30" Quest


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 12, 2004
My quest for a good 30" LCD monitor continues. Price doesn't matter that much for me if I get what I want. Here is what I have so far in this segment:

Apple 30": Old school IPS panel and still expensive, not to mention it says apple on it. No joy.

HP's 30". Same screen as the Apple. Not.

Gateway XHD3000: Bought one and returned it. Overall good PVA screen with a ton of features. Poor quality control. Blackout issues and big time input lag when not using native resolution. Next.

Dell 3007: Model's been around for ages, IPS non-wide color gamut. Although acceptable input lag of around 12ms. Overall though, feel the need for something more contemporary.

Dell 3008. IPS screen, wide color with a ton of inputs. Backlight bleeding problems? This LCD has been out for a while now but I still cannot find any input lag numbers. Maybe someone can help with that. This is a promising screen but I cannot purchase one until they solve the backlight bleed problems and I get some numbers on input lag.

NEC MultiSync LCD3090WQXi. NEC's new top dog soon to be released. It's specs even top the Dell 3008's. IPS screen with wide color and a bunch of professional features. Obviously input lag numbers don't exist. I just might have to bite the bullet and purchase one and put it through some tests. Hopefully I can find a seller with a liberal return policy.

Samsung XL30. Sexy hot LED backlight. PVA screen?? Samsung sure does like their PVA's. Even though it's priced about double all other 30"s at about $4500 and not for sale yet, I'd consider it if the input lag was low. I am just wondering if a PVA screen is really worth that much no matter what backlighting it has.

Is there any 30" displays currently available or coming out soon that I have missed? Anyone else in the same boat waiting for the "right" 30" LCD to come along?
If your looking to buy now id say to go for a 3007 hc if your only looking to use it as a monitor.
What are you looking for in your 30" monitor? And what are you planning to do with it?

You mention input lag and color reproduction.
Are you gaming? Photo Editing? Watching Movies? General Office Work?
Please tell us what you plan to use the screen for.
This can help people guide you and can also help people give opinions, based on their experiences.

I thought you had given up on 30" screens and went back to your 19", or was that someone else?
What about larger sized screens with similar pixel density but higher resolutions? Anyone hear of anything over the horizon?
I am also waiting for the right 30inch.
I have a warm feeling about the Nec, although the Xl30 is supposed to be outstanding.

The Nec have only dvi inputs, so for the occasional Movie or game console plugging it's less obvious. But I prefer having brightness uniformity across the panel rather then inputs, at least 800:1. :rolleyes:

I'm eager to see reviews.

I'd also look at 32 inch 1080P TVs and multiple monitor set ups...
I am also waiting for the right 30inch.
I have a warm feeling about the Nec, although the Xl30 is supposed to be outstanding.


It is outstanding but still PVA based and certainly not worth the $4999, the NEC would be my pick but I'm waiting to see it in person.
How bout the HP, besides lacking console connectivity it seems like the best 30" < $1500 of the bunch.
I've tried the 3007WFP-HC, HP LP3065, Samsung 305T and Apple's 30"er. I liked the 305T best. I'm holding off purchasing until the Dell 2708's specs are available. It's a 27", but if its got an improved panel, I might opt for it. Otherwise, I'm getting the 305T.
I am also in the market for a 30inch.The possible lag on the Dell 3008 is a concern for me too, but like Mr Wolf Im very interested in what the Dell 2708 might be like.
Its getting tiresome waiting, everyday I search the interweb for news but I guess it will be worth it in the end :confused:
You missed the Dell 3007WFP-HC and the Samsung 305T, both old models

I had the 3007 up there but not the Samsung 305T. I believe the 305T is PVA and has atleast two frames of input lag? Correct me if I am wrong. The 305t might have a great screen, but that is too slow.
What are you looking for in your 30" monitor? And what are you planning to do with it?

You mention input lag and color reproduction.
Are you gaming? Photo Editing? Watching Movies? General Office Work?
Please tell us what you plan to use the screen for.
This can help people guide you and can also help people give opinions, based on their experiences.


I will be using the monitor for pretty much strictly PC gaming, surfing the web and viewing photos. I have decided trying to find a great 30" that will also run PS3 and Xbox360 isn't worth it, I will just use my 19" with no lag for the consoles.
that was me. I'm back to 19" for now - awaiting the LG 30" and perhaps the new apples/samsungs
I haven't heard anything about the new Apples. Is there new information on them somewhere?
I had the 3007 up there but not the Samsung 305T. I believe the 305T is PVA and has atleast two frames of input lag? Correct me if I am wrong. The 305t might have a great screen, but that is too slow.

There are TWO versions of the 3007, 3007WFP & 3007WFP-HC (high color) The 305T
-IS- PVA but do not know the lag specs
Why dont u consider a 32 inch lcd tv from what u are connecting to it as far as game consoles and such. I dunno i was thinking also if i go as big as 30 inch i would just get a nice 1080p lcd tv.
3007WFP was the 1st Gen 30"
3007WFP-HC was the Wide Gamut 30"
3008 is the next Gen 30"

You cant compare multiple generations of 30" LCD's, saying one is better than the other doesnt make sense.
My quest for a good 30" LCD monitor continues. Price doesn't matter that much for me if I get what I want. Here is what I have so far in this segment:

Apple 30": Old school IPS panel and still expensive, not to mention it says apple on it. No joy.

HP's 30". Same screen as the Apple. Not.

Gateway XHD3000: Bought one and returned it. Overall good PVA screen with a ton of features. Poor quality control. Blackout issues and big time input lag when not using native resolution. Next.

Dell 3007: Model's been around for ages, IPS non-wide color gamut. Although acceptable input lag of around 12ms. Overall though, feel the need for something more contemporary.

Dell 3008. IPS screen, wide color with a ton of inputs. Backlight bleeding problems? This LCD has been out for a while now but I still cannot find any input lag numbers. Maybe someone can help with that. This is a promising screen but I cannot purchase one until they solve the backlight bleed problems and I get some numbers on input lag.

NEC MultiSync LCD3090WQXi. NEC's new top dog soon to be released. It's specs even top the Dell 3008's. IPS screen with wide color and a bunch of professional features. Obviously input lag numbers don't exist. I just might have to bite the bullet and purchase one and put it through some tests. Hopefully I can find a seller with a liberal return policy.

Samsung XL30. Sexy hot LED backlight. PVA screen?? Samsung sure does like their PVA's. Even though it's priced about double all other 30"s at about $4500 and not for sale yet, I'd consider it if the input lag was low. I am just wondering if a PVA screen is really worth that much no matter what backlighting it has.

Is there any 30" displays currently available or coming out soon that I have missed? Anyone else in the same boat waiting for the "right" 30" LCD to come along?

Yah; I am in the same boat. I bought and returned the XHD3000 due to quality control issues. I did not keep it long enought to see the black out problem. It had a great design, but a lousy implementation.

The displays that I am still waiting for are the Samsung 305t+ with display port. I am not bothered much by input lag, so S-PVA is OK with me. I have not seen anything about what HP has comming in the way of a new 30 in. LCD, but they must be working on something to compete with the Dell 3008WFP. The new NEC looks good, but the price is a bit much. You can buy 52 in HD TV for that kind of money. The EZIO is even worse on the price, so it is out of the picture for me.

I see two major issues with this years crop of 30 in LCDs. First there is the brightness issue. This was a real problem with the XHD3000 and is just as bad if not worse on the Dell 3008WFP. Then there is the quality control issue. Real bad on the XHD3000; Screw head, blackout, too bright, backlight bleed. From the pics on this forum the 3008WFP is also too bright and sufferes from backlight bleed real bad.

The things I noticed and really like about the NEC is that it has two power saving modes that run the backlight at 75% and 50% and special circutry that maintains backlight uniformity.

I wish all of the vendors would give you the ability to adjust the backlight. If you check into it I think you will find most don't. I know that the XHD3000 dosn't.

So I am currently waiting to see what the Samsung 305T+ looks like and I am hoping it has a reasonable price.

And, yes you are right it is a quest.

Best of luck.

My XHD3000 didn't have any backlight bleed problems. The screen overall was quite nice. It's the blackout issue and the non-native input lag that killed it for me.

As for the Samsung 305t+, does anyone have any information on it? I can only find things under different languages when I google it. Is it the same screen with just more inputs? I would imagine if it was totally new they would call it something else.

As for why not getting a HDTV, they are different animals IMO. A TV is meant to be viewed from far away, hence the huge pixel pitch. A "measly" 1920x1080 is no good on anything above 27" being used as a computer monitor. It makes you push the screen further back which defeats the reason you bought a large screen in the first place. TV's make very poor computer monitors, no matter what anyone says.

I think right now the NEC looks the most promising. As soon as it's available I just might order it. I doubt there will be many reviews up quickly seeing as its price tag is around $2200. I might have to go in totally blind.
I think right now the NEC looks the most promising. As soon as it's available I just might order it. I doubt there will be many reviews up quickly seeing as its price tag is around $2200. I might have to go in totally blind.
After the current crop of poor quality monitors being released in various sizes, I wouldn't do that, especially with a $2000+ display. Wait at least until a handful of early adopters report their experiences.
After the current crop of poor quality monitors being released in various sizes, I wouldn't do that, especially with a $2000+ display. Wait at least until a handful of early adopters report their experiences.

