30" panel speculation (possible new revisions) coming soon?


Feb 19, 2001
Looking to replace my old 3007wfp, I have discovered the following by spaeking to LG and Doublesight and Dell. First, virtually all of the LG, DoubleSight, HP and a good part of the Dell 30" panels are out of circulation or discontinued. I was hoping to find an LG 30 and they have none in the states and have end of lined the current model. Doing some digging the LG rep told me that a replacement panel was due within a couple of months, most likely August. DoubleSight told be they haven't been able to fill and 30" orders waiting for panels. So it appears that everyone is waiting for new 30" panels (maybe except for the samsung style panels) and that would speak to maybe a new rev? Makes my choice tough since waiting for a couple of months is not my string suit. Anyone know any more details of any of this or what might be coming?
LG is still showing LM300WQ5 as their latest 30" panel. I'd expect to see something from them about a new panel before you see it in monitors from Dell, HP, etc., so I wouldn't hold my breath. The vast majority of their effort goes into LCDs for TVs rather than computer monitors, unfortunately.

What you're seeing may just be a temporary shortage of panels - it has been like this off-and-on with 30" panels - they aren't produced in large numbers.
Yes, but LG told me directly yesterday that the current 30" model is "end of life" because a new model will be out by around August. That's why I suspected a panel rev update was possibly in the works.
Yes, but LG told me directly yesterday that the current 30" model is "end of life" because a new model will be out by around August. That's why I suspected a panel rev update was possibly in the works.

The same rumour was going around 6+ months ago about the LG. There was a shortage of it and someone was told that it was due to the new model coming out.

Didn't happen.

And the HP LP3065 was shown as discontinued on HP sites so it was thought that it was going to be replaced as well. But nothing happened there either.

Theese to rumours prolonged my 30" purchase a few months and the price of HP (which I had more or less settled on) was upped $400 during that time.
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