24V to 12V AC step down converter??


Cornflake Pisser
Feb 26, 2001
Does anyone know where I can obtain a small device that will convert 24V AC to 12V AC? The smaller the better! I appreciate any help at all, google's not yeilding much thus far.
No, this is AC. I'm working on a way to run 24 V out of an air conditioner and into a wireless switch that takes 12 V. The magnetic switch is used to shut off the AC when a sliding door is opened. Unfortunatly, the control part is not battery powered so I've been sent out to find a solution. I figured this would be a great place to ask since God knows the things modders and engineers here have come across to accomplish random quirky tasks.

Device w/ papers:
I've been looking into that as well, still not finding something. Anyone got a direction to point at? Thanks for the help thus far.

Ok, so I've been told this now:


24V AC --> 12 V AC


240 V AC --> 12 V AC


120 V AC --> 12 V AC
Problem solved. Found they make and don't advertise a "universal" version that takes 12-30 VAC. Thanks for the help anyway guys!