2900 XTX flagship just sunk! =P

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Limp Gawd
Nov 6, 2006

ATI's new flagship card, the 2900 XTX, cannot surpass the 8800 GTX. rotfl

All this talk about how great the card would be. The 8800 GTX is overclocked and it beats the 2900 by a hefty margin. Even if it wasn't, I'm betting it would still beat it. All the ATI backers are going to be crying their eyes out.

Not good for ATI. Not good for competition. Bet Nvidia's having a chuckle and a few beers over this one.

Sorry, it's only because there is already a hefty debate. ;)

Better luck next time. :D
And perhaps you should read that it has been talked/confirmed that those benchies are a hoax and not no were near true by several people/sites. Anyone who goes off on speculation as fact needs their head examined first. I won't be making any comment till i see factual data (good or bad) then make my descion.
So it's repost. I didn't see it in the ATI section until afterwards. Take a valium and post something constructive....if that's possible.
I don't know why Nvidia phanboys would get a kick out of this... if it's true, it just means they'll be paying a ton more for Nvidia cards due to lack of competition.
And perhaps you should read that it has been talked/confirmed that those benchies are a hoax and not no were near true by several people/sites. Anyone who goes off on speculation as fact needs their head examined first. I won't be making any comment till i see factual data (good or bad) then make my descion.

Nothing was confirmed, just "talked". We have no indication that these numbers are true or false. At this point, they are just unconfirmed benchmarks, which are added to the R600 rumor mill.

But one thing is confirmed. There's already a thread about this, in the ATI sub-forum. There's no need for another. I vote for close.
And perhaps you should read that it has been talked/confirmed that those benchies are a hoax and not no were near true by several people/sites. Anyone who goes off on speculation as fact needs their head examined first. I won't be making any comment till i see factual data (good or bad) then make my descion.

Hoax? Not likely coming from a legitimate source likely Dailytech.

Sunk is pretty much it. They are going to have to bring this product to market as an underdog and market it that way. They can certainly be successful doing so, but it's no G80 killer by any means. Without miracle driver optimization it won't be either.
Nothing was confirmed, just "talked". We have no indication that these numbers are true or false. At this point, they are just unconfirmed benchmarks, which are added to the R600 rumor mill.

But one thing is confirmed. There's already a thread about this, in the ATI sub-forum. There's no need for another. I vote for close.

Btw, if vote to close became a popular option on this site, 90% of threads would be closed as duplicates.

Like I said, take a valium and post something constructive.
Drivers not optimized yet. Hopefully. :rolleyes:

I'm waiting til the dust settles on this DX10 stuff, oh yeah not to mention the GAMES.
Easy fella, I don't think anyone's raising their blood pressure over this. Simply letting you know is all. No need to get defensive, we've all made and continue to make mistakes.

But, as the author you do have the option to close your own threads. Just FYI. ;)

Be :cool:
I don't know why Nvidia phanboys would get a kick out of this... if it's true, it just means they'll be paying a ton more for Nvidia cards due to lack of competition.

Jeezus.... you keep asking for constructive feedback, and yet when you get constructive feedback, ie the above quoted post, you ignore it...

Nobody is really going to know how ATI's card will perform until they are released and in use... and that hasn't happened yet, sooo.....
It's been pretty much confirmed by those "in-the-know" that this wasn't a real HD 2900 XTX benched but was instead an OEM part which quite possibly could be a FireGL version. The FireGL would have the lower clocks because it has to be under load for longer periods of time and it would also have the extended design to be locked into a workstation. The drivers for FireGL cards are also optimized for workstation graphics and not gaming so it would explain lower performance.
Something constructive like your flamebait OP?

Yeah, masa, honestly. I have an 8800 and I like nVidia's stuff, but to go so far to make a flamebait post like yours shows real determination to throw out the other side.
I don't know why Nvidia phanboys would get a kick out of this... if it's true, it just means they'll be paying a ton more for Nvidia cards due to lack of competition.

Exactly. Without competition, either company would be feeding us 7600GT level cards for twice the price....

I have always bought whatever was the best at the point I was ready to buy. No phanboy here....

Anybody that wants AMD/Intel or ATI/NV to die out, is just plain stupid.
I go back n forth between nvidia and ATi all the time. I'll be more disappointed once everyone gets a hold of the R600 and benches them, assuming the results are the same as DT's.

Originally Posted by william_fontaine
I don't know why Nvidia phanboys would get a kick out of this... if it's true, it just means they'll be paying a ton more for Nvidia cards due to lack of competition.

I'm partially glad simply because this means my 8800GTS wont depreciate as rapidly. I paid $380 before shipping and taxes for my card back in December and the prices are around the same (less if you're one that includes AR in the price). The longer my card hold its value, the better it is for me. It means all those people that told me to wait for the R600 and to wait for prices to drop can go shove it. :)
This must be the worst flamebait I have seen this year in any forums. OP should take a IQ check immidiately.

I dunno how moderators can look in to the mirror with good conscience while knowing this kinda rubbish post is degradating their forums. Lock this up please.
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