360 or PS3?

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So, I was playing Mass Effect yesterday and chatting with my friend who was playing Crackdown through XBL and was reminded of how awesome an option that is. The headset plugging into the controller is very nice.
Although I'm very jealous of the XBL chat system (fuck you Sony, hurry up and give me messaging in games), the PS3 can work with any off-the-shelf Bluetooth headset (no wires required!).
Although I'm very jealous of the XBL chat system (fuck you Sony, hurry up and give me messaging in games), the PS3 can work with any off-the-shelf Bluetooth headset (no wires required!).

The 360 setup is more functional in practice. Since it is powered by the controller, all that is necesary is to swap out the battery on the controller when it runs low. Bluetooth headsets in most cases have to be charged with a plugin charger. A good Bluetooth headset also does not come cheap. When I was playing Warhawk, I noticed that very few people used voice chat. I had my Motorola headset connected but it ran out of juice after a couple hours of playing. Whereas it is often used by players in 360 games. Since it is simple to setup and use on the 360, more people use it and, unless they invested in the separate wireless headset, no one ever just goes dead silent with no explanation. The PS3 setup would seem to be better in theory, but in practice, the 360 controller/headset configuration is alot more reliable and therefore gets more use.
Alot of headsets work for the PS3, including the ones that are designed primarily for PC use. Pretty much any USB & BT headset is a simple plug and play affair for the PS3. It has been reported that even the Turtle Beach headset designed for the 360 even works on the PS3. Even 360's Vision camera works for the PS3
Alot of headsets work for the PS3, including the ones that are designed primarily for PC use. Pretty much any USB & BT headset is a simple plug and play affair for the PS3. It has been reported that even the Turtle Beach headset designed for the 360 even works on the PS3. Even 360's Vision camera works for the PS3

The PS3 does a good job of working with many devices. However, in practice, alot less people use headsets on the PS3. With the 360, any headset with a 2.5mm jack can be plugged into the controller. Granted, it is wired to the controller, but the controller is wireless. The simple nature of the setup just means that people use it more. It is also a much cheaper solution, since, even if you don't have a headset already, you can pick one up for a 360 controller for super cheap.
Same can be said for a USB & a BT setup. Last I checked it was under 20 for either option. ($17 for 360's wired headset) Either setup is not expensive as you seem to believe. In regards to the BT setup, once it's paired on the PS3. It stays paired.even after you shut down the PS3
You like taking shots at me huh?

Look chief, they are professionals because they are paid to review games. You're not paid to review games, and neither am I, which means that they must be extra good at it. They have a formal structure to follow, and have more experience reviewing and playing games than anyone you or I know. And no, I don't just take the IGN guys opinions. Any professional reviewer is just as good to me.

Seriously, either contribute something to this thread and grow up a little or get out.


Actually, do whatever you want. I make it a point to not get into discussions with people like you, as you like to make things too personal to ever get any enlightenment out of a debate. Accordingly, welcome to /ignore.

I am sorry but this post is extra funny to me. I commend you on the use of the much under used word "Chief" I don't know why but it will always bring a smile to my face.

I am glad you have faith in the IGN guys but most of what your say is an assumption and not really knowledge. I know a few people who do get to write for some review sites. Most do not get paid ( Unless you count shwag ) As for the rigorous things you need to do to write for a review site besides just making one yourself. ( This would take a decent web developer a grand total of maybe an hour ) is the abbility to type and the love of Video Games. there is no demanding criteria to meet other than the editor liking the way you write. The Editor of the site will usually set forth a criteria for your article. these are mainly talking points that he feels will help structure your review, but when it is all said and done it is still one persons opinion. I like to see what many people "professional" and not say about a game. I like to see that they are not just spewing content that they read elsewhere and also to see what things are common complaints and or praises about the game and form my own opinion of that game since mine is really the only one that counts to me.

Please remember that by your example that 16 year old kid who works in McDonald's must be Extra Good at making me my hamburger since he gets paid to do it and they have a structured routine on how they are to be made.
Same can be said for a USB & a BT setup. Last I checked it was under 20 for either option. ($17 for 360's wired headset) Either setup is not expensive as you seem to believe. In regards to the BT setup, once it's paired on the PS3. It stays paired.even after you shut down the PS3

I think the big reason the 360 headset is more frequently used (other than the reasons stated by Defective) is because it's bundled with the console.

A lot of people simply never bother to buy a BT headset and sync it to their PS3. If Sony included one wih the console, thins might be different.
I am sorry but this post is extra funny to me. I commend you on the use of the much under used word "Chief" I don't know why but it will always bring a smile to my face.

Thanks, I don't use it much but it felt appropriate there.

Please remember that by your example that 16 year old kid who works in McDonald's must be Extra Good at making me my hamburger since he gets paid to do it and they have a structured routine on how they are to be made.

