360 Bioshock - random freezes and locks.


Nov 14, 2005
Is anybody else experiencing lock-ups while playing Bioshock? This has been happening to me somewhat frequently, and at worst I end up losing an hour or more of unsaved playtime. It's starting to piss me off.

The problem is, I can't tell if it's the actual game, or if it's just my new Core unit I purchased to replace my dead Premium. I started using this Core unit the exact same time I started playing Bioshock.

Most of the time the game just hangs up - frozen. Last night though I got a "Dirty disc" error pop up right in the middle of my game. 20 minutes later it completely froze. I guess I honestly can't say if it does this to more than one game, since all I've been playing is Bioshock.

I remember reading in the Gamespot review that they too had experienced minor little hang-ups in the game - but no mention of complete lock ups. I also think the game tends to do it just as I'm accessing a new menu or something - like when I hack a bot, or when I harvest a Sister. Things like that. But I can't be certain.

So I'm not sure what the cause is. I'm thinking of exchanging the Xbox just in case...
It's your 360. I played through the whole game on a November '05 360, no lock-ups or freezes at all.
I've had BioShock crash a few times. It always happens when I acquire a new tonic or plasmid. The disk spins down, then up again, then gives up and the game crashes. (Although your issue sounds completely different.)
I've had BioShock crash a few times. It always happens when I acquire a new tonic or plasmid. The disk spins down, then up again, then gives up and the game crashes. (Although your issue sounds completely different.)

Yeah, I get those too (without the crash). The new tonic or plasmid screen can sometimes take 10-15 seconds to load up.

Correct. My problem seems different.
It's the box. Last night I had my Xbox hardlock on Fort Frolic for the second night in a row. It has'nt happened at all throughout the game, only on Fort Frolic.
My 360 suffered vicious slowdown once in Bioshock... I managed to save and restart. No problems before or after that point.
I had a glitched save while doing Cohen's bidding. Had already saved the three little sisters but found another and saved her, then saved the game. That save would cause the game to skip when turning my guy and a very annoying chase music sequence to play all of the time.

Went to a previous save and never had the problem again.
I'm just guessing it's my actual 360. Especially since I got that 'dirty disc' error during the middle of play.

I'll take it back to the store, exchange it, and then report back.
yeah you have at least a 30% chance of your xbox breaking. Take it back get your money back and buy bioshock for the PC with a new video card if you need one.
yeah you have at least a 30% chance of your xbox breaking. Take it back get your money back and buy bioshock for the PC with a new video card if you need one.

Do you ever post in this forum without going out of your way to find a 360 thread to troll?
I've gotten a couple dirty disc errors at the Gatherers Gardens. :( I've lost an hour of game time because i was so immersed and didn't bother to save. It's very aggravating.
yeah you have at least a 30% chance of your xbox breaking. Take it back get your money back and buy bioshock for the PC with a new video card if you need one.

You don't necessary need to switch from console to pc to play bioshock properly. I ran bioshock 10hours straight without a problem or a hiccup.
I've gotten a couple dirty disc errors at the Gatherers Gardens. :( I've lost an hour of game time because i was so immersed and didn't bother to save. It's very aggravating.

You have!??

That's actually very important info for me. I think before I try returning this unit, I may have to play a different game for an extended period of time.

Bioshock, as great of a game as it is, seems to be very buggy in this regard.
You have!??

That's actually very important info for me. I think before I try returning this unit, I may have to play a different game for an extended period of time.

Bioshock, as great of a game as it is, seems to be very buggy in this regard.

Burnout Revenge does this every so often, and it happened a few times with The Darkness. With my other games it never happens. I've learned to recognize the distinctive clicking sound the DVD drive makes when it happens.
Burnout Revenge does this every so often, and it happened a few times with The Darkness. With my other games it never happens. I've learned to recognize the distinctive clicking sound the DVD drive makes when it happens.

Yes, I've heard the clicks. :(
It's happened to me twice. I occassionally notice the little movies taking longer than they should to start while the drive spins up, they usually just work. But twice it just paused and froze there, and unfortunately both were towards the end of a level so I had to restart from the autosave in the beginning. The vita-chambers kinda kill any need for constant saving which is great, but has the unforeseen sideeffect of making these crashes kick me a loooong way back.

But I still like the game, I just played through the stuff again faster, and a lot faster for having already found most of the hidden items(yet still found a missed corner here and there).

The others games are working just fine.
Completed it with zero slowdown and zero lockups. The pros are saying that clearing you cache will help... but I don't know how you do that. (I suppose google knows all)
Well, I just ran Gears of War for 3+ hours straight, playing it off and on (haha, damn this game still rocks). No problems what so ever.

Then I downloaded the MoH demo and played that for 30 minutes or so. Flawless.

Put Bioshock in and played it for 45 minutes. While it didn't outright crash, I was getting these constant 1/2 second hiccups in the framerate. I don't know, I'm really starting to think it's just the Bioshock disc and not the Xbox. Especially after hearing Beanmans comment.

Perhaps there was a bad batch of burns at the Bioshock factory or something. Regardless, I'll definitely be keeping a close eye on this Core box. =/
Did you read the thread I posted?? They say those 1/2 second hicups are HDD related. Removing your HDD and saving to a memory card clears up the issue.. If that is the case then it's a problem with some HDD's. None of my 3 xboxs have had the issue and only 4 people out of 31 people that have bioshock on my Friend list said they had it happen..

So try removing your HDD and see if that clears it up..
Unfortunately, I get lots of hang ups and lock ups, especially when it has to load up a plasmid vid. It's not your box- there's another forum I frequent where people are reporting the same thing.

I had the same thing on my first copy of Gears and it since cleared up. Different game or a patch, maybe. For me, I just save often.
Did you read the thread I posted?? They say those 1/2 second hicups are HDD related. Removing your HDD and saving to a memory card clears up the issue.. If that is the case then it's a problem with some HDD's. None of my 3 xboxs have had the issue and only 4 people out of 31 people that have bioshock on my Friend list said they had it happen..

So try removing your HDD and see if that clears it up..

Sorry, I did not. I have no memory card to test the theory. Although, I suppose I could just remove the hdd and play a new game for a couple hours without even saving. That would be an interesting test.

The important part is that I've been convinced that exchanging my entire Xbox wouldn't solve the problem. It's probably very much Bioshock related.
i get stuttering and screen tearing but it doesnt bothr me that much
I feel kinda bad for a lot of you because my experience of the game was flawless. :(
I feel kinda bad for a lot of you because my experience of the game was flawless. :(

It's not enough to keep me from enjoying the game though. It's still one of the best games I've played in recent years. I'm just forced to save more often than I normally would. ;)
Oh, I'm still loving the hell out of it. I'm still saving far less than I normally would due to the comfort of having the vita-chambers(though I still do everything I can to stay out of them).

I haven't seen any framerate issues or anything, just during mid-game loading like plasmid movies. It was just the 2 hard locks so far from me out of the many hours I've played, so while I'm not really happy about it, I don't particularly care either.
I was doing fine, but today, running through exploring areas that I missed it locked up hard. Just froze in place. A few hours later it did the same thing again in a new game.

Hope they get it fixed soon, but I'll be saving much more often now.