2407 backlight question


Sep 20, 2005
I just recieved my replacement 2407 (rev02) from dell. The first one I got was a 00 but it did have the updated firmware that fixed the banding problem and text blur.

There is a huge difference between the brightness of both panels. It seems that the backlight in the older version is much stronger. I have to turn the brightness up to 100% with this new monitor to make it look right. Is that ok or would I be better off keeping the older one since there seems to be no difference other then some color tweaking in the firmware. I have never had an lcd and I'm worried that it will only become less bright over time.

Return both. Return the first for the old firmware, and call dell and speak to a representetive about returning the new one for a replacement. You don't have to deal with choosing between the two, make sure you get one that is both the latest firmware and well backlit.
I didn't consider that it could be a defect. Can anyone with a rev02 comment on this? Is your brightness set to 100?
I have an A02 and if I don't turn the brightness down to about 30 it feels like it's burning out my retinas. I also came from an A00, and the brightness on the two monitors is identical so far as I can tell.