3007wfp-HC...trying to pull the trigger, part 2


Jun 6, 2007
Looks like the forum was restored from an earlier date. I hope it works for you guys. I've really been missing the forum, not to mention needing it in order to make a purchase...

In the lost thread, someone was kind enough to post in regard to my concern over scaling for games on the 3007. That you can select a no-scaling option in the video card settings, and maintain 1:1 pixels with lower resolutions (and a black border). This is great to know so I can use 1:1 mapping at lower res unitl I upgrade my machine.

So I guess it's down to the lack of OSD and pixel pitch...which still makes me lean toward the PX2611w Planar. I'm figuring the larger pitch/lower_resolution of the 26" might serve me better as a pixel-pushing texture artist needing to see fine detail. But from what I have heard, LCD is sharper than CRT, so the .25 pitch of the Dell might be totally fine?

EDIT: Just FYI, I have favoured running my main 22" CRT with .25 pitch at 1360x1024 in order to see finer detail. 1600x1200 isn't too bad though, and I have been using that recently due to wanting more desktop space.

I am too looking for a replacement for my crt but I'm not in a hurry giving the available choices. I mostly do illustration and graphic stuff, currently working on a Sony G520 @ 1600x1200.

That being said, the extra desktop space of a 30inch screen must be incredible to work with and also be an asset in many ways. The 3007 HC is one of the best choice of this category and is much better than the previous generation.

I was thinking maybe the XL30 later on?

Hi, Tarc. Nice to hear an artist's opinion. What bothers you about the available choices?

Regarding the 30" screens' real estate, I keep wondering if I would bother using only part of the 30" with photoshop (and its tabs plus my chat windows and such), or if I'd max it over the whole desktop as I do now - which leads me to think that's a point for the Planar 26" at 1920x1200 with bigger pixels.

I'm still not sure about the wider gamut as well. I've heard you can use the Spyder2pro to calibrate and view sRGB, but I don't know if that's just for PS or for everything. I'd hate to see my textures look one way in PS, and then another entirely in the video game.
I am too looking for a replacement for my crt but I'm not in a hurry giving the available choices. I mostly do illustration and graphic stuff, currently working on a Sony G520 @ 1600x1200.
I use an old G520 at work (1600x1200, 85Hz) and the 3007HC at home. I've been blown away by the 3007 and it's definitely the best monitor I've ever used, in terms of color, clarity, and of course size. As for the XL30, last I heard that was going to be ridiculously priced ($3000-4000).