3008WFP out of stock now?


Limp Gawd
Oct 11, 2005
Curious if anyone else is able to order and have one shipped since Friday. I ordered mine Friday, got the price down to $1599 after some arguing over the Canada ads but now they claim it's out of stock and may ship next Monday. This is from Dell US Small Biz.

Anyone ordered one in last few days and have it actually ship? If so I'll call and haraunge Dell some hehe. I enjoy that.
I ordered mine yesterday for $1599 through US Small Business as well. I just called them to get an update and they checked to see if it was in stock. They told me it was in stock so who knows what the situation is. They told me it should ship within 24-48 hours so hopefully it will. I will post any updates to this thread.
I ordered yesterday also. They never said anything about being out of stock, but then again maybe that why they are giving such good breaks this week.........because they don't have any to ship !!! :eek:
Hey guys, I just ordered my 3008wfp from Dell.Ca.
How long does it typically take for them to ship it to my doorstep?
Can't wait to get this monitor up and running :p
I ordered Monday and from dell's order status site I got this

Shipping Method: 3-5 Business Days
Est. Ship Date: 2/19/2008
Est. Delivery Date: 2/22/2008-2/26/2008
Carrier: Not Shipped
Tracking Number: Not Shipped
I do suspect that they are out of stock no. It usually doesn't take Dell that long to ship if they have stock.
Dell is out of stock on these, the site says shipping in "3-5 weeks". :mad:

The good thing maybe that they are fixing some of the issues and we will get a new revision. :D
FWIW, I ordered one of these a week ago today (1/24) and it still shows "In Production", so they must have been OOS for a while now.
Wow $699 for the refurb HP! Has it arrived yet and how does it look? I've seen an HP3065 in person @ Costco locally - that was what made me want a 30 in the first place... They don't have all the inputs though right - no scaler chip?

I am getting tired of waiting on Dell here. I already upgraded my CPU and got the new CPU fully burned in and stable at a decent OC in prep for the monitor - and the damn monitor hasn't even moved an inch yet. :mad:
Just ordered my 3008WFP yesterday from Dell directly. Delivery is set for 07.04.08 so they must be OOS. This is a European delivery though so im not sure if that makes a difference.
You ordered yesterday and they're not delivering for over two months?? That seems insane. How long does it normally take for European deliveries of Dell products?

Maybe this is all my fault maybe I'm just meant to stay @ 24inch. None of this out of stock business started until I ordered one - sorry everyone. :p
I should get my HP 3065 Monday. It is going to be a tough decision. I called Dell and told them because of the delay it was causing me hardship and got another $100 knocked off the price, so now it will cost me $1,399 plus tax. That is such a damned good price it almost makes the Dell worth it despite costing more. The problem is I only have 10 days to decide on the HP, so I hope the Dell comes soon so I can do a side by side comparison of the two.
Hey thanks for the $100 idea - I will be calling them tomorrow to try and go from $1599->$1499. :)

Edit: LOL just checked and my order has now vanished completely. I will be calling tomorrow and REALLY harassing them as to why this is.
Same thing here. Maybe they are just updating their system ? If not, I will call up and bitch too !
I just got off the phone - yes they were updating last night/early this AM which caused orders not to show up. Mine is showing up again now.

They claim it will be shipped tomorrow and my original ship date was the 28th so I can't complain too loudly yet but I'm angling for $100 off if I can get it. If it ships tomorrow, no problem but if not they're getting daily calls til I get $100 off! :D
Anybody get notice of their 3008 being shipped ? Got my HP3065 last night and it's looking good. No dead pixels colors good too. If the 3008 doesn't get shipped this week I have to cancel and just keep the 3065.
Ok now my damn order has been cancelled!! And I did NOT cancel it-was thinking about cancelling but I didn't do it so I'm now on the phone to haraunge them about cancelling my order and see if I can get some $ off lol.
LMAO wow...Dell...Funny...

They sent me an email yesterday with a link to the "Federal Mail Order Rule" here:


Apparently if I wanted my order to remain valid I had to reply (apparently within 24 hours) else it gets cancelled. They had my home phone # but didn't try it - they did try a cell phone with a full voicemail.

Holding for supervisor now... :mad:
ETA to shipping 3008s is now 6 weeks per Dell's website. They claim I can get my original price ($1599) plus maybe some inconvience fee when/if I place an order at some point in the future when they start shipping the damn things again. The supervisor had no idea why they were so delayed and tried to sell me a 3007-HC.

