.25 cent games, vs "Other"


Nov 13, 2005
Ok, so...Ive been out of the loop for...well, look at my last build in my sig. Last time I built a computer, Dual cores were still expensive. Yeah, its been a while (still have that exact same computer too :) ). Now that ive advanced enough in my job and not a complete pee-on :rolleyes: I have more time to put back into what I really like to do. GAME (and build computers).

Even back then...there was always a FUSS about how this game has bugs, that game not so many, this game, you have to do this and that and the other to make it work right. I see now, that ive been, lets say, getting re-aquianted (sp), NOTHING has changed.

So, It brought up a curious question (as I stand here outside drinking my beer :D ), which platform, console, PC or the good ol quarter games of the 80's, had less "BUGS"?

As I recall, when I put a quarter into, say, Donkey Kong (showing my age), I didnt ever have an issue. Granted it was, what, 8bit games, but still, the question remains.....

What happened to do something RIGHT and with QUALITY?

So. If I run down and buy an Xbox and the game Skyrim (or any other). Will it have the same bugs as do the PC version of the same game?

Again, im outta the loop (but relearning), so sorry to bring up a topic already consumed many times.
Modern games are complicated. Bugs will happen from time to time. To make something completely bug free would be infeasible because it would increase costs and delay the game coming out. Most of these games don't have game killing bugs and thanks to the advent of high speed internet, fixing games with patches is trivial. In the end, as it always has been, it is about sales and profit for the producers. If something is unprofitable, it isn't worth doing.
OMG!!! That is...man, that is...Its, its F'in beautiful.

If only we can get people (companies) to see it from the other side of the fence..

If something IS profitable, it IS worth doing.....RIGHT"

Im semi old school, what can I say :cool: