360 DVD drive dying


Oct 19, 2005
Hey guys, my 360 drive is slowly failing to read games/dirty discing/failing to close and whatnot, but I'm outta warranty so sending it to MS isnt really a possibility. I thought about telling them its randomly RRODing as well in hopes of getting both fixed but I'd rather not play that card if I dont need to. So my question is can I just get one of these "Xbox360 replacement drives" off ebay and simply slap it in there and have it work or is there some kind flashing of drives and whatnot that would be necessary?

I know my original Xbox was just a simple swap (Thompson->Samsung) and it was all good...
Mine is failing also. 8 dde last night playing cod4. I still have till the 25th before my warranty is up though. I dont think you can just get a dvd drive, you need the key off yours to flash the new one. You could do it but you will have to do flashing of the drives.

Id just see if it RROD soon and send it in.
well, its been doing this for some time now, but not had a rrod since I had this unit (replacment MS sent me about 1.5 yrs ago). If I send it in, they will just send me a refurb and then I'll be in that loop of me send them junk and they send me more junk. Nah, at this point I'll do my own thing...I'm not buying a new one and unless it RRODs for real, I'm not dealing with MS or further disc errors.

So annoying to get down to the 4th quarter in NCAA after having a GOOD GAME from all sides of the ball and then it starts hiccuping.
there are you tube vids that explain what cards you have to swap in your dvd drives to get a new one off of ebay to work in your existing system.
The simplest way to do it is to buy the exact same brand and firmware version drive as the one you have. You would have to open your 360 and look at the label on top of the drive to find which firmware version your drive is. Then just search for a similar one on ebay. That way you don't have to deal with flashing. All you have to do is physically swap the logic board from your current drive onto the replacement drive.
The simplest way to do it is to buy the exact same brand and firmware version drive as the one you have. You would have to open your 360 and look at the label on top of the drive to find which firmware version your drive is. Then just search for a similar one on ebay. That way you don't have to deal with flashing. All you have to do is physically swap the logic board from your current drive onto the replacement drive.

Yeah. That is it. Pretty easy to swap drives. I just took mine completely apart and now it is easy to fix break downs.