C'mon man, you have to see the difference right? Any jackass who is 15 years old can walk into a McDonalds and get paid to make burgers. The opposite is true for paid game reviewers

I mean seriously, the people at the big companies are the best of the best. If they were not good, there are plenty of other people who would gladly step up and take their jobs. Yes, once I decide to buy/rent/play a friends' copy of a game, most of what they say goes out the window. But I take their opinions very seriously about where I'm going to spend my $60.
Thanks, I don't use it much but it felt appropriate there.

C'mon man, you have to see the difference right? Any jackass who is 15 years old can walk into a McDonalds and get paid to make burgers. The opposite is true for paid game reviewers

I mean seriously, the people at the big companies are the best of the best. If they were not good, there are plenty of other people who would gladly step up and take their jobs. Yes, once I decide to buy/rent/play a friends' copy of a game, most of what they say goes out the window. But I take their opinions very seriously about where I'm going to spend my $60.

"/ignore" me all you want but I can't help but laugh at you.

Sorry pal.
I mean seriously, the people at the big companies are the best of the best. If they were not good, there are plenty of other people who would gladly step up and take their jobs. Yes, once I decide to buy/rent/play a friends' copy of a game, most of what they say goes out the window. But I take their opinions very seriously about where I'm going to spend my $60.

I can understand that you think that and can give them that kind of weight but when I give you examples for not trusting those very opinions you dismiss them completely. I would love to have that kind of faith in a review company or magazine ,but sadly it is very difficult for me to trust them blindly without any checks and balances. Magazines will routinely list a games score and then 2 pages later you see an add for that very same game. Now this almost always draws a red flag from me. Gamespot has recently fired a reviewer due to pressure from a developer who threatened to pull all their advertising from them because they gave Kane and Lynch a bad score. ( I for one thought the score in question was actually generous.) This should prove to be at least a little shadow of a doubt in your mind about thier scores. As for IGN try and find any cross-platform game that actually received the same score on both systems. Then cruse all the other sites and see what they scored them. most are equal ( recently ) and it seems that for some reason when ever IGN reviews any PS3 games there is always some type of screen glitch or tearing. It is almost to the point that either they are Hating on the PS3 or the one they use for reviews is defective.
A lot of people simply never bother to buy a BT headset and sync it to their PS3. If Sony included one wih the console, thins might be different.

Does anyone else see this as a good thing lol. Less people on mic's = less 12 year old e-thugs to have to mute. On Pc and PS3 i encounter way less idiots on the mic, and im guessing its because not everyone has one. Switching from Halo 3 to resistance is pure bliss in my ears.
I can understand that you think that and can give them that kind of weight but when I give you examples for not trusting those very opinions you dismiss them completely. I would love to have that kind of faith in a review company or magazine ,but sadly it is very difficult for me to trust them blindly without any checks and balances. Magazines will routinely list a games score and then 2 pages later you see an add for that very same game. Now this almost always draws a red flag from me. Gamespot has recently fired a reviewer due to pressure from a developer who threatened to pull all their advertising from them because they gave Kane and Lynch a bad score. ( I for one thought the score in question was actually generous.) This should prove to be at least a little shadow of a doubt in your mind about thier scores. As for IGN try and find any cross-platform game that actually received the same score on both systems. Then cruse all the other sites and see what they scored them. most are equal ( recently ) and it seems that for some reason when ever IGN reviews any PS3 games there is always some type of screen glitch or tearing. It is almost to the point that either they are Hating on the PS3 or the one they use for reviews is defective.

The whole reason this issue of trusting review sites came up is because I made a list of games >8.5 and sourced gamespot out of convenience. If I were to to it again, I'd use metacritic, which seems smarter based on your argument that certain gamesites may be biased.
IGN reliable review source? Excuse me?? Now that is fuckin hilarious right there.....

Any 'reviewer' that actually likes Pro Evo 2008, let alone give the steaming pile of shit 9.5 out of 10 needs his head testing.......either that or actually have your company's name on the advertisement boards ingame that is :rolleyes:

Never trusted a single review since then.......
IGN reliable review source? Excuse me?? Now that is fuckin hilarious right there.....

Any 'reviewer' that actually likes Pro Evo 2008, let alone give the steaming pile of shit 9.5 out of 10 needs his head testing.......either that or actually have your company's name on the advertisement boards ingame that is :rolleyes:

Never trusted a single review since then.......

you're a little late to the party
IGN reliable review source? Excuse me?? Now that is fuckin hilarious right there.....

Any 'reviewer' that actually likes Pro Evo 2008, let alone give the steaming pile of shit 9.5 out of 10 needs his head testing.......either that or actually have your company's name on the advertisement boards ingame that is :rolleyes:

Never trusted a single review since then.......

Yeah, we already proved him wrong.
I mean seriously, the people at the big companies are the best of the best. If they were not good, there are plenty of other people who would gladly step up and take their jobs.

They're just lucky. I don't think reviewers at most mainstream game review sites are particularly talented or gifted. I doubt they're paid much either.
They're just lucky. I don't think reviewers at most mainstream game review sites are particularly talented or gifted. I doubt they're paid much either.

It was a sad day when ign started charging for the "insider" subscription.
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