Yah; in the mad dog rush to increase the profit margen, quality control has gone to hell in a handbasket on just about everything, especially thech gear.

Also; I think it is wise to wait until all of the vendors get their products on the market, so you don't regret jumping the gun.

Ugg, Prad.de didn't give any actual hard input lag numbers. Just said the following:

A subjectively noticeable, thus a delay input-lay between mouse movement and the representation on the screen, could not not be determined by us with Dell the 3008WFP. Only a certain movement-indistinct, e.g. during a fast turn, also the 3008WFP shows. However this behavior is technology-conditioned with TFT monitors; the movement-indistinct develops thereby in the eye of the viewer (Sample and Hold effect) and pronouncedly by each humans differently is noticed.

Altogether Dell 3008WFP a more than good reaction behavior shows and arranges themselves thereby in the leading group of the Allround displays. From the reaction achievement we can recommend to the 30 Zöller for opportunity players without reservation. For hard core players the reaction behavior lies on the border between good and very well.

So basically, we have no reference for what this reviewer considers good and very well reaction behavior. Is it one frame, two frames, maybe three frames of lag? I hate reviewers that go through all of the trouble of the review yet don't do any objective tests like input lag.
If you can source other inputs throuh your video card, or through a TV tuner card then the 3007WFP-HC is easily the best available IMO, a 30" S-IPS monitor with incredible brightness and colour and maintains decent black levels.

All the adjustments that are missing can be done in software (drivers) easily, I can scale mine, and change all the different monitor variables either with the software or drivers and it works a treat.

I think the fact that it's so basic, makes this panel so good, it's not got any of the additional circitry associated with other inputs and so doesn't suffer any input lag because of it.

Not only is it the biggest monitor I've used, it's also the best quality, hands down.
Yea I really liked the XHD3000 but I got one with bad backlight bleed and it bugged the hell out of me so I bought a Dell 3008WFP and I love it. Mine has very little backlight bleed and while the scaler isn't all that great it's still very, very nice. I didn't notice any input lag but I will see if I can get my old CRT to do some comparisons.
Same boat as you Vega. I still have my XHD3000 for consoles and movies, but I currently play pc games on my Samsung SyncMaster 997DF CRT.

I want a 24-30+" LCD with as little input lag as possible and that runs at a high resolution, but that is becoming extremely difficult to find. Looks like I am asking for my cake and to eat it too. Worse comes to worse I'll just setup my desk to have two stations. One with the XHD3000 for normal computer usage, movie viewing, and console gaming The other setup strictly for PC gaming with a CRT, maybe I'll buy the 24" sony if I can get a good price on one.

Suggest a good LCD to start.
Yea I really liked the XHD3000 but I got one with bad backlight bleed and it bugged the hell out of me so I bought a Dell 3008WFP and I love it. Mine has very little backlight bleed and while the scaler isn't all that great it's still very, very nice. I didn't notice any input lag but I will see if I can get my old CRT to do some comparisons.

Uberbob, if you can hook up your CRT and get some input lag numbers for the 3008wfp with your camera that would be awesome.
Uberbob, if you can hook up your CRT and get some input lag numbers for the 3008wfp with your camera that would be awesome.

I second that. We would really appreciate it.

Anyone know how the input lag is on the 3007wfp?
Digitaluniverse is good, but most of their comparisons are older monitors and not many 30"ers.
Does anyone know by chance how much, if any, input lag a Dell 1907 LCD has? I don't have a CRT so if I test input lag it will have to be againt the Dell. The Dell is a TN panel so hopefully it has very little to no input lag. I game very well on this screen so I am pretty sure it's quite fast.
Does anyone have the Eizo CG301W? I know it is very pricey but I thought I'd ask. I know Eizo are top monitors but are known to have slow circuitry.
Same boat as you Vega. I still have my XHD3000 for consoles and movies, but I currently play pc games on my Samsung SyncMaster 997DF CRT.

I want a 24-30+" LCD with as little input lag as possible and that runs at a high resolution, but that is becoming extremely difficult to find. Looks like I am asking for my cake and to eat it too. Worse comes to worse I'll just setup my desk to have two stations. One with the XHD3000 for normal computer usage, movie viewing, and console gaming The other setup strictly for PC gaming with a CRT, maybe I'll buy the 24" sony if I can get a good price on one.

Suggest a good LCD to start.

ACER 2616W....I've played Far Cry, Quake4, Timeshift and can't see/feel any input lag.

Don't be put off by biased and stupid reviews that favour the DELL 27 because it has extra connections{I'm not saying DELL is bad}, my Acer kicks ass all over the place.....it's tranformed my PC experience.

HDTV=excellent, much better than DVD.
Games....oh YEAH!!!!
hi res photo's.....UNREAL!!!

I'm coming off a good quality 19in CRT.