32" panasonic LSD TV


Limp Gawd
Dec 27, 2005
Just take a look for yourself. Link
Scroll down to the "My Office Source" store.
Comes to $97.77 with shipping to TX. Better hurry.
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I went ahead and am trying to buy the 52" for $38 with $100 shipping =/ If it somehow goes through.. I get a 52" TV for $140 if not.. oh well I lost 30 seconds of my time ;p

I did see this in the feedback
"Wrote to say the listing was an error and that it would not arrive. Never happened to me on Amazon before. Sounds fishy -- and unacceptable."
The problem is that the only movie that actually plays well on the 32" panasonic LSD TV is "Yellow Submarine". :cool:
Bleh, just saw this on slick deals where like 50 people ordered like 500 each.. gonna cancel it myself.
I went ahead and am trying to buy the 52" for $38 with $100 shipping =/ If it somehow goes through.. I get a 52" TV for $140 if not.. oh well I lost 30 seconds of my time ;p

I did see this in the feedback

Lol, oh well.. I'm in for one 52" TV. Here's to hoping it goes through, if it doesn't, no biggie.
LSD tv? Are those the new models where you can smell the colors and hear the true blacks?
No no no... it's the one where you can see the sounds and taste the pictures.
lol, i bought 2 sharp aquos 52 inch lcds for 200 shipped.

No effing way this'll have a chance of working
This is posted on half the sites on the internet now. I bet 100,000 people have ordered them
If I sign up for a visa rewards credit card, I can get the 52" tv for $8.
That is less than what my lunch cost today.
If its a stunt, its a good one - to get people to join Amazon!
i ordered the 52 and 32, i'm sure they'll be canceled, but if i didn't order and have it canceled and it went through for some I would kick myself.
i ordered the 52 and 32, i'm sure they'll be canceled, but if i didn't order and have it canceled and it went through for some I would kick myself.

That was my thinking as well, so I ordered one. Just in case.. lol.
Not that there's any hope, but consult your state consumer protection laws. In mine at least there is no affirmative defense of price mistake. If this is canceled, I might file in small claims court :)
It might hurt, some people can go without that $140 for a few weeks, but is it worth the headache if they dont refund you're money?
I put in for a 26" Sharp Aquos. I don't think there is a chance in heck of it going through, but for $59 shipped, it's worth a shot.