390X coming soon few weeks

officially been stamped a rebrand? Care to show the official announcement?

Quit your trolling.

People are excited about an AMD lineup and you can not help yourself from coming in and saying "Its not good like you guys think it is! Its bad!"... Do you need a life or something? Whats the game here?
I read the links you guys posted and followed them to their sources :confused:

Do you guys even bother following the links being posted? It doesn't seem like it. Sapphire lineup was confirmed at 9am as a refresh. You guys even talked about how awesome it was that the 390 was a 290 with 8gb of RAM :rolleyes:
Well I learned today that when a company insinuates that they are going to release a new product that the most important thing is the stock price; not the actual product.
Well I learned today that when a company insinuates that they are going to release a new product that the most important thing is the stock price; not the actual product.
This was news to you that a sinking stock price as the products are being leaked and announced is more important than whether a video card performs well? :eek:

You guys ever been to the horse races? When you bet, if you know what you're doing, you don't bet based on your hunch you look at the odds and those odds move according to the big money players not the little guy placing $2 dollar wagers.

As exciting as these announcements seem to you, the big money players aren't caring. That should be ringing alarm bells for you guys. The inside guys know infinitely more than you or I do and they're "saying" *nope* to AMD. That's the important thing and the real meat on the bones.
This was news to you that a sinking stock price as the products are being leaked and announced is more important than whether a video card performs well? :eek:

You guys ever been to the horse races? When you bet, if you know what you're doing, you don't bet based on your hunch you look at the odds and those odds move according to the big money players not the little guy placing $2 dollar wagers.

As exciting as these announcements seem to you, the big money players aren't caring. That should be ringing alarm bells for you guys. The inside guys know infinitely more than you or I do and they're "saying" *nope* to AMD. That's the important thing and the real meat on the bones.
Once again In case you did not read what I wrote.
I have been following AMD as a stock recently, and aside form the fact that there has not actually been a product launch or official announcement, the stock is falling in anticipation of poor second quarter results that were outlined by AMD in the first quarter report.
AMD usually misses it's mark in the red and this second quarter will most likely not be different. The launch of the new cards may drive up the price a little but the stock should fall on second quarter results regardless.
The actual sale of the cards will help third quarter results be more healthy and the growth if there is any should be realized in the third quarter as well.

Disclaimer I am not an insider but I do actually research stocks I take a look at instead of what this guy is saying... " When you bet, if you know what you're doing, you don't bet based on your hunch you look at the odds and those odds move according to the big money players not the little guy placing $2 dollar wagers."

The only sure way to lose money is to think you can follow the big guys like a book when they only leave small bread crumbs that you have to find and not base on hearsay like that quote I mentioned at the top of my post.
I read the links you guys posted and followed them to their sources :confused:

Do you guys even bother following the links being posted? It doesn't seem like it. Sapphire lineup was confirmed at 9am as a refresh. You guys even talked about how awesome it was that the 390 was a 290 with 8gb of RAM :rolleyes:

Do YOU even bother following the links posted?

What about those links is 'official' from sapphire?

Now quit the trolling with the "your official rumors havent effected stock prices so you shouldnt like the new lineup because other people dont" crap...

We get it. You like nVidia. Awesome.
Once again In case you did not read what I wrote.

Disclaimer I am not an insider but I do actually research stocks I take a look at instead of what this guy is saying... " When you bet, if you know what you're doing, you don't bet based on your hunch you look at the odds and those odds move according to the big money players not the little guy placing $2 dollar wagers."

The only sure way to lose money is to think you can follow the big guys like a book when they only leave small bread crumbs that you have to find and not base on hearsay like that quote I mentioned at the top of my post.
I did read what you wrote and I did not disagree with what you wrote.

I clarified in a post to someone else that my response was to someone using the news this morning as a barometer of good things to come and, in response, I noted that the larger market outside this thread (also aware of the same news) was not excited at the same news.

Why do you keep changing this into a meta discussion that was never intended, implied, nor explicitly stated? You can't have it both ways: either the news is something that you got excited about and when alternate sources of information indicate that others, more important others, aren't so excited you can't then turn around and claim well the news doesn't matter anymore :confused:
Do YOU even bother following the links posted?

What about those links is 'official' from sapphire?

Now quit the trolling with the "your official rumors havent effected stock prices so you shouldnt like the new lineup because other people dont" crap...

We get it. You like nVidia. Awesome.
If you follow the news stories back to their original sources they come from a site written in Chinese explaining that the source of the news are official product lists from Sapphire and an AMD powerpoint presentation.

I suppose you could call it quasi-official or whatever you want but it's obviously more than a "rumor" now and the links were posted because it was "exciting" news. It only got degraded to "not news" when I chimed in with a negative interpretation of the "news" based, not on my opinion about it, but rather pointing out that the stock price was flatlining (and since dropping meaning major players are pulling out) and that the sources of the news were talking about how devastating this is to AMD. Now it's "just rumor with exciting news around the corner" or what...who knows how you guys will interpret it I suppose.

You guys are posting links to sites you can't read the language and getting mad when someone is explaining it to you.
I did read what you wrote and I did not disagree with what you wrote.

I clarified in a post to someone else that my response was to someone using the news this morning as a barometer of good things to come and, in response, I noted that the larger market outside this thread (also aware of the same news) was not excited at the same news.

Why do you keep changing this into a meta discussion that was never intended, implied, nor explicitly stated? You can't have it both ways: either the news is something that you got excited about and when alternate sources of information indicate that others, more important others, aren't so excited you can't then turn around and claim well the news doesn't matter anymore :confused:

And I wrote to you to explain why the news is not exciting to stock traders. Flew right over your head. The reason we are excited about the news is because this is a rumor thread, nothing more nothing less, Goldman Sacks is not going to make investments based on this thread or even look at it and that notion can be extended to any other trader for that matter. So your point is little less than trolling.

And once again as well: this is a rumor there is no official launch or anything we don't even know how the cards will preform. What in the world does that have to do with a scope any broader than this thread?
If you follow the news stories back to their original sources they come from a site written in Chinese explaining that the source of the news are official product lists from Sapphire and an AMD powerpoint presentation.

I suppose you could call it quasi-official or whatever you want but it's obviously more than a "rumor" now and the links were posted because it was "exciting" news. It only got degraded to "not news" when I chimed in with a negative interpretation of the "news" based, not on my opinion about it, but rather pointing out that the stock price was flatlining (and since dropping meaning major players are pulling out) and that the sources of the news were talking about how devastating this is to AMD. Now it's "just rumor with exciting news around the corner" or what...who knows how you guys will interpret it I suppose.

Well I'm so glad you broke that down for all of us...

Now can we carry on with the thread about the 300 series without your nonsense on news and the stock market (or trolling about drivers/longevity benefits, or the general brand bashing you are going out of your way to do)?

My fking god...
Goldman Sacks is not going to make investments based on this thread or even look at it and that notion can be extended to any other trader for that matter. So your point is little less than trolling.
It's more than rumor. Investment firms don't care about this thread one way or another. But they certainly know about Sapphire's upcoming product releases and they aren't compelling. They know about AMD's upcoming presentation, and believe the real big money players knew about it before 9am this morning when the slides were leaked, and they aren't excited either.

It's not trolling. If this is a rumor thread, then discussion about whatever news comes out and how it's perceived everywhere, not just among the AMD fanboys, is relevant to the discussion. You just call it trolling because you don't like the information I wrote. That's not trolling, bud.
(trolling about drivers/longevity benefits, or the general brand bashing you are going out of your way to do)?

My fking god...
Yeah, you're completely confused. Go read the thread and direct your post to the person who wrote whatever you think you imagined here.
"quasi-official" Chinese source is not official. A link back to Sapphire's site would be official.
Claiming otherwise, to get a rise out of people, could be considered trolling.
It's not trolling. If this is a rumor thread, then discussion about whatever news comes out and how it's perceived everywhere, not just among the AMD fanboys, is relevant to the discussion. You just call it trolling because you don't like the information I wrote. That's not trolling, bud.

Its not a rumor thread, its a thread about the 300 series with rumors in it.

The perception or reception of rumors and news is in no way relevant to the 300 series itself... You are trying to sub-topic this thread into discussions about rumor reception in wallstreet... No one gives a damn.
This was news to you that a sinking stock price as the products are being leaked and announced is more important than whether a video card performs well? :eek:

You guys ever been to the horse races? When you bet, if you know what you're doing, you don't bet based on your hunch you look at the odds and those odds move according to the big money players not the little guy placing $2 dollar wagers.

As exciting as these announcements seem to you, the big money players aren't caring. That should be ringing alarm bells for you guys. The inside guys know infinitely more than you or I do and they're "saying" *nope* to AMD. That's the important thing and the real meat on the bones.

I don't bet on video card performance. I buy on the quality of the product and my needs. I like the way the direction that AMD video cards are taking. I like the fact that they assisted in developing HBM technology that Nvidia is scrambling to implement into their next generation of cards. AMD is bringing it in 2015, whereas Nvidia is hoping for 2016.

