3000+ is your daddy


Jun 27, 2004
I've been playing around with this chip some, and it seems to be a pretty good one. Just messing around with some better cooling to try to get a feel for the chip. Got a "cool" cooling project i've been building lately to try this chip out on.

Enjoy!!!.....and for those who may ask...

AMD A64 3000+ 90nm Winchester

HTT = 3
Vcore = 1.55 (in bios)
Vdimm memory = 3.7v
5:4 Ram divider
OCZ Powerstream 600w 3.4v / 5.0v / 12.3v

I was thinking about pickup up either the 3000+ or the 3200+ and the same MSI board you have. Well, I'm assuming it's the same board... The MSI board you have, are it's RAM slots turned 90 degrees from what they normally are on ATX boards? Anyways... where in the FL panhandle are you? I'm here in Tallacrappy wishing it would get cold again.
yeah i guess they are turned 90 different or so.

MSI K8N NEO-2 Plat.

I'm in Pensacola here at UWF.

They only thing that sucks about this chip. It the 9x multiplier. 333fsb is what it takes to get 3.0ghz.....and thats starting to seriously get up there. I'm prob gonna have to drop a chipset waterblock on the board to help get it stable when i try to push the chip even higher.
What kinds of coller do you have on it now? I have a Zalman flower (7000B AlCu) on my 2400+ right now and I wanted to use it on the new AMD64 chip when I get it. BTW, how well does it multitask? This 2400+ cpu does not let me run too much intensive stuff all at once, and I know that p4's with Hyperthreading enabled are amazing at multitasking. I really want the new AMD64 chip, but the multitasking thing is making me think twice. When I say too much intensive stuff I mean stripping a DVD while burning a DVD and playing mp3's and surfing w/ Mozilla all at once. Plus, I usually have eMule running too, so that comes into play a lot as well. DOes the 3000+ handle that kind of stuff as well as the new p4's do?

UWF, eh? Never been there even though I graduated from FSU in May '04 (I still live in Tally thanks to the State of FL giving me a job).
:eek: with an oc that high i won't feel sorry for you if you can't get much higher.
Yeah, this thing does ok for me. I don't do that kind of multi tasking your describing. But i can listen to mp3's watch movies and have about 12 Mozilla's open at once and haven't had a glitch yet.

Only thing that is weird for me, is there is a highly suspected bug with OCZ Powerstream PSU's and this MSI board. It just randomly power's off everything. I've read about their being a ground issue on this board with htis PSU and some higher end antec PSU' but its a "shrug" issue that hasn't been confirmed for me as of yet.

If your really looking to get on the multi tasking, especially w/ multimedia type stuff i'd say stay with the P4. I personally think they are better at that then AMD's. Both the P4 and A64 are great chips. All the P4's i had were great and this AMD 64 is great. Only reason i got this 3000+ 90nm is cuz of all the success other people were having with them with OC'ing. Plus it was time for a change for soem new technology for me. 64 bit shit and 939 mobo, new .90 core just seemed alot "newer" than plain old s478 stuff i was used too.

Thats my $0.02,

And my roomate graduated from FSU last spring. He's in grad school here now at Udub.

Just glad to see that sorry mother F'er Rix didn't blow the game for the noles again. Glad he's gone now, what a loser.
what type of cooling are you running?

nm, just noticed it was still stock, is that what you are still running?
1) Only have a 9800xt; I want to get another video card, but nothing i've had before. I had 2 6800GT's and a XTPE.....but i don't know if i wanna go back with them. I've been thinking of maybe doing a SLI dual 6600 setup and OC'ing those cards. The cost of 2 6600gt's is cheaper than ONE XT PE, and SLI is tha "new hottness."

2) No i didn't mean 2.7v, 3.7v is correct. lol no way you can get 265 @ 2-2-2-5 w/ stock voltage. I have the booster in slot #4......and it pushes me up to 3.7 ( i've touched it to 4.0v while praying to GOD at the same time) **Warning** 3.7v in my opinion is not for the avg OC'er....that's getting on up there, and unless you have some good memory specifically refereign to winbond bh5 you better be careful or you WILL toast your RAM)

3) I had it stable at 2.5 on stock OEM cooler and the above was with water.

I'm a firm believer that you need a strong STRONG and GOOD quality Power supply,so if you don't have one....get one....and may i recommend OCZ :)

** Most of the .90nm chips are getting to 2.5 on AIR pretty easy, so check them out if you will.

**I think the 3000+ w/ an overclock is the best bang for your $$...this is what overclocking is all about...i paid $157 for this chip BRAND NEW from newegg. And i got it to 2.6ghz stable on air...FX55's are clocked at 2.6ghz but they cost a cool $900 or so.....so who wins in this situation?????

3000+ w/ OC > FX-55 (this is fuel for a flame war)
well when you go sli you also have to pay ~ $100 more then other NF4 boards. So you may want to put that into the equation.

Im currently testing my 754 3000+ 2.3-2.4 ghz seems to be the best i can do with quiet cooling (WC'ing setup's coming friday, hopefully). I'm thinking moving to 939 may be well worth the money.
yeah true.

But i already have an SLI PSU and a great 939chip and some great bh5. If the asus a8n is compatable with the DDR Booster i'm all over it. Cuz i can get the a8n-sli for $198!!!! (a secret place)

Also, i don't know personally but i think the 754's 3200+ and higher have 1mb L2 cache and that prob makes up for the single channel where as the 939's only have 512 cache but dual channel mem.....this is only a theory though :eek:
AMD A64 3000+ 90nm Winchester

A week 41.

To the newbie:
The "week" has alot of influence in the Overclocking community along with the stepping info and place of manufactering. Certain chips from certain manufactoring plants and even down to the certain week just overclock better. So many of us look for specific "markings" on chips that give a "better chance" of overclocking speeds.

As far as the A64 90nm cores, it seems to be the "week" that matters. And most forums beleive the newer or later the week, the better Overclock potential those chips have. To my knowledge there is no difference in the steppings in the 90nm cores, and someone correct me if i'm wrong, but i think there is only 1 stepping of 3000+ 90nm's out currently.

Hope this helps bud,

cool thanks.

I knew about stepping on Intel processors but not about the week # on AMD's. Does the time you buy the CPU have anything to do w/the week #? For example, if I bought an AMD64 the day they were first released would I have an "older" week # then if I bought one right now? and going on the basis that newer = better, would it be advisable to wait a while after a CPU has been released to get the most recent week #?


It depends on the amount of stock the place you're ordering from keeps on hand, and how quickly they sell. Your best bet might be to ask a few people who recently got [xyz] CPU what week it was, and if they were near each other, then you probably have a chip from that time to look forward to...
if u go to the store they they might have it on display, u can always ask to look at it and see what week it is ur self. well the retail verison u can see i know that the cpu is on the cover and u can see thru a small window it has.