+3.3v rail drop below 2.9v


Limp Gawd
Nov 27, 2006
I have a corsair 850W PSU with the following specs but my +3.3v rail is constantly staying around 2.89~2.92v, what devices are draining it?

+3.3V@30A, +5V30A, +12V@70A, [email protected], +5VSB@3A

core i7 920 D0 overclocked to 4.4Ghz, 12GB ram, watercooled, GTX285, running 1 SSD, 5 HDD, 1 bluray, 1 dvd writer, and about 10 fans.

I believe HDD use 5v, the rest probably draw from the 12v rail, not sure why my 3.3v is getting so low.. :confused: :confused:
What are you using to measure the voltage?

If you're doing software readings, those are never accurate and cannot be trusted. If your 3.3v rail was actually at 2.89 or 2.92, your computer would most likely be unable to function.