3800+X2 Temps/Stability


Limp Gawd
May 4, 2005

I recentley bought an AMD 3800+X2 to replace my 3700+ sandiego because of the monster price cuts. My question is that, since this is my first time with a dual core i dont know the temp range for this chip on stock settings. I need to know this because i either need to reset my HS or i'll need to increase my cooling somehow. My idle is 33-35 and my loads range from 42-45 depedning if im loading both cores. I would like to OC this chip, but with these temps i dont have much headroom.

One more question, my motherboard supports dual cores(recongnized it an such), but i havent updated the bios since i got my Asus A8N Sli delxue back in January. Should i update the bios because i have experienced a random lockup and a complete shut down of my computer while running dual prime(just to stress my new procc out on stock speeds). I woke up and my computer was off, i checked my temps and they never rose above 46.
Just so you guys know I did a fresh install, loaded the AMD drivers, did the hot fix(followed XS forum guide), and loaded the Dual core Optimizer. I am going to re-seat my heatsink today just to see.
Dont go much past 50 and its all good.
The drivers are just for "cool n quiet", something you wont use if you are overclocking and the optimizer is really just a fix for some things that mess up with the drivers.
The x2 cpu's run hot with just the stock hsf. Get yourself a decent one and you should be able to get 2.5-2.7ghz pretty easily. I have a x2 3800 at 2.7ghz@ 1.525v Cooling with a big typhoon, load temps in mbm never go above 45. Using the core temp program, it shows 50-51.
go big typhoon....
keeps my 4400 nice and cool 35c or less full load, fold on both cores.
plenty on eficient air flow through the case is a must if you want low temps...
also try lowering the cpu voltage slightly...
You should be able to hit at least 2.4ghz without any issues, 2.6-2.8 if you cool well.