AMD shifted the multicard solution to SFR with Mantle and demonstrated that it was far superior to AFR last year with Civilization: Beyond Earth. Now we see that Microsoft included this into WIndows 10 via DX12. More tea leaves that tell me that AMD is doing something right.

Vulkan is using Mantle as it's base is telling enough that AMD is doing something right. I don't even need to elaborate there.

AMD is developing HDMI FreeSync. That could be a living room game changer if it shows up in TVs. Again proof to me that they are doing something right.

I want a 40"+ 4K TV to use as a monitor. I like running VSR set to 4K in games. AMD products excel at 4K resolutions. Again another reason I'm running their cards.

I can't think of a single time that I dreamed, "I wonder what the stock price of McDonald's is" before I bought a burger from them. I only think about which burger do I want. But if stock price is the most important thing to you before you play some Hatred, then more power to you.
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It's more than rumor. Investment firms don't care about this thread one way or another. But they certainly know about Sapphire's upcoming product releases and they aren't compelling. They know about AMD's upcoming presentation, and believe the real big money players knew about it before 9am this morning when the slides were leaked, and they aren't excited either.

It's not trolling. If this is a rumor thread, then discussion about whatever news comes out and how it's perceived everywhere, not just among the AMD fanboys, is relevant to the discussion. You just call it trolling because you don't like the information I wrote. That's not trolling, bud.

No it is trolling because what you wrote has no real biases. Let me rewind for you a bit to the launch of the consoles... AMD is at an all time stock low when the consoles are announced and even after they are released the stock is stagnant, then after about 6 months the stock price grows to about $4.20. Knowing history like that, if you even knew that, would make what you are saying here irrelevant beyond comprehension because the consoles were something to get excited about and the stock took 6 months to move based on that and other factors as well.
"quasi-official" Chinese source is not official. A link back to Sapphire's site would be official.
Claiming otherwise, to get a rise out of people, could be considered trolling.
Except that's not what happened. Here's what happened:

TaintedSquirrel: look at this news from Sapphire's leaked official product launch. The 390 is a 290 with twice the RAM. It's great news.

mope54: that sounds like bad news. The site that published it says it signals AMD is in trouble and the market is taking a nosedive at the same time the news was published.

et al: no, it's good news. our old cards are going to be supported for another year.

mope54: but AMD's solvency depends on it generating new sales. the market doesn't like it when a company is supposed to release a new product but all the news coming out says it's just last year's cards with no innovation. look, here's the stock ticker showing the market is upset.

et al: go away troll.

TaintedSquirrel: look at this news from Sapphire's leaked official product launch. The 390 is a 290 with twice the RAM. It's great news.
You must have communicated with a TaintedSquirrel from another universe because I have quite clearly made posts saying the EXACT opposite of that.
No it is trolling because what you wrote has no real biases.

I can't think of a single time that I dreamed, "I wonder what the stock price of McDonald's is before I bought a burger from them. I only think about which burger do I want. But if stock price is the most important thing to you before you play some Hatred, then more power to you.
McDonald's isn't in danger of bankruptcy. AMD is on the verge of bankruptcy and if it simply rehashes old tech again, which the news you guys got all excited about indicates, then they can't remain solvent.

If you post, hey look at this exciting news it's entirely relevant for someone to respond by saying apparently it's not that exciting to some other people. That's not trolling. Saying something you don't want to hear is not trolling. It was simply an observation I made about how this news is being reacted to outside the echo chamber of the three or four of you in this thread jumping my shit.
can someone ban this troll from this thread? I have no more interest in hearing about how sapphire's rumored 300-series product lineup not effecting AMDs stock means that the 300 series is something I shouldn't be excited about...

Nevermind that stock has nothing to do with card performance...

Nevermind that AMD's stock reflects a lot more about their company than just the 300 series news/rumors...

That only makes sense when our GPU manufacturer actually releases something new every 12-18 months. You really can't blame them when AMD sits on its laurels for years. This minor clock bump and doubling RAM is the same kind of behavior that many of these guys criticize Apple for doing with its release cycles but when AMD does it it's the bees knees :D

Yeah, sure, he isn't brand bashing with zero facts... he is just here to enlighten all of us on how AMDs stock should work... in a 300 series thread...

McDonald's isn't in danger of bankruptcy. AMD is on the verge of bankruptcy and if it simply rehashes old tech again, which the news you guys got all excited about indicates, then they can't remain solvent.

