2407wfp-hc owners, your reports?

I recieved mine today. Comparing it to my 2001FP might be unfair, but with default settings, the HC has much more vibrant colors as far as web-browsing goes and desktop usage goes (which is probably understood). Whites look white instead of the slight off-white of my older monitor. Blacks are nice and solid to my eye. I haven't installed any games yet since I just reformatted my PC but I'll try to get something going soon. Viewing it from the side is clean, no banding or color changes as far as I can tell.

Info on the sticker:
Made in Mexico. April 2007, Version A00.

Is there anything else I should check? I'm very new to putting a monitor through its paces like you guys so any advice is appreciated. Programs to run, etc?

No dead pixels as far as my roommates and I can tell. =)
It would be helpful if somebody would know how to activate the service menu and check the panel type.

But it would be great if you could connect a CRT to the same card and run the stopwatch test to check the input lag. Hopefully, it would be like on the LG and not as high as on the Benq.
I have a CRT I could connect to my PC. Any links to this stopwatch program with a handy dandy how-to guide so I can test it for you all ?

I tried getting into the service menu following the directions shown on wikipedia but was unable to get it to work. I'll keep poking around, someone is bound to know. =)

And I can honestly say, the white's on the screen are quite blinding when you've been surfing in the dark for an hour. =)
Mine arrived Monday, July 9. I am very happy. Here is a summary so far:

1. The service menu does not identify panel type. There are two numbers which I can not identify V1B07 and DR880 in the top header. There is a part number DELL 2407WFP-HC. Everything else is set up data like presets, etc.
2. The back sticker does not identify panel type. Mine was made in Mexico. Another user has reported their unit was made in China (He has had two from China with skewed Bezel alignment).
3. No dead or stuck pixels.
4. The colors are very uniform and pretty stable with viewing angle.
5. Very little backlight bleed around the edges in a dark room. Its uniform. Might do a long term camera exposure some night to measure it better than my eyes do.
6. The colors are beautiful, wonderful, awesome, etc. I am very happy.
7. The lowest two or three blacks are "crushed". I tried to separate them by raising the brightness but its not possible in a lighted room. Plan to try again in the dark some night. Its only the very lowest and its not a problem for me right now.

I also bought a Spyder2 Suite. Made one run at calibrating yesterday afternoon. I need to do it again in the dark some night. But it definitely helped and I found several things.
1. The white balance "out of the box" was a little red. Easily cleared with the user controls for RGB and the Spyder2.
2. The gamma was a little off. This is where the Spyder (or any other calibration) is most helpful.
3. It is even better after calibration, beautiful, wonderful, terrific, awesome, etc.

Other observations.
1. I dont game and my reflexes are too slow to comment on lag times but I dont notice any smearing artifacts.
2. The stand is nice, good quality and easy to adjust but I put mine on an arm support so I can swing it closer when I need.
3. Its heavy, 18 lbs according to Dell.
4. My ATI X600 has some trouble keeping up but I expected that.
5. I use it in landscape mode but its viewing angles are uniform and prtrait mode should be no problem.

Did I say I was happy?
