2x8800GT box, how much PPD?


Limp Gawd
Dec 26, 2005
I've got a pair of 8800GTs (a BFG 8800GT OC and the stock clock EVGA version). I'm going to pair it with an Opteron 170, 4GB of DDR, and Windows 7. How much PPD am I looking at? I would guess about ~6000ppd. Does that sound about right?
depending on the overclock you are running it will be between 3800-5000 depending on the project per card..

if you can run it at 700/1836/1000 should give you a decent boost in PPD..

i run my 8800GT at 760/1890/1015 (1.1v bios mod) avg between 3900-5400 PPD.. every once in a while if i get lucky and get a 311 point WU i can hit 6000+ PPD.. but those are rare..

in the end the most important thing is your shader clock.. if you can atleast get your shaders to 1836 then you will be good.. gpu clocks not all that important.. it helps.. but its minimal.. vram clock isnt important at all and only adds about 50 ppd..
I got 3.5k on a single 8800GT, I know performance drops with two clients but I'm definitely going to be overclocking the shaders as far as I can on both cards.
I got 3.5k on a single 8800GT, I know performance drops with two clients but I'm definitely going to be overclocking the shaders as far as I can on both cards.

you could run 100 F@H gpu clients on a system and there would be 0 performance difference on nvidia cards.. its the ATI cards that have had all the problems with running multiple clients on a dual core processor..
I got the following averages in my FahMon benchmark for my 9800 GT (same as 8800 GT) running at 702/1728/900:

I got 3.5k on a single 8800GT, I know performance drops with two clients but I'm definitely going to be overclocking the shaders as far as I can on both cards.
I'm seeing between 2.8K and 4.1K ppd per 8800GS (depending on the project), which has less shaders than the 8800GT... Like Sirmonkey said, OC those shaders - with both my cards between 1800 and 1900, I can average a bit over 7K ppd on my dual 8800GS box, without the OC only gives about 6K.
Yes, I would also guess right around 3000 -3500 PPD for each of the 8800's
I'm seeing between 2.8K and 4.1K ppd per 8800GS (depending on the project), which has less shaders than the 8800GT... Like Sirmonkey said, OC those shaders - with both my cards between 1800 and 1900, I can average a bit over 7K ppd on my dual 8800GS box, without the OC only gives about 6K.

just make sure your shaders are at either 1836 or 1890.. (1890 is probably not do-able with those cards).. if its set at 1800 in rivatuner its actually 1785 and not 1836.. if its set at 1820 then its actually 1836.. it wont go up to 1890 unless you are over 1875.. if you are using rivatuner to overclock.. this is probably confusing but if you look under the temp readings in rivatuner it will show exactly what your shaders are set at..
just make sure your shaders are at either 1836 or 1890.. (1890 is probably not do-able with those cards).. if its set at 1800 in rivatuner its actually 1785 and not 1836.. if its set at 1820 then its actually 1836.. it wont go up to 1890 unless you are over 1875.. if you are using rivatuner to overclock.. this is probably confusing but if you look under the temp readings in rivatuner it will show exactly what your shaders are set at..
Actually, right now, due to our wonderful CA heat (and I know you can relate), my single slot card is only at 1728 and my dual slot is at 1782 - I had to drop them for the summer, which is why I'm starting to drop below 7K ppd... :(
Actually, right now, due to our wonderful CA heat (and I know you can relate), my single slot card is only at 1728 and my dual slot is at 1782 - I had to drop them for the summer, which is why I'm starting to drop below 7K ppd... :(

Dropping the shaders is going to lower your ppd...it wont really effect the heat output, they are drawing about the same amount of power either way.
I use EVGA's Precision utility to overclock my GTX 275. While folding I run it at 705/1647/1188. I really like it, more than Rivatuner actually. Though Rivatuner does bring back memories.
Actually, right now, due to our wonderful CA heat (and I know you can relate), my single slot card is only at 1728 and my dual slot is at 1782 - I had to drop them for the summer, which is why I'm starting to drop below 7K ppd... :(

im still running my 8800GT @ 760/1890/1015.. saw my gpu hit 56C the other day while running GPUgrid(similar to F@H just more shader intensive and less gpu intensive) which is a first since i got this card and heatsink over a year ago.. though my cpu temps all over the friggin place.. i really need to get a new heatsink.. this thermaltake bigtyphoon just doesnt cut it anymore..
Your 88GT is absolutely frigid compared to mine while running GPU compute apps. Mine can get up to 90C, but sticking a 120mm fan on top of them cools them to 80C. I think I'm going to pull the stock coolers and replace the thermal grease with something better. It couldn't hurt.
Your 88GT is absolutely frigid compared to mine while running GPU compute apps. Mine can get up to 90C, but sticking a 120mm fan on top of them cools them to 80C. I think I'm going to pull the stock coolers and replace the thermal grease with something better. It couldn't hurt.

he he.. im running a thermaltake duorb cooler on mine.. idles between 38-41C full load is usually between 46-51C.. right now its at 44C full load.. but like i said.. im running GPUgrid which isnt as GPU intensive as F@H is..
I'm going to put my dual card GPU boxes into Antec Three Hundred cases, they're cheap and they offer pretty good cooling to the graphics. I have the parts for my dual 8800GT box, just have to get the networking in order (it's complicated).

After that, I'll try to pick up a pair of 55nm GTX 260 cards before the end of the year.
I'm going to put my dual card GPU boxes into Antec Three Hundred cases, they're cheap and they offer pretty good cooling to the graphics. I have the parts for my dual 8800GT box, just have to get the networking in order (it's complicated).

After that, I'll try to pick up a pair of 55nm GTX 260 cards before the end of the year.

yeah i have an antec 300 as well.. nice case.. just a pain in the ass to get the fan layout right for my setup but thats because i use a shitty heatsink on my cpu and a motherboard that doesnt support the 940 so my top back and top fan are layed out weird to keep the PWM/mosfets cool..