3007 to 3007-HC upgrade.. Worth it?


Limp Gawd
Apr 27, 2005
I currently have a 3007WFP (non-HC) monitor.. And it has been great.. My only reason for wanting to upgrade right now is my particular 3007 is i believe one of the ones from the first batches they made and has an issue with temporary image retention.. (as many of you may know, a kind of 'burn in' associated with some LCD's)..

Of course the retention is temporary, but if say I am writing a hardocp post (like right now :)) All of the static elements on the page will retain if say I open up photoshop and on the light grey background you can clearly see where the hardocp page was opened.. While not a huge deal, it's just kind of annoying.. Once the screensaver kicks on or I turn off the monitor the retention is gone, but the retention can happen VERY quickly (if i have a page open for only 30 seconds or so there will be some retention..)

I guess I'm trying to use this as an excuse to get some new hotness :) But.. On the other hand.. I hear there are new 30" monitors coming out in the not-so-distant future..

What do you recommend? Wait it out for some new 30" LCD's or make the upgrade? Any people who had a 3007 who upgraded to 3007hc have any comments on the differences between the screens?

Thanks :)
my 3007 non HC is running great no issues .. if you have a problem with yours .. use ur warranty and get another one .. me personally, i would wait for the newer 30inch ones .. if they are indeed coming out
See the Apple thread, they're coming out with a new line of 30" and 32" and there's talk LED models will be offered
I like my Dell 30" 3007wfp, but would "jump ship" in a heartbeat to first manufacturer who offers a 33 or 35.
Cmon Dell gimme something bigger; any size under 40, and I'll be all over it.
I have both in a dual monitor setup. The HC seems to have deper colors, but no way would I buy one to replace the old 3007. I don't care about calibrating or anything, so I can't speak for differences once that's done. I just use them for stock charts.

If you don't have any warranty left, I'd wait and check out the reviews on that Gateway 30" that's coming out in a couple of weeks. That one looks interesting.
I would agree if the resolution was higher.. but what's the point of going higher than 30" if we're still stuck with 2560x1600 res?

See the Apple thread, they're coming out with a new line of 30" and 32" and there's talk LED models will be offered
I like my Dell 30" 3007wfp, but would "jump ship" in a heartbeat to first manufacturer who offers a 33 or 35.
Cmon Dell gimme something bigger; any size under 40, and I'll be all over it.
To have a larger monitor with a 2560x1600 res.

By your logic, the smallest panel that physically allows a certain resolution to be displayed, would be the best choice.

I would agree if the resolution was higher.. but what's the point of going higher than 30" if we're still stuck with 2560x1600 res?
Why would you want to spread a resolution over a larger screen? Doesn't that create a larger dot pitch?

Also, 30" as a computer monitor is as big as I'd want to go.. Any larger and it will either a) not fit on my desk or b) I'd have to be turning my head way too much.

To have a larger monitor with a 2560x1600 res.

By your logic, the smallest panel that physically allows a certain resolution to be displayed, would be the best choice.
I have four 3007WFP's (11/14ms), a 2407WFP-HC (6/12ms), Three Samsung 214T's (8/16ms), and a Samsung 940BW. (4/8ms?) gtg/b2b

I would say the HC model from dell has the most vibrant colors. However, it has some of those ghosting issues and I am awaiting a Rev A01.

I would wait for the 30" monitors to drop in response time - a 30" with an 8ms would be awesome. Personally I do not think the upgrade to the HC model is worth it unless it's free. Also, the HC models have that super high anti-glare coat on them.. which bothers some people.
Why would you want to spread a resolution over a larger screen?

Why would anyone want a 52" full hd screen or a full hd projector for really a really big ass screen if you can get the same resolution on a 24" lcd or even a 15" on a laptop. 2560 x 1600 is plenty to be spreaded over a big surface area. ~37-40" 2560 x 1600 monitor and I'll trade my 30" away for sure.
Why would anyone want a 52" full hd screen or a full hd projector for really a really big ass screen if you can get the same resolution on a 24" lcd or even a 15" on a laptop. 2560 x 1600 is plenty to be spreaded over a big surface area. ~37-40" 2560 x 1600 monitor and I'll trade my 30" away for sure.

I play TF2 on my 1920X1200 projector... and my screen is 100" heh - it's not practical for daily use. Mainly just for movies =P

I would be up for a 35-40" that did that resolution. 2560X1600 makes a 1080p movie look small in windowed mode. Besides - if you're running that res you want to be running SLI if you're going to crank up AA and/or AF. As of right now I can play TF2 with everything cranked up and 4/4 and pull 90-120fps with an 8800gtx. I am happy with that for now.
nice Dhahlen, I was doing the same thing with my lappy yesterday but the dot pitch is massive compared to the set up in my home office.
Edit: I forgot to mention my HPs have a tad bit of ghosting and have more vibrant colors than my old 3007WFP (hp and HC are pretty much the same).
Resolution higher than 2560x1600 would be hitting the bandwidth limit of Dual-Link DVI...
There are lcd displays that has resolution up to 3840x2400.. 9.2Mpixels... that require dual dualink-dvi.. and specialized workstation graphic card.. each graphic port handling half the screen...

Display port might alleviate the bandwith limit of DVI/DL-DVI
Gimme a 35" or 40" Dell LCD with 2560x1600 rez-----and oh man, I'll dump my sweet 30" Dell LCD in a heartbeat.
Drive that big sukka, with twin (ATI or Nvidia) premium video cards ---- and wow, Gamers heaven !!