If you post, hey look at this exciting news it's entirely relevant for someone to respond by saying apparently it's not that exciting to some other people. That's not trolling. Saying something you don't want to hear is not trolling. It was simply an observation I made about how this news is being reacted to outside the echo chamber of the three or four of you in this thread jumping my shit.

We aren't jumping your shit. We're telling you that we don't give a flying fuck about stock prices when discussing video card features. Not being negative or pissy; just telling the truth. Why not start a thread about AMD stock prices in relation to the news of their upcoming cards in the general video card section? That way you can get maximum exposure to the issues that you have with AMD stock as it pertains to video card performance. this is the WRONG thread for stock price discussion.
Someone is trying hard to get banned from this thread...Now go away troll!!!!!
I can't tell if people didn't read the story of Chicken Little as kids, or if they missed the message in the narrative nuances.
There's no position in that post, it's just a link to a news article.

Here is my position on the 290 and 290X:
My bad. I got confused because when someone else questioned the news you linked you responded with:
"The good news is, the 390 and 390X's prices are way lower than anticipated."

so it certainly seemed like you took the news as confirmed and that it was good. well whatever, it's clear that there can be no discussion in this thread other than how awesome the 300 series is going to be for AMD and anyone who buys one so I'm out.

I didn't realize my opinion that it wasn't such good news and then backing up my opinion with some data about how the world was reacting (or not reacting as I pointed out) was going to result in a bunch of nonsense reports to the mods. ridiculous.
Since when is a 1.29% drop in stock price considered a "nosedive"? nVidia's stock dropped by twice that amount (2.65%) since opening this morning, so is that supposed to imply something? If we look at it more broadly, all 3 of AMD, Intel, and nVidia's stock dropped, as well as Qualcomm's, Apple's, IBM's, and Freescale's. Tech stocks are down since opening this morning, so today is just a bad day in general for tech stocks.

Also correlation does not imply causation. Serioulsy if you don't understand why this statement is so important, then I invite to look at some graphs from this site.

I mean holy shit, someone better phone congress and tell them to stop funding science, space, and technology research because they lead to more suicides!!! :eek::rolleyes:
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970s weren't returned in droves. What people did was raise a stink and get amazon to credit them $20-30 bucks and kept their cards. Even the noisiest thread in this forum had people admitting that their 970s were the best bang for buck and that they weren't planning on returning their cards. The rest of the noise came from non-970 owners...like the latest two posters in this thread decrying the 970 but noticeably not owning one according to their signatures.

You lack the facts to claim that the cards were not returned in any quantity.

I actually had a 970 G1. I was mostly satisfied with its performance. I returned it to Newegg on principle for store credit. I also filed a complaint with the FTC (complaint is still active), BBB (who closed the case after 3 months because they could not get a response), Gigabyte (who never responded to my inquiry) and I even wrote a letter to Elizabeth Warren. I have currently applied to 2 class action suits.
I am surprised .......... That you guys do not already have him on your ignore list :D The fanboy is strong in that one.
edit-did he really bring up the 970 again? lol
re-edit oh noes I lost a steam friend (didn't know I had) for this post- oh woe is me
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McDonald's sales drop for 12th straight month. It is so bad that they are now only reporting financial quarters starting in July! They are going out of business so I shouldn't buy a Big Mac today!

Even better. I predict that food will go out of style because McDonald's is losing sales due to a lack of public and investor interest in food. I will swallow air from now on for nutrition.
I guess its a pipe dream xfx would adapt a cooler that would look and perform as well as sapphire coolers in the new cards...at least they might take the vrm temps more seriously
Im still expecting the 390 to have a Hawaii XT and a 390x to have a Hawaii 'XTX', both done with goflo for better thermals at the higher clocks...
I am surprised .......... That you guys do not already have him on your ignore list :D The fanboy is strong in that one.
edit-did he really bring up the 970 again? lol
re-edit oh noes I lost a steam friend (didn't know I had) for this post- oh woe is me

Yes, ignore is your friend.

Now if we could do something about this constant quoting in replies... :(
McDonald's sales drop for 12th straight month. It is so bad that they are now only reporting financial quarters starting in July! They are going out of business so I shouldn't buy a Big Mac today!

Even better. I predict that food will go out of style because McDonald's is losing sales due to a lack of public and investor interest in food. I will swallow air from now on for nutrition.

You'd have to be clinically insane to correlate McDonalds with food or nutrition.

Although I'm pleased to hear they're on a consistent decline.
I really can't wait until the cards are announced and reviews are out. This circle jerk of a thread will die the death it so rightly deserves. I mean, there's nearly 6 months worth of excrement here ...