<$35 Quietest HSF for 939...TT Silent Boost RX?


Aug 5, 2006
I am looking for the quietest possible HSF <$35 for a socket 939 board (I have an Athlon 64 3200+). Noise is the key factor in buying decision. I am not looking to overclock at all. Also I don't want HSF to be too big since there is a heat sink on my northbridge that could get in the way of a big HSF.

I am looking at http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1862753&CatId=493 right now.

What do you guys think of it? Is it quiet? Other recommendations?

Another possibility is http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1580898&CatId=1187 . But the RX seems to be the more popular product.

I did look at that. Too big for my taste, also I would like to buy a retail HSF from Tiger Direct or Newegg and the only Scythe Ninja from Newegg is OEM. Best case scenario I would choose one of the two I listed in OP unless some of you guys know of any problems with either.
stay away from thermaltake.

get this the arctic colling 64 here

it's cheap and really quiet, good cooling, and ridiculously easy to install. My brother has this heatsink and it's quieter than his video card i was impressed.
Epikz, I'll look into that one. How does the sideways fan work out with regards to air flow? I am used to the fans that are parallel to the mobo so can vent out the side of the case. Looking at the HSF roundup it seems the fan points up towards the PSU. I have a 120 mm fan on my PSU so I wonder whether they would interfere with each other. (nm i looked at the wsite and saw that you can rotate it).

Also it gives its sound rating as 0.8 sone how does that compare with the 18 dBa quoted for the TT silent boost?

Thermaltake makes good cases but their HSF are not that great?
F3rrum said:
Also it gives its sound rating as 0.8 sone how does that compare with the 18 dBa quoted for the TT silent boost?

Thermaltake makes good cases but their HSF are not that great?

First off, TT advertises bullshit numbers for their fans, so I'm sure they've done the same with the HSFs. Your absolute best option by far is the Ninja posted up above, as it can be run passively or with whatever 120mm fan you'd like (or just a fan at 5v). It also has quite a bit of clearance underneath, so it will most likely fit over whatever northbridge cooling you've got going on.

That AC 64 is also a decent HSF, but for <$35, the Ninja is the best.
Good suggestions. I am leaning towards the Arctic 64 pro just because you can get it off tigerdirect now and you can't get the scythe. Definitely decided against the TT.

Just one question would be where to face the A64 fan. I would not like it to point up or down cuz of the psu or the northbridge heatsink. I have a 120 mm blowing out back so would it be better to point the fan towards the front of the case so both fans are pulling in the same direction or put it facing the back and have it pull opposite the 120mm. On the wsite I think arctic recommends to face it to the back.
The TT Big Typhoon is pretty quiet. I've never been a big TT fan (and am still not), but the BT is pretty nice.
Thanks for your help. Just ordered an arctic cool freezer 64 pro from tigerdirect ($37 shipped). If it is too loud will return it for a scythe.
epikz said:
stay away from thermaltake.

get this the arctic colling 64 here

it's cheap and really quiet, good cooling, and ridiculously easy to install. My brother has this heatsink and it's quieter than his video card i was impressed.

Keep in mind that this one is big as well. check for dimensions.
Exellent choice. The fan should blow outward of your case to your intake. At least my brothers does. Depending on your motherboard it should go towards the intake.
I have a freezer 64 pro and will chime in and say its one of the best I have owned. Its quite, its good performing, and it looks cool.

Point it toward the rear exhaust fan, but make sure your mobo has room to do that you don't want to dump all that heat into the PSU as it could cause premature failure.

I got mine for 25.99 w/ free shipping at Zip Zoom Fly.
What's wrong with TT? Just curious....someone mentioned in the post above that they report bs number for their fan .... doesnt seem matter much too me. It can be off that much. I saw review on TT heatsink such as BT and miniBT, they get editor's choice or 10 stars awards. Just want to know more on why you guys dont like them. In case you're wondering, i'm looking for a new heat sink too. Just about to buy BT..... good thing i read this post first. Anyways some insight on TT will be nice. Thanks.
They do report BS numbers for their fans. It matters because they're decieving the consumer, and on some of their products, the ratings are really off by quite a bit. The Big Typhoon is one of their few solid products, the Mini Typhoon has been shown to offer terrible performance for the money. You can get a better product by doing a little bit of research.
kirbyrj said:
I also have an XP-90, but it's just not as good as the newer coolers out there. Not that it wasn't good in it's time :).

mmm...the stock dual core opteron and 4200+ and up coolers are just as good as the xp 90