but the 2405 was released, so I bought it instead and just gave my 2001 to my brother.
I have one sub-pixel that shows up a light-green tint when I have a white background. It is VERY hard to see. I would consider it a complete non-issue (bottom left corner).

I didn't see it (or any other combo) in any other color. The main thing is I have no stuck pixels.

I'm VERY happy with my 2405. What an awsome LCD.

P.S.: I've had it nearly 2 weeks now. What a dream for only $980 delivered.
I have used DPT almost daily to look for dead pixels. I have found none. I have had my 2405 for about 1 week now.
im considering sending it back, cuz of one pixel that is green on black, but i think i can live with it....but since it cant hurt i might try b4 my 21 day is over

but u never know, cuz u can get one much worse after a few days go by and they pop up out of nowhere
Why use a program to check for dead or stuck pixels??
If you cant see it in normal daily use then surely it isnt an issue.

I have had my screen for 3 days now and havent seen any dead/stuck pixels but I sure as hell aint going to use a program to go looking for them.
coneypark said:
Why use a program to check for dead or stuck pixels??
If you cant see it in normal daily use then surely it isnt an issue.

I have had my screen for 3 days now and havent seen any dead/stuck pixels but I sure as hell aint going to use a program to go looking for them.

well for 1 g some ppl want it as perfect as possible if the option is there
I have one stuck on in the lower left hand corner really close to edge of the screen. I noticed it right away but thought it was dust. But it turns out it's a dead pixel. If I had no other choice, it dosn't bother me to keep it as is. But since Dell has a 21 day total satisfaction policy, I'm going to get a replacement. Hey, it cost $760 after all. That's a lot fo money.
I set DPT to solid black, and set the brightness to 100%, and scoured the whole screen for a good ten minutes

I looked for a solid twelve seconds and found nothing. That's twelve seconds on each color background, mind. :p
I had none but after about a week one black dot showed up on the top-left of the screen when the screen is bluue. Other than that it's fine.
I have used the display about 12 hours/day for a week now. No dead pixels per 'dead pixel tester'. :)

I was pretty suprised to hear cavalry12 say that he had 6 dead ones. I've only heard of that kind of rate on the 2005. :eek:
I have only found one and it's been there since I got the monitor 03/03/2005. Heres a closeup of the suck pixel, a little blurry as it's hard to focus that close. I think there might be a little "lens flare" from the pixel and hence the green flow to the lower right of the pixel. Monitor at 100% black, 10sec exposure, 100% crop.

My first display had a single dead pixel about 2 in. from the top of the screen, pretty much dead center. Called Dell about it and my new screen was delivered today (took them a week to ship it). Just ran Dead Pixel Tester and, happily, the panel looks defect-free out of the box. I hope that it stays that way.
I recieved mine 5 days ago.. It was perfect. Not a single dead pixel. Calibrated it with colorvision's spyder pro and it is absolutly amazing... :D
If you got a new one exahgned to you, where did it come from? I got one exchanged to me but it came from Ohio and I thought only refurbished ones come from Ohio? There appeared to be fingerprints on it which makes me think it is refurbished. Also, when you move it around it seems like something is moving around inside,

I'm disappointed in Dell. So I asked and got approved for an exchange due to a dead pixel last Monday. I called today to ask them for the status. They said they are waiting for my serial number. I said "What?!?". The first CSR never asked me for it although I had it, he said I was good to go. If they were waiting for a serial number, why didn't they tell me? Now they say that can't do anyting until Monday. My 21 days are running short. If I don't get a replacement at least a day before my 21st day, I'm just going to return it on principal.
how do we do exhanges with dell? Do they just send u another monitor first and you ship urs out later?
and doesnt dell have a system in place for returns of more than three or somehting....like the lemon law?
Pkirk618 said:
how do we do exhanges with dell? Do they just send u another monitor first and you ship urs out later?

Called Dell and they gave me an order number for a new display. Display arrived in about a week with a return shipping label included. Packed up the old display, placed the return shipping label on the box covering the original shipping label and called DHL. Driver arrived the next day, picked up the original display and provided me with a receipt. Done deal.
Cheval said:
If you got a new one exahgned to you, where did it come from? I got one exchanged to me but it came from Ohio and I thought only refurbished ones come from Ohio? There appeared to be fingerprints on it which makes me think it is refurbished. Also, when you move it around it seems like something is moving around inside,


My replacement display came from Texas. Interestingly, the display that I returned to Dell went to a company called 'Decision One' located in Grove City, Ohio.