Meh. :confused:
I would think they are doing a hardware revision because of the problems. I guess they can't charge and get $2K for a monitor with serious backlight problems.

Oh well, it looks like I am keeping the HP. As long as they don't keep the pre-authorization on my card I will keep the order open and when they are ready to ship we'll see how I feel. I still want to do a sluggout between the 3065 and 3008, but we'll see if that will happen.

Folks, if you want a 3008, now is the time to order. They are most likey trying to fix the problems now and this is the best time to get a good price. It's like a pre-order situation. Tell them you don't want to pay full pop on something not in stock, I am sure Dell SB is will to deal on these now !
Anyone get a shipping date from Dell. I just called and they are saying the warehouse is reporting a shipping date to me of 2/19. That's fine with me because the longer they are taking, the more I am getting knocked offf the price !:D

I just hope Dell is using this delay in shipping to fix some of the issues reported with the 3008. I would hate to have waited for nothing.
I was just told today that there is a 25 day (5 week) lead time on the 3008WFP. My order was placed over 2 weeks ago so hopefully they mean 5 weeks from THEN, not 5 weeks from today :\

Again, put me in the pile of people that are willing to wait if they are fixing things, but not if there's no reason.
It said " hi specced, low price monitors" so hopefully they are not referring to the 3008. Besides.... if you notice on Dell's website the 3008 is the only monitor out of stock now and for a long time.
There has never been a delay for the 3008WFP on the dell canada site, plus add to that, it's also on sale.


If it truley was a delay because of defects, then it would be a delay on ALL of Dell sites, i.e. UK, Australia, Japan, Canada, etc, etc.


I was just told today that there is a 25 day (5 week) lead time on the 3008WFP. My order was placed over 2 weeks ago so hopefully they mean 5 weeks from THEN, not 5 weeks from today :\

Again, put me in the pile of people that are willing to wait if they are fixing things, but not if there's no reason.

^^ I'm Canadian. There's a 5 week lead time here...
Strange why they aren't posting this time on there website, like they do on the us site.:confused:

In the UK Dells site lists 3+ weeks. Another site that sells alot of Dell says the 3008 is delayed until march with a "thanks dell" sarcastic remark.
On a plus side Dell UK does have the 2408 listed tho, ships in 2 to 5 days.
Don't think the 3008 is delayed because of the fire. I ordered on 1/28/08 and it has been on backorder since then.The fire didn't happen till 2/3.
Don't think the 3008 is delayed because of the fire. I ordered on 1/28/08 and it has been on backorder since then.The fire didn't happen till 2/3.

That's good news. Hopefully they fix the issues with this panel. It has a lot of potential.
i paid $1644 on 1.17 for a 3008, and one arrived already 'used' and so i immediately returned it to their special division for those defective ones. so people really are getting it for $1499 by calling a certain dell dept? its been almost a full month being out that money and ive no monitor and want to make sure i call the right dept and say the right thing, i do feel for waiting over a month i should pay $1499 as well...
thanks for any insight
I am down to $1299 right now. So for me patience was a virtue.

I would call them and tell them that you were inconvenienced and to compensate you for that inconvenience.
It appears the latest build of these monitors is A02. Don't ask me what happened to A01; Anyhow, hopefully the backlight bleed on this new build is non-existent!
Matrix, how do you know that the revision number is 02??
I called them, and they told me that no changes in the revision number appeared since they started the production :mad:
If any of you guys that got in on the LP3065 deal decide you don't want to keep it, please let me know as I'd be interested in buying it from you (they are also out of stock).

TIA! :)
Thanks for your help, I have a rev 00 and encounter some issues, i want to return the LDC and get my money back, unless i get the most recent version (aka rev 02) and they told me that this revison did not exist....

Now i have some material :p
Just hoping that the rev 02 is better that the older one... :(
Are you sure the Rev A02 isn't just for the manual and not the actual LCD? They could have revised the manual for whatever reason this month.

Also, FWIW I have been exchanging e-mails with CS about the delay for a week or two and today just casually asked for some kind of compensation and was offered a $100 gift certificate, so if you have had an order in production for a few weeks, it would not hurt you to send an e-mail and see what you can get.