306.02 issues with overclocking


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 14, 2001
So last night I went back to 306.02s for some more testing of those strange crashes I'm having where the monitor goes into "no signal".

Overclocked to +132%, +150 core , +400 mem. I've been using 132%/180+ core /400 mem through the 304.xx drivers without an issue and my GPU is watercooled. It doesnt break ~42ish (c) even in summer during EVGA OC scanner, Kombuster or Furmark.

So I ran EVGA OC scanner, crashed. Dropped to "no signal" then I rebooted. I dropped all settings to default on GPU. Ran EVGA OC scanner for about 5 mins no crashes. Bumped only power to 132%, ran EVGA OC Scanner crashed - stock core and ram, bsod NV driver error. Duplicated with Kombuster at this point, same NV BSOD.

Played with only power @ +132 everything else (core / ram) at stock. Crashes ranged from drop to "no signal" a crash I've never had with any other driver to BSOD w/ nvidia driver error to "the display driver stopped responding".

Last time I ran it I crashed. When I went to boot up got 1 beep followed by 3 fast beeps - this is the telltale sign of GPU not working. I killed power, pulled power plug at wall for a few mins to discharge all power.

Powered back up without an issue multiple times now but as soon as I got back into Windows I went right back to an older driver. I can run EVGA OC scanner at 132%/ +180 / +400 without a problem and BF3.

Honestly, I'm scared of 306's at this point, something is definitely not right with them and I don't want to kill my GPU. These drivers have been problematic for me and I haven't had many issues with my 680 or any previous driver sets so I know the problem is definitely with these drivers.

Has anyone else experience the "no signal" crashes with these? Has anyone else experienced any weirdness with overclocks with the 306 drivers? The GPU has been fine ever since, whatever happened was the result of the 306 driver and the overclock.

Thanks guys!!
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I am having no issues with the current 306.02 betas. Did you wipe the old driver? Sounds like you might need to do a clean install on that driver.
Sounds like your overclocking is unstable. 306.02 are stable, and work fine for me both stock and oc.
Fine here too. 306.02 may be tickling your CPU/memory overclock in a different way than the previous drivers?
why did you change the driver anyway, if the others were fine?:D
LOL! So I'm safe to use these? I'm trying to be extra careful with thing as I'd like to really see what it can do.
These drivers have definitely reduced the overclock on my GTX580. I could get away with 1000mhz in almost all games with 296.10, whereas with these I have to be at around 980mhz to avoid GPU recovers.

They're clearly more demanding. The best stress app I've found is the new Dawn Demo which exposes an unstable overclock very quickly, as it's a rare app that both chews up ALL your vid mem and really pushes the GPU at the same time.

I could go back to 296.10 for the sake of a 1000mhz overclock, but I'd rather keep these obviously more efficient drivers and just bust out the soldering iron for a volt mod, which I'm literally just about to do...
Scratch the last, just done a GPU volt mod on my 580 and am now running at 1050mhz/2554mhz mem (1.29v gpu, 1.76v mem), and have just scored 9052 in 3dmark11, whereas 306.02 only yielded ~ 8600.

So yeah, sticking with 296.10 until they remove the 1000mhz cap on GTX580s...

Haven't had any problems with mine, although I did notice that the card seems more aggressive with downclocking in lightly loaded situations. It used to stay at 1275 even with GPU usage as low as 50% (with Vsync on) but now in that situation it'll drop the clock speeds.
Holy shit, I just hard flashed my 580 to 1050mhz, installed 306.23 WHQL, and even then it STILL caps the overclock at 1000mhz! :eek:

That's ridiculous!

Damn, so now I gotta stick with 296.10 for the forseable future, missing all future AO updates etc. Lame. :(
yup got a no signal last nite simply restarting my pc, i dont really OC but EVGA Prec 3.3 is running on 306 drivers, very annoying spent about an hour trying to fix this BS,

c'mon nvidia you slackers 2012 + $600 gfx card = 110% success
Possibly related to this?


Nvidia is claimed to be exerting pressure on its board partners to stick to stock voltages in their designs, forcing them to drop hardware or software overvolting and even restricting most other hardware modifications on boards based on the GK100 GPU.

Hints as to the problem came earlier this week, when Overclockers found a thread on the EVGA forums stating that Nvidia is enforcing 'guidelines' that have resulted in the removal of the EVBot port - used to adjust hardware settings including voltages - from the company's GeForce GTX 680 products.

'Newer 680 Classified cards will not come with the EVBot feature,' an EVGA employee identified as 'JacobF' told a customer who had bought a board missing the EVBot port - a feature that had been present on earlier board revisions. 'Unfortunately we are not permitted to include this feature any longer. It was removed in order to 100% comply with Nvidia guidelines for selling GeForce GTX products: no voltage control is allowed, even via external device
Yeah, there is definitely something up with the 306.xx series drivers. I was running +170/+250 since launch with no issues whatsoever. I get constant "Display Driver stopped responding and has recovered" errors with the 306.xx series unless I drop the overclocks substantially. Even at +70/+0 last night I was still getting them occasionally in Skyrim. Nothing else has changed in my system (except some hard drives) and Skyrim isn't even a super demanding game.

I hope they fix this, it's pretty aggravating. I don't believe it's related to the voltage limitations though - my overclocks were on the stock 1.175V max, this news article only states that hardware vendors cannot bypass the 1.175V limitation (MSI and EVGA allowed tuning the voltage upwards of 1.3-1.4v).
Thought I was the only one! I'm getting tons of 'Display stopped working' on 306 on just the desktop and light gaming. Pissing me off!