If your display was shipped via DHL, their headquarters is in Wilmington, Ohio. This may not be where your shipment originated, it may just be the sort facility where it was scanned and sorted by DHL.
My Dell replacement rant. So I called a week ago for a replacement. Everything seemingly went fine. I called on Friday to see what the shipping status was. They CSR tells me that they are waiting for me to give them my serial number. I say "what?!?". The CSR on Monday didn't say anything about the serial number. Was I magically supposed to know that they wanted it? Anyway, I called in again today and gave yet another CSR my serial number. She says she was puzzled that they wanted my serial number for a replacement. She says she's never seen that before. So now supposedly they'll send me a replacement. Not too surprisingly, it'll arrive after my 21 day total satisfaction guarantee runs out because of the delay of a week. How convenient for Dell. I talked to the supervisor about all this and his basic attitude was "tough".
puppyfriend said:
My Dell replacement rant. So I called a week ago for a replacement. Everything seemingly went fine. I called on Friday to see what the shipping status was. They CSR tells me that they are waiting for me to give them my serial number. I say "what?!?". The CSR on Monday didn't say anything about the serial number. Was I magically supposed to know that they wanted it? Anyway, I called in again today and gave yet another CSR my serial number. She says she was puzzled that they wanted my serial number for a replacement. She says she's never seen that before. So now supposedly they'll send me a replacement. Not too surprisingly, it'll arrive after my 21 day total satisfaction guarantee runs out because of the delay of a week. How convenient for Dell. I talked to the supervisor about all this and his basic attitude was "tough".

same thing here that i didnt bother with an exchange...i figure within time these would naturally develop one or two stuck pixels anyway. the only diff is that i got some indian lady who i had to repeat the sn with 20 times because her english was poor. they'll send u a survey so if u felt it was poor write down the complaints and the name of the guy
Pixel perfect, vivid images, but DANG. What's up with the high pitched whine? It's not loud, but it cuts into my brain, even over the computer fan noise. Sigh, looks like this may be going back, but before I do, can others verify that they do not have this problem? Thanks!
Well after over a weeks time my replacement finally developed a dead pixel. Stuck green on black or dark backgrounds. Doesn't show up on white. It's about 1" up from the bottom, dead center. I will not be doing an exchange/return for this as it's very difficult to notice and may have been there for a while before I saw it.
I'm whine free and I'm very sensitive to it. I'm the kind of guy that puts heatsinks on the flyback transformers of CRTs to keep the whine to a minimum.

Oh, about my rant. For some reason, I only get the US call center so there isn't a communication problem.

orama said:
Pixel perfect, vivid images, but DANG. What's up with the high pitched whine? It's not loud, but it cuts into my brain, even over the computer fan noise. Sigh, looks like this may be going back, but before I do, can others verify that they do not have this problem? Thanks!
I sorta figured the dead/stuck pixels would start showing up more on the 2405FPW when people started really looking for them. I imagine most people just look at the display and since they dont use a program to test different solid backgrounds you just simply can't see them usually.

I have the 2005FPW and i've went through three so far trying to find one with zero dead pixels but it just isn't happening. The one i have now only has two or three that i can see using Dead Pixel Buddy on a solid black background and i can't see them the rest of the time so i'm satisfied.
what if u can't see them (dead pixels) when using Dead Pixel Buddy? Does it mean there are not there or just that u r blind? ;) :D :p
old times --> If a tree falls down and no one's there to hear it, did it make a sound?

new times --> If there's a dead pixel and no one can see it, is there really a dead pixel?

Cheval said:
old times --> If a tree falls down and no one's there to hear it, did it make a sound?

new times --> If there's a dead pixel and no one can see it, is there really a dead pixel?


it sorta answers itself when you say if THERE'S. sorta like if the world is round when people thought it was flat. just because people don't know doesn't mean there is a factual truth

but its normal for an lcd i guess, just like after time a tv tube will loose it's brightness with time