360 Spring update is LIVE!

Lol, i just finished the update and now my console has 3 red lights :(. A great update indeed.

Sucks as my UK console is out of warrenty, im going to phone them tommorow and see what they can do :(
No problems here. I love how fast updates install. It takes about 30 seconds. I'm glad to see the system still loads up on the xbl blade.
Lol, i just finished the update and now my console has 3 red lights :(. A great update indeed.

Sucks as my UK console is out of warrenty, im going to phone them tommorow and see what they can do :(

Damn, sorry to hear that, best of luck. :(

No problems here. I love how fast updates install. It takes about 30 seconds. I'm glad to see the system still loads up on the xbl blade.

Great, I was wondering on which blade it would be on start-up. Thanks.
Lol, i just finished the update and now my console has 3 red lights :(. A great update indeed.

Sucks as my UK console is out of warrenty, im going to phone them tommorow and see what they can do :(

Ouch. Sorry man!
The messanger within games is awesome! Group chats with friends at work while I'm gaming over xbl FTW! You just type way, no pausing to send messages. I am liking this update for than I thought I would. The marketplace blade looks nice and is in a better place now. Much easier to find.

Setup for logging into messenger IM is painless. On the xbl balde there is a IM button. You click that and it asks for your login name and password and your ready to go. Or you create one.
Lol, i just finished the update and now my console has 3 red lights :(. A great update indeed.

Sucks as my UK console is out of warrenty, im going to phone them tommorow and see what they can do :(
Reading this serious killed my woody.:( Update went without a hitch though...anybody know what "reference levels" are in the display tab? If it was there before the update I didn't notice it..
Lol, i just finished the update and now my console has 3 red lights :(. A great update indeed.

Sucks as my UK console is out of warrenty, im going to phone them tommorow and see what they can do :(

Yeah, the fall update last year bricked mine too. I'm going to wait a little while and see how many more people are bricked by this update before I take the chance.
Update works just fine for me. Does anyone know how to chnage their e-mail address on xbox live? When i first sign up i used my yahoo email and now i cant use msn live messenger bc i cant change my email address.
I downloaded it and it worked perfectly fine. I sort of counted in my head too, while it was going, and downloading and rebooting took no more then 35 seconds. I have to get some work done ;) so I didn't mess around too much, but I did sign onto my Windows Messenger account, and checked out the new Marketplace Blade. I like how they handle the various TV channels now (which I had seen before in a video), and it's nice to have the streaming video thing now, though I didn't get to try it.

I didn't send anybody any messages over Messenger, but it's cool to have that now. I didn't look to see if there were any options for it either, but I wonder if there's a way to hide offline contacts, but keep the online ones visable. I noticed you could hide ALL your messenger contacts, and have only your Live Friends, with the push of the Y button, but it'd be cool to show your online Messenger friends with all your Xbox Live Friends.

I'll have to play with it more, when I'm done working. So far though, it looks like it'll be really cool.
Worked fine for me. I like the slight improvement to the graphics on the blades...although I'm a little curious why they changed the order.
although I'm a little curious why they changed the order.

Order of what? The blades? I wasn't really paying much attention, but it seemed to be in the same order as before, with the exception of the new Marketplace Blade being the very first one. Unless you're talking about something else, or I didn't notice a new order.
worked fine for me....it froze once I looked at my messages and was a little slow 4 a while (had me worried) but it is back to normal again
Order of what? The blades? I wasn't really paying much attention, but it seemed to be in the same order as before, with the exception of the new Marketplace Blade being the very first one. Unless you're talking about something else, or I didn't notice a new order.

That's what I meant. I was wondering why they made it the first blade. Seems kinda random?
Still kind of noobish to updating. I got my 360 for x-mas. I've only done the one update plus games. Is updating really a round of Russian Roulette? Kinda hesistant to update it after hearing a few horror stories.
Still kind of noobish to updating. I got my 360 for x-mas. I've only done the one update plus games. Is updating really a round of Russian Roulette? Kinda hesistant to update it after hearing a few horror stories.
No. You have to remember that people have their 360s fail all the time - so, statistically, some of them are going to fail during updates.
Yeah, I've had my 360 since launch and have (obviously) been through 7-8 updates with no issues. I think you'll find the vast majority of users have had no issues, too.
Granted it's more likely that you'll brick your 360 after an update rather than not, it wouldn't stop me from gaining additional (free!) features.

