30" Quest

So for gaming, it seems to boil down to Dell 3007WFP-HC or HP LP3065. Does this sound right?

How to pick between the two then?

edit: oh yeah, Samsung 305t?

The Sammy is S-PVA, so you probubly will not want it for gaming.

So two questions remain for me then....which is the better between the LP3065 and the 3007WFP-HC?

and the second, maybe more important...are all the new "next gen" monitors going to go "feature rich" and increase input lag while doing so? If so, then maybe NOW is the time to grab the last gen of better functioning monitors before they are all gone.
Shameless Bump

If you are really worried about lag and want a 30" LCD with very low lag then I would get the older model. I saw a post from someone that just got a Dell 3007WFP-HC and they said that it had major backlight bleed. Dell seems to be having a problem in this area lately.

Make sure you buy from a vendor with a good return policy. That is a big plus for Dell. I am not sure about HP. Costco carries Dell LCDs and has a great return policy also.

Best of luck

I just picked up a Dell 3007WFP-HC. I looooove the size, resolution and color. So nice having the extra real estate. I run it side by side with my Samsung 204B, world of difference as expected.

As for the return policy, Dell is TOP NOTCH. I really don't understand why people rip on Dell. they're one of my favorite vendors. I received the monitor on the expected delivery time. It had two stuck pixels. I called in to exchange, DHL shows up at my door the very next day (today!) with a new one. This one has no stuck pixels (from what i can see, knock on wood). With zero hesitation they overnighted a new monitor.

I don't how bad the backlight bleed as my room has uncovered windows, but I'll find out tonight. I do see just a tad bit of light falloff in the corners. Is that normal?
I have been looking for a 30" monitor for some times now and I have decided to... wait.
I will buy a 30" lcd when
1) Better black (something like the Pioneer Kuro)
2) No more backlight leakage (LED?)
3) Better respond time
4) Price below $1,200

At least the viewing angles, color gamut, and inputs have substantially improve recently.

I currently own the Samsung 275T and it displays very good black (better than all the 30" I have seen), there is no backlight leakage but unfortunately, HDMI input is missing.
Nevertheless, I am looking forward to eventually enjoy a 2560*1600 display.
I have been looking for a 30" monitor for some times now and I have decided to... wait.
I will buy a 30" lcd when
1) Better black (something like the Pioneer Kuro)
2) No more backlight leakage (LED?)
3) Better respond time
4) Price below $1,200

At least the viewing angles, color gamut, and inputs have substantially improve recently.

I currently own the Samsung 275T and it displays very good black (better than all the 30" I have seen), there is no backlight leakage but unfortunately, HDMI input is missing.
Nevertheless, I am looking forward to eventually enjoy a 2560*1600 display.
With your prerequisites, you are looking at several years' worth of waiting. Will you forego benefiting from a 30" monitor that long? Not worth it IMO. Just get a decent used 30" display if money is such a major concern. A used monitor will allow you to view any potential defects because it's already out of the box. I recommend one of the Dell models.
ACER 2616W....I've played Far Cry, Quake4, Timeshift and can't see/feel any input lag.

Don't be put off by biased and stupid reviews that favour the DELL 27 because it has extra connections{I'm not saying DELL is bad}, my Acer kicks ass all over the place.....it's tranformed my PC experience.

1- more connections = more lag... the acer has basic connections and is fast enough

2- No IPS= lower cost, but it is still High Color Gamut

3- MANY users feel this monitor is great, including myself... costumer experience is still the best reference for a buying decision

I don't see many cons for the 3007WFP-HC, as long as you use the graphics cards scaling... the real issue is that newer games dont play well at native resolution... it took a 3870X2 to run Crysis at 29fps/2560x1600 so going 30 inches means many graphics upgrades on the future: new games will demand MUCH better cardsat 2560x1600 than at 1920x1200...i can run Crysis with a plain 8800GT with more than 29 fps

as for the High color Gamut there is a whole tread here arguing IF the PC user can benefit from a HC monitor. The short answer is NO, we CANT benefit: the only internet navigator color gamut aware is Safari, with 0,01% of users and even less internet pages color gamut aware. Unless you work with photos, have a color aware printing software, a color aware editing software the HC label will be meaningless: games and movies simply WONT benefit from it unless someone make them color gamut aware, something i cant see in the near future.

To use a HC monitor without hardware color calibration and color aware software is futile.
I don't want to appear like I'm criticizing anyone's advice, but this thread concerns 30" displays with a resolution of 2560x1600. As good as displays in other size formats may be for certain applications, they are OT here. I think the majority of the people reading this thread want to know about current and forthcoming 30" technology so let's please stay on topic. TIA.
With your prerequisites, you are looking at several years' worth of waiting. Will you forego benefiting from a 30" monitor that long? Not worth it IMO. Just get a decent used 30" display if money is such a major concern. A used monitor will allow you to view any potential defects because it's already out of the box. I recommend one of the Dell models.

Of course, I could upgrade now to 30" and enjoy a higher resolution but black quality and screen uniformity are very important features to me.
Realistically, I think that my dream monitor may be available in two years. In the mean time, I can enjoy my (smaller!) 27"...
Of course, I could upgrade now to 30" and enjoy a higher resolution but black quality and screen uniformity are very important features to me.
Realistically, I think that my dream monitor may be available in two years. In the mean time, I can enjoy my (smaller!) 27"...

