3D Mark 06 scores lowered over time?


Mar 17, 2006
It all started when I tried to play the new Supreme Commander demo yesterday. I am on XP SP2 and with the system in the sig. I couldn't run the game higher than 20 FPS So I ran 3D Mark 06 again today, http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm06=1176554

Thats pitiful, considering my highest when the system was new was 4201! Is my graphics card dying? (I volt modded it) What are your suggestions? I was hoping this card would last me until the R600...
A fresh install of windows with always preform better than a system thats been running awhile because the registry gets a clogged and things like that, reinstall and it should be back..
Hmm, that probably has something to do with it. But "registry clutter" would not cause a 2000 point decrease in 3DMark 06 would it?
depends on how many much stuff you have running, was your system overclocked the same as it is now?
I agree that 50% performance drop is unlikely from just clutter or a few background services.
Maybe you (accidentally) changed some setting of your video card?
are you certain anti aliasing and anisoptric filtering are disabled? Try to reset your drivers to default.
If I overclock my graphics card too far 3dmark06 will either fail to run all the way through or give an absurdly low score at the end. If you're overclocking your card, try running at stock. If you're already at stock then try underclocking it just to be sure. If scores go up when you turn your card's speeds down then you know that it's the card that's at fault.
Underclocked, went from 20 fps max in SupCom to 15. What does this mean?
Underclocked, went from 20 fps max in SupCom to 15. What does this mean?

That means your low score is probably not due to a heat problem or pushing your core/memory too far.

In those two scenarios, your score actually goes up when you underclock your card.