34UM95 Monitor & APC BR1500G Battery Backup

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Oct 22, 2000

I've lots other gear to sell. But these are items I want out of my space ASAP.

The 34UM94 is practically brand new. I used it for about 3 weeks. I just didn't enjoy ultrawide as much as I thought I would. As well, I didn't really enjoy IPS glow on that large of a screen. It's IPS glow isn't as bad as the worst examples here on the internet. But I think I'm going to aim for a *VA for my next ultrawide. Would be great for casual gaming and productivity in a well lit room. If you like playing dark scary games in a dark room, this monitor will frustrate you. Watching movies from a distance, the IPS glow is much less of an issue. I paid $850 for this a few months ago. My loss is your gain. I'm Asking $600 shipped UPS and insured OBO. $50 Discount for local transaction. I'll drive 50mi from 44805 to do the trade. The only photos I have at the moment are here. The monitor has been all boxed up for a long time now. If you need more pictures, I'll have to dig it out and set everything back up.

The BR1500G is a brand new unopened replacement sent to me from APC a couple months ago. I replaced the unit and do not need the replacement they sent. You'll be covered by their standard warranty as if you were the original owner. If you know anything about APC, you know that their warranty will cover you based on date of manufacture alone. Just tell them you bought it on Amazon if they ask...they don't need a receipt. It's all just verbal over the phone. I'm asking $125 shipped UPS & insured OBO.
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Great price on that LG. Is it the 34UM94 or 95 (your title and post mention both).

Either way, nice deal.
It's a 94. It's been so long I totally forgot there were two similar. This is one obtained through the first massdrop
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