Dell pays for shipping on exchanges. Why don't you check to see if they pay for shipping on returns as well. You can try it out and return if u don't like.
Of course, I could upgrade now to 30" and enjoy a higher resolution but black quality and screen uniformity are very important features to me.
Realistically, I think that my dream monitor may be available in two years. In the mean time, I can enjoy my (smaller!) 27"...

You may want to check out the new 30 inch NEC: http://www.necdisplay.com/Products/Product/?product=4af7b335-9302-4429-8d73-74c35a363b57
It should be widely available by the end of next month.

I am really looking forward to it myself.

Best of luck

People bring up the NEC a lot, but I dont see anything in the specs that seperate it much from the current Dell and HP. Can you enlighten me?
People bring up the NEC a lot, but I dont see anything in the specs that seperate it much from the current Dell and HP. Can you enlighten me?

NEC targets their displays at graphic designers, so they pay closer attention to backlight uniformity and color accuracy. We will not know for sure until they are on the market, and we get some reviews. The only down side I know of right now is only 2 DVI ports; no HDMI or Displayport, which is not that big of a deal.

That NEC looks impressive, to be sure, but its got one helluva high price.

Yah; that is true. There was a online vendor that was taking preorders at about $1800, which is not much different then Gateway and Dell.

I am also looking forwad to the new NEC 30", but I have a feeling with all of those "features" it will have high input lag.
I am also looking forwad to the new NEC 30", but I have a feeling with all of those "features" it will have high input lag.

Yah; I agree, but it is not a big deal to me because I am not into "pro gaming". I think the hole imput lag thing is overblown.

I don't see how the NEC can be any worse then the Dell or the Gateway and the cost is not much higher. I think that they are all overpriced. The problem is that there is a pretty narrow market for these things, and they are marketed twords graphic designers that have a budget.

We will see a lot more soon.

I am also waiting for feedback on the new NEC 3090 before I give up and buy an HP 3065. I checked them out at the local Costco and they look pretty good. But the 3065 does not look as good as the screens on my two $399 Compaq notebook computers. That is why I am still waiting. The Compaq screens have razor sharp text and line graphics. This is the most important factor to me.

Does anyone know if any 30in monitors produce super sharp text and graphics? BTW, I compared the Compaqs against the LG246, Apple 20in IPS, and Macbook pro screen. The Compaqs are much sharper than any of them, go figure.

Also, does anyone know the details of how LCD monitors are built? Specifically, is the backlight part of the panel assembly? If the Dell 3008 has problems, will other monitors made with the same panel have similar problems? Especially, backlight bleed?

I'm very impressed with the Samsung 305T's text and graphics clarity. I know it's an evil PVA panel, but my Dell 2407 is also PVA and it's excellent for games, videos, text, etc. Unless something else catches my eye, I'll be getting the 305T with my tax refund.
ANOTHER shameless bump.

(sorry, but this thread seems to be a good all-in-one discussion point for all of us that are looking at the various 30's)
Why are you looking for specifically 30"? If you it had good specs, would you go bigger? like... a 42"?
some shops have it in the$18xx range online already, thats wihin 3008 distance to safely make the switch
Why are you looking for specifically 30"? If you it had good specs, would you go bigger? like... a 42"?

30" panels are all about the massive resolution. I have had 1200 lines of resolution for about 8 years now, it would be nice to finally move ahead to 1600.
30" panels are all about the massive resolution. I have had 1200 lines of resolution for about 8 years now, it would be nice to finally move ahead to 1600.

Exactly. We are talking 2560x1600 resolution at 30". A 42" TV can only put out 1920x1080 which is horrible. That is why TV's make horrible computer monitors.
Yah; I think 28" would be a better size if it had higher res. When you go bigger you just have to move back from the screen.

30" is the absolute max for me, and yes that masive res lets you do some pretty cool stuff.

It has just started shipping, so we should see some reviews I'd say in a week or so.
I've got the HP LP3065 coming next week, will post some thoughts when it gets here. Primary use of it will be development with a secondary use for gaming.
I've got the HP LP3065 coming next week, will post some thoughts when it gets here. Primary use of it will be development with a secondary use for gaming.
Definitely let us know your experience with the HP. It looks like a very nice display and cheaper than some of the competition.
Takedown, has your HP arrived yet? I'm buying a 30" screen in the next few weeks, and have narrowed my selection down to the HP and LG. I'd be interested in your views on the HP for gaming, as that's what mine will be used for, almost exclusively.


Anyone have any word on NECs new 30"???

Delayed to April (maybe longer). I'm guessing that there are yield problems with these new LG panels. Rather than ship garbage like Dell, NEC is probably waiting until the issues are resolved.
[k]ar|;1032248693 said:
Takedown, has your HP arrived yet? I'm buying a 30" screen in the next few weeks, and have narrowed my selection down to the HP and LG. I'd be interested in your views on the HP for gaming, as that's what mine will be used for, almost exclusively.



Hi Karl,

The monitor has arrived, but I haven't been able to run it yet :( I just completed putting together the new workstation and I'm now waiting on Windows Vista to download from Technet so that that I can load an OS. Right now I don't have a system with Dual Link DVI until the new workstation is completed. Vista should be finished downloading tomorrow and I'm going to work on it this weekend. Hopefully I can get some COD4 and Crysis in early next week.

Be patient!

Once it's in the US it will cost like half that price. Most companies haven't checked the £:$ exchange rate in 50 years!