240GB RevoDrive 3 SSD for Mere $212 Shipped

shiiiit would this be worth it? I have some cash and its burning a friggin hole in my pocket!
Trust me.. Its burning a hole in my pocket as well. I'm putting a few extra things on ebay to pay for it. I've just always wanted a PCI-E solution and here it is. I'm thinking i will put it in my wifes photoshop/Illustrator box. I know its way way overkill but jeeezzzz
212.49 here in Mississippi. Do i need it... nope. Do i want it to slap in my AMD 6 core, 16 gigs of ram Adobe box.. heck yes!
Damn hot deal, but for 98% of users the purchase would mainly be for shits and giggles. Ain't many folks in need of this kinda speed vs your typical intel/Samsung/Sandforce configs (till the 500GB+ drives drop in price, I'm still pleased as punch running an old ass intel g2).

Still... It's pretty fuggin tempting if only for the fun factor. Say it really loud with oomph. REVODRIVE!!! Brings to mind images of Buck Rogers driving those funky Pakistani cars with Twiki riding shotgun and continually screaming "Revodrive RevoDRIVE REVODRIVE!!"
damn that would be awesome (1000/900mb read/write!)

does they really jack up boot times that badly tho?
Looks neat on paper, but it sounds like a pain in the ass to get windows working properly on this.
It works fine with windows. But some motherboards does have issues with these drives. As far as linux I couldn't comment. But I had zero issues with mine with windows. Note this drive takes a little longer to boot. As the drive is in raid-0 form with 4 smaller drives. You also have no trim support because of the raid-0. If you are looking for a fast boot ssd, then this isn't for you. But for just fast speed then yes this is the drive for you. Plus you don't run in a bandwidth problem with the pci-express slot like you would on the sata controller. Thanks
not a bad deal but it's just 2 120gbs in a raid 0 on a pci express card. 120gb vertex 4s have been on sale regularly for well under 100. You could just pick 2 up and raid them yourself and save a few $$.
not a bad deal but it's just 2 120gbs in a raid 0 on a pci express card. 120gb vertex 4s have been on sale regularly for well under 100. You could just pick 2 up and raid them yourself and save a few $$.
So 2 vertex4's in raid have the same or equal to speeds of the revodrive?

I'm not too familiar with raid anything.
but then you would have 120GB, not 240.

If you ran a RAID1 (Mirror), then yes, you'd only have 120GB.

However this card, if what Kardonxt says is correct, runs them as a RAID0 (Stripe), which results in 240GB.
not a bad deal but it's just 2 120gbs in a raid 0 on a pci express card. 120gb vertex 4s have been on sale regularly for well under 100. You could just pick 2 up and raid them yourself and save a few $$.

That is wrong information. It is 4 x 60Gb drives in raid-0. After it is formatted it will be 4 x 55Gb in raid-0.


Not the exact same drive but the design is still the same. But I'm just showing it so everyone will know. Thanks
Not sure if I would want to get this drive. I'll just wait for the larger SSD drives.
That is wrong information. It is 4 x 60Gb drives in raid-0. After it is formatted it will be 4 x 55Gb in raid-0.

Not the exact same drive but the design is still the same. But I'm just showing it so everyone will know. Thanks

So twice the number of drives to fail as before. :p

Thanks for extra info though; always good to know.
This is an amazing deal for an idea that's not completely new. It's not a bad price point either. I just switched to an enterprise level SSD for a LAMP server, but something like this seems to be a single thing instead of like an array of drives something you can put in a hot swap bay. I also would like to know about the reliability. If it is 4 separate drives, then if something fails on one you cannot replace it without switching the entire card.

EDIT: I have a good SSD in my gaming machine, and an enterprise level SSD in my LAMP server. The gaming machine SSD is twice as fast, but the enterprise level SSD is rated for an unbelievable amount of wear which I probably won't hit in 5 years of heavy use of the server.
not a bad deal but it's just 2 120gbs in a raid 0 on a pci express card. 120gb vertex 4s have been on sale regularly for well under 100. You could just pick 2 up and raid them yourself and save a few $$.

The selling point isn't just the speed of the ssd itself, but also that the Revodrive uses PCIe versus oversaturation of SATA 6GBs. For folks who frequently move large amounts of data between home and work/school, that alone can be well worth it. Use the Revodrive as the primary repository in the home machine, and mount a traditional ssd in a removable hotswap bay for quick data migration to the remote machines.
I was asked this in a pm. I will also share it here about the trim issue.

It does garbage collection when it is idle. The Revodrive3 x2 does support TRIM, but the Windows 7 does not support TRIM through the SCSI miniport at the moment, only AHCI. Since Win7 does not support any type of SCSI/SAS controller type configuration it can't trim. Perhaps windows 8 will do support for the drives.

Hopefully this will clear up everything. Thanks
That is wrong information. It is 4 x 60Gb drives in raid-0. After it is formatted it will be 4 x 55Gb in raid-0.


Not the exact same drive but the design is still the same. But I'm just showing it so everyone will know. Thanks

Thanks for the info K
Startup and Shutdown times are pretty close to any SSD drive, very tempting though for my next build.
Terrible, terrible product from an even more terrible company. Stay away from any Revodrive model unless you like the idea of a paper weight with no resale value when the any one of the multiple points of failure go south on you. Reasons why have been discussed ad nauseum in the data storage forum, just search on revodrive in there. 50 cent SiliconImage PCI-X raid controller from 8 years ago isn't doing it any favors either, and when it comes time to secure erase to restore performance, guess what - have to break the raid and secure erase all drives individually then recreate raid. The list of gotchas goes on.

With 240GB Sandisk Extremes to be had for $149 there's just no reason to waste money on this half-realized experimental tech, sorry.
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Terrible, terrible product from an even more terrible company. Stay away from any Revodrive model unless you like the idea of a paper weight with no resale value when the any one of the multiple points of failure go south on you. Reasons why have been discussed ad nauseum in the data storage forum, just search on revodrive in there. 50 cent SiliconImage PCI-X raid controller from 8 years ago isn't doing it any favors either, and when it comes time to secure erase to restore performance, guess what - have to break the raid and secure erase all drives individually then recreate raid. The list of gotchas goes on.

With 240GB Sandisk Extremes to be had for $149 there's just no reason to waste money on this half-realized experimental tech, sorry.
Have any links to all of your claims? I have heard way more positive news regarding revo drives than negative ones like this.
Also OCZ isnt the only company dabbling in "experimental" PCI-E drives
Terrible, terrible product from an even more terrible company. Stay away from any Revodrive model unless you like the idea of a paper weight with no resale value when the any one of the multiple points of failure go south on you. Reasons why have been discussed ad nauseum in the data storage forum, just search on revodrive in there. 50 cent SiliconImage PCI-X raid controller from 8 years ago isn't doing it any favors either, and when it comes time to secure erase to restore performance, guess what - have to break the raid and secure erase all drives individually then recreate raid. The list of gotchas goes on.

With 240GB Sandisk Extremes to be had for $149 there's just no reason to waste money on this half-realized experimental tech, sorry.

that sandisk drives performance is also close to 'paperweight' when compared to the revo's performance

I am not seeing much besides some banter with little evidence behind them about the revo's, and then some glowing reviews of them?
Does anyone know if Fry's B&M carries these? Their online inventory is usually incorrect (it says, for example, that they only carry one OCZ product - a trip to my location says otherwise).

I'd love to have one on hand this weekend to test out.