3770k cooling concerns


Jun 4, 2007
So I just ordered a 3770K. My first jump into the high end world.

Reading up a little on the Ivy Bridge cpu's i notice they run a little hot. I'm not planning on overclocking (least not right now). I currently have a CM 212 Plus (push pull setup) cooling a Phenom 555 (unlocked quad right now) that the 3770k is replacing so I'll end up using it. Will this be fine? I'm not seeing any issues.
If you do not plan on overclocking, or even if you do but not a huge amount the cooling wont be an issue, yes they will run hot if clocked up high but it is a much smaller die pushing its heat into a much smaller area, but if you look at the actual efficiency per clock and such they are actually quite good and overall lower power usage.

The ones that seem to have the hardest time cooling Ivy/Haswell are many of the big footprint heatsinks and many of the AIO units as they cannot get rid of the heat that is more concentrated from old designs.

Many have also taken to delidding the cpu to put better paste which helps a fair margin but this is so not for the faint of heart.

I would say if you plan on playing any EA/Activision/Ubisoft games coming up, stick with AMD for the FX6 and FX8 generation they are decent performing, not all that expensive, and easier to cool as long as you aren't overclocking like mad.

Any modern cpu will idle in the 32-43c range and load 45-64c depending(68-75+c if clocked up like mad) so its a take it with grain of salt, they are built to take higher temps but because are smaller they do get hotter but is not like a frying pan area of heat more like a hot flame so take in context.
I would say if you plan on playing any EA/Activision/Ubisoft games coming up, stick with AMD for the FX6 and FX8 generation they are decent performing, not all that expensive, and easier to cool as long as you aren't overclocking like mad.

Any modern cpu will idle in the 32-43c range and load 45-64c depending(68-75+c if clocked up like mad) so its a take it with grain of salt, they are built to take higher temps but because are smaller they do get hotter but is not like a frying pan area of heat more like a hot flame so take in context.

Not planning on any EA/Act/Ubi games. Mostly anything availiable on steam and maybe some SCII.
well steam might be getting some changes soon enough, but I here you there, Intel at least at this moment in time is def better single threaded, which most steam based games tend to be.

Anyways, your cooler in push/pull should be fine as long as your case is letting the air in and out in a good smooth fashion.

I use a 212+ push/pull for my 955 which I had clocked up to 4.3 almost 4.4 at 1.46v BF3 loaded was getting 56c tops in the summer, so yep as long as you don't push like crazy you will be fine.
My 3770k runs extremely hot. Idle is in the mid-high 40's.


During games it easily goes into the 70, even touches the 80's while playing l4d2. I alt+tabbed and took a quick screen shot of it.


I don't even have my cpu overclocked, which is the scary part. I'm going to be ordering a Corsair H100i and hope it helps with the temps. I'm even tempted to delid the cpu. I have the case in a tight area, so that could be why it runs hot also. :eek:
My 3770k runs extremely hot. Idle is in the mid-high 40's.


During games it easily goes into the 70, even touches the 80's while playing l4d2. I alt+tabbed and took a quick screen shot of it.


I don't even have my cpu overclocked, which is the scary part. I'm going to be ordering a Corsair H100i and hope it helps with the temps. I'm even tempted to delid the cpu. I have the case in a tight area, so that could be why it runs hot also. :eek:

Your load temps are quite normal for a stock cooler.

I also noticed you don't have any power savings turned on, judging by the processor running at full turbo clocks while idle. This is likely the reason for your higher than average idle temps.
I'm @ 4.2 Asus Auto Overclock letting bios do everything. I just changed out the 212 plus for the 212 evo with 2 x 120mm fans and it keeps it well under the dangerous temps. I have run the chip @ 4.4 with 1.35 v and the temps start to get into the mid 80's with 8 threads being tortured. I don't run Intel Burn Test anymore or Lin X I used to now I run the 1024m Wprime 2.10 test. I think it's a good full load test and will give a nice indication of your cooling ability.
I just ran Prime 95 for 15 min blend. Max temps were 73c 75c 78c 74c. I have the fans set in bios to #2 out of 9 for anything under 65c. Once temps hit 65 they go full speed. The 212 evo is very capable of keeping i7 overclocked under 80c. Ambient room temperature 67f. I hope this kinda helps.
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