360 or PS3

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360 is out of waranty...got red ringed twice...is running ok now

ps3 runs 24 7, but I got no games for it...they dont make any
You are kidding me, right. A topic that starts like this can go nowhere good.

*wipes hands*

I'm out of this one.

See all the other threads on the topic.
yea...all the other ones say wich one should I get:rolleyes:
I have both and one of them is collecting dust. So w:rolleyes: why should I keep them both??:cool:
if one is collecting dust, then get rid of that one. You can answer your own question. Otherwerise, you are only trying to turn this into a flamefest thread.
Throw them both out and buy this:

Hmmm. Yeah, I'm gonna go with the "weird thread" judgment and walk away, LOL. Actually, screw it, I'm gonna say "sell 'em both, buy a Wii, everyone else is :p" :D
You can throw them away to me.... I'll make sure the PS3 gets no dust on it :D

I hereby declare this thread closed.

If you actually want opinions on which is the better console, there are plenty of threads debating it.
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