2D Lag with PCI Video Card


Nov 13, 2003
So i decided to built a Dualcore Atom system and throw in a pci videocard,

picked up a Sparkle 8500GT 256mb card to put in the system, and was rather suprized at how useless the system began to feel.

Everything in windows just lagged and felt slow, I disabled the onboard video and uninstalled all the drivers. Its pretty sad when the intel graphics actually made the system faster.

Any ideas why the system would behave like this? Yes I know the pci bus is rather limiting but it can't be THAT limiting in windows environments. Would it have something to do with the pci latency timer in the bios?

The dualcore atom is actually pretty zippy in windows for some light multitasking (4 threads FTW)
I have kind of the same problem with my Atom 230 / 8400 GS PCI system. When I first installed the 8400 I hooked it up to my 30" LCD and when you minimized a window you could see it redraw the screen. However, when I started WMP and played a DVD fullscreen it did not have any issues redrawing the screen fast enough. So I think it must be some kind of driver issue with these 8-series PCI cards.
Well it makes me feel a bit better that someone else is having a similar problem. I have an AM2 Geforce 8200 motherboard, and i'm awaiting my Phenom 9550 once that comes in i'm going to try the 8500gt on that board and see if the cpu is to blame, but you might be onto something with the driver issue though
Small update, threw that card into my Phenom system in my sig, and the same problems are there. Screen lags while in windows, you can see the screen redrawing at times. Since the card has DL DVI I tried it on my 30" HP and same thing. I guess i'll try an ati card to see if the pci bus is the problem or what not.

As for full screen videos, standard definition ones were fine, but any 720 or 1080p and the system almost ground to a halt.
Try turning down hardware acceleration a notch or two.

Going from memory here...

Display properties..\Settings Tab + Advanced Button\ Trouble Shooting Tab