The update bricking isn't coincidental, it's a direct result of updating.


It had its own error message specific to the update brickage. (E-71)

So updates are not risk-free, firmware updates are never risk-free, that's why all firmware updates warn you not to turn off the power because errors in the process can be tough to recover from. If it's any consolation, the odds are not against you, most do survive.
I had a problem where the HDMI wouldn't work when the update came out. I had to plug it in via component to do the update and then switch back to HDMI afterwards.
First blade? you talk like there is a specific order....

Mine always boots up on the live blade, the market place is to the left and the rest are to the right....
First blade? you talk like there is a specific order....

Mine always boots up on the live blade, the market place is to the left and the rest are to the right....

A more natural flow of things would have the Live blade first then the Market place. Oh well, I will begin my update now...
After having a little more time to mess around with the new features, I really like some of of the stuff in this update. I knew about them, but one thing I noticed right away, and love, is the icons on the friends list, that show if a match is joinable, etc. It was kind of a pain, with the added step, of having to select a friend just to see if you could join his online match. It's great to know just looking at the full Friends List.

I also love having the transparent progress bar at the top, while playing videos. That was one thing I would have liked to have seen, when I first bought my 360. It's great to have that feature now.
In case it hasn't been noted, this update fixes the washed out VGA picture problem. I've got a Dell 2405 and VGA was washed out before this, now I just had to go to the Display settings and go into Reference Levels and choose Expanded mode. The previous 360 black levels were set to TV levels, selecting Expanded mode sets it to display black levels more suited for for PC monitors - I've now got solid blacks and more vibrant colours over VGA (1080p too). Happy dayz...
Well after this update I just realized that my gamertag is linked to my 8 year old hotmail account that I never use anymore. There is no way to relink it to my gmail account or my own domain name, and thus I dont think the messenger service is going to be of any use to me.

This really pisses me off, I wish I wasnt forced to link my gamertag to a net passport or if I was I had the ability to change it.
First blade? you talk like there is a specific order....

Mine always boots up on the live blade, the market place is to the left and the rest are to the right....

You sure? This update is the one that put the Marketplace on the far left. Up until this morning, the Live one was on the far left. Errr...unless you're on a different revision than most of us (which IS possible I'd assume).
No problem with the update here. Anyone know if it's true that the colors via VGA were improved? I don't know if I'm just having a placebo effect or not :D... I did notice the new Reference Level color adjustment in the video dash options, and set it to Expanded, which does look better to me on my Viewsoninc n3751w 37" LCD HDTV (720P over VGA).
In case it hasn't been noted, this update fixes the washed out VGA picture problem. I've got a Dell 2405 and VGA was washed out before this, now I just had to go to the Display settings and go into Reference Levels and choose Expanded mode. The previous 360 black levels were set to TV levels, selecting Expanded mode sets it to display black levels more suited for for PC monitors - I've now got solid blacks and more vibrant colours over VGA (1080p too). Happy dayz...
So..that's what "reference levels" do? The name doesn't really mean much and they don't really explain what it is..
DailyTech.com has an article explaining, and showing the differences, with the new settings.

As far as the issue involving old hotmail/passport accounts, used when creating your Live account, and not being what you use for your Messenger, that is a really sucky situation, but it sounds like they're working on it, so you'll be able to change it. Hopefully it doesn't take too long.
Just updated without a itch.

The email thing sucks because I had to create a new email account when I signed for Xbox Live on the 360 since my main .net email was linked to an old gamertag back in Xbox days ... so I can't use the IM function yet.

1920x1080 still doesn't work properly with my BenQ monitor. But I don't mind that much because I've been using my 32" Sharp TV since I got it.

Other than that, I like the rest.
Major Nelson just mentions being able to change email addresses. I want to switch it over to an entirely different net passport. :(
I just changed my "Reference Level" setting, and you can really notice a nice difference. I started playing that Episode of South Park, in HD, that we could download for free a couple months ago, and then I switched the level. I put the video going again and it looks so much better! I haven't tried it with a game yet, but you were definitely right redtom: The black levels are much better, and the colors are better as well.
I really noticed it on Gears of War menu - before the update, you could see that the picture was very light/washed out coz I've my 2405 set to 1:1 so there's the small unlit (i.e. black) bands across the top and bottom and there was a noticeable difference between them and the Gears menu. Now you can't see where the unlit bands end and the menu screen begins.