39c in Sydney today, 35c yesterday, here's your chance


Jun 22, 2004
Boxen going down all along the east coast. Can't cope with the heat.

Grab it while you can.

Cool front expected late afternoon and temps tomorrow to be 22c.
Ah, that explains the drop by OCAU. Time to open those cases and start folding naked! :)
Chugiak said:
Ah, that explains the drop by OCAU. Time to open those cases and start folding naked! :)


been naked for two days.

but the southerly has come through.

dropped from 39c to 24c between 5:15 and 5:30 pm.

just not sure of the thunderstorm I can see and hear approaching.

Yours, for the betterment of us all.
ezee said:
been naked for two days..

One must ask.
Is a naked Roo a better sight than a naked Moose. :p

Luck............ :D
Tell me about the heat... up here in Brisbane we're getting it too. No sign of it easing off until Saturday... but then it's straight back on the boiler Sunday. Thunderstorms/rain all week too, which isn't good news... we lost power twice yesterday and it wasn't overly hot, nor was there any storms or any strong breezes blowing. Thanks Energex; they can't even keep the power reliable for 24 hours in a row :rolleyes: and the city centre's around 15 minutes away; it's not like I live in the middle of nowhere either.
I think a naked Roo may indeed be better, especially one of those hottie Aussie gymnast girlies. We need to get them folding [obnoxious pun was intentional :D]
Tigerbiten said:
One must ask.
Is a naked Roo a better sight than a naked Moose. :p

Luck............ :D
I suppose that I had that coming....

Tiger, did you get my PM a while back?
mwarps said:
I think a naked Roo may indeed be better, especially one of those hottie Aussie gymnast girlies. We need to get them folding [obnoxious pun was intentional :D]

There are hot chicks down under? I thought it was just a bunch of Kangaroos and computer dorks. Go figure. :D ;)
pageian said:
There are hot chicks down under? I thought it was just a bunch of Kangaroos and computer dorks. Go figure. :D ;)
it is....don't be fooled by the aussie propaganda!
Bodega said:
theres a hot aussie chick living down the hall in my dorm :eek:

there is only one solution to this problem: knock on her door and tell her that your [H]ard for [H]umanity and that she should be folding naked. then borg her computer while she's calling campus security. it's the perfect plan. ;)
Bodega said:
theres a hot aussie chick living down the hall in my dorm :eek:

I'm with Moose, I call bullshit on this one.
Hot aussie chick = oxymoron.
It must be dissinformation being spread by the Australian state propaganda machine.
They're paying her to fake the accent so that tourists will come visit and then they can stealth borg any laptops brought into the country by unsuspecting foreigners.

Yeah, that's it. ;)
hmmm.... ill see her in math class in about 5 minutes... maybe i should ask her if shes being paid by the aussie folding team
Bodega said:
hmmm.... ill see her in math class in about 5 minutes... maybe i should ask her if shes being paid by the aussie folding team

Carefull. She might become violent if you blow her cover. Better just keep your eye one her for now. :p
she seems to be following me around... showing up at the same parties, etc etc. i think she may be trying to gather information about my boxen. luckily i only have a few on campus. i suggest that we all stay sharp and keep an eye out for these sneaky Aussie spies. ;)
Bodega said:
she seems to be following me around... showing up at the same parties, etc etc. i think she may be trying to gather information about my boxen. luckily i only have a few on campus. i suggest that we all stay sharp and keep an eye out for these sneaky Aussie spies. ;)

Damn, find a way to get me to where you are and I'll take care of that problem for you. I'm sure I can get her "taken care of". :eek: :D
Bodega said:
she seems to be following me around... showing up at the same parties, etc etc. i think she may be trying to gather information about my boxen. luckily i only have a few on campus. i suggest that we all stay sharp and keep an eye out for these sneaky Aussie spies. ;)
I just realized, this is the [H]ardForum, someone mentioned "hot Aussie chick", and not a danged one of ya used the classic response:


I'm not sure I know any of you... :D :eek: :D
Strikemaster said:
I just realized, this is the [H]ardForum, someone mentioned "hot Aussie chick", and not a danged one of ya used the classic response:


I'm not sure I know any of you... :D :eek: :D

It's the radiation from all the boxen running....
hmm... not sure i want to put pics up. if the aussies find out that we have turned their spy into a double agent we might be in trouble. i'll have dark ember take a look and he can tell you :p
GotNoRice said:
How hot is 39c in real degrees?

100.2 Degrees.
Around here in the summer time that is nothing. Average days are 110-115 degrees F :cool:
Surely the Aussies have A/C. Right???

Mayhem33 said:
100.2 Degrees.
Around here in the summer time that is nothing. Average days are 110-115 degrees F :cool:
Surely the Aussies have A/C. Right???

I was wondering the same thing. While it doesn't get over 100 very often here (the damn humidity makes it feel like that a lot though) I still keep my boxen running. A few extra bucks on the power bill when I actually have to pay it isn't much to me.
Mayhem33 said:
Surely the Aussies have A/C. Right???

I don't know, do they even have electricity? They've got to keep all those boxen running somehow, maybe 'roos on running wheels? :confused: ;)
pageian said:

I don't know, do they even have electricity? They've got to keep all those boxen running somehow, maybe 'roos on running wheels? :confused: ;)

Pageian, you have done it! Solved the ever elusive problem of how the Aussies are able to out produce us by so much. Free electric...well except for the cost of roo kibble!
With all that extra cash ... more boxen. :p
What a great picture that would make!

Power (at least where I am) tends to be rather unreliable... I'm running my computer over two PSU's currently (one supplying the mobo which I also opened up and replaced the two main capacitors with larger ones, the other psu powering everything else that gets plugged in in the system) to try and provide cleaner power. I have a surge protector, but no UPS yet which is why I did it. We tend to get power spikes/brownouts/lose power completely around once every other day or so... There's a reason why we own our own personal backup generator :rolleyes: Even when it's up and running it's pretty expensive, so not everyone has A/C. We don't.
we could make millions and buy unlimited boxen if we could somehow sneak over some roos for power hmmmmm ;)
*looks outside at the temp gauge*
-37 F today... God I need to move away from this crap. On the plus side, my apartment is starting to cool off, :D
RIUM+ said:
Power (at least where I am) tends to be rather unreliable...
Someone's working the roos too hard without breaks, and they need to rest every now and then. I think the aussie team needs to put roo unionization at the top of its priorities list. I don't know all of the intricacies of power generation down under, but I've been led to believe that it is "hop powered". After a few hours of hopping, the hoppers get tired of hopping and develop what we call "crazy hops" in which they hop eratically, causing minor disruptions in power, which you have tried to remedy with your multi-PSU setup. If you keep pushing a roo, it will develop "mad hops" and come to a complete stop! In order to avoid these situations, roo unions need to be formed. With the formation of these unions, heretofore known as roonuions, working conditions will be improved and power output will be stabilized. The mandatory 15 minute breaks for every half hour of hopping will help smooth out power production if shifts are managed properly. If the kangaroos ever go on strike, contact some local wallaroos - they're known to be strike breaking rebels and would like to show up their higher profile relatives if given the chance. Contact your power company and see what they think of your ideas and feel free to get back to us if you have any questions or need more suggestions.
Hey Justamino. You should put a tube threw your wall and have it hooked up to a block on your CPU. Free phasechange w/o the trouble of power costs. hehe