37" TV LCD as a pc monitor? Too big? Any health risk of long-term usage?


Dec 15, 2006
I was wondering if it's healthy for the eyes to be sitted close to a 37" LCD tv? :confused: By close i mean 3-4 feet. I use the pc 5 hours or more, every day.
Currently i use as my main pc monitor, a 32" HD LCD (720P) at a distance of 3.5 feet (~1 meter) and it's ok. But the resolution is a little low for windows tasks so i want a Full HD screen (1920x1080 is enough for me). I was thinking for a 37" FULL HD lcd screen, a little bigger, because i game a lot on pc and consoles. But i don't know if it's not too big for sitting so close to it (3-4 feet)...I can't sit any further then 3-4 feet because my desk does't allow me to...:( I'm concerned about my eyes mostly, i don't know if it's healthy to stay so close to such a big screen for longer periods of time. I do not wear glasses and i hope i will never have to.

Anyone can share their thoughts about this, please?
TV's tend to be much brighter than monitors, as long as you can dial it right down to 120cdm^2 you should be fine.
I would probably recommend sticking with a 32" 1080p set. I used to use a 37" as a monitor about the same distance and the only health risk I found was a sore neck from looking up, down, left and right. A 32" TV about 3 to 4 feet away is a slightly better alternative. Other than excessive brightness (as PhilJohn said) which may tire your eyes, I wouldn't think of any other risks.

To be honest, it should also be sharper than the 720p set at 32" moreso than you'd think due to the fact that a lot of 720p sets use 1366x768 as their resolution and this causes pixel mapping to be a bit off from what I've seen (from a Sharp set).