3D Printed Keyboard

Hmm, I wonder what my frequently used letter keys are. His' were N, E, A, T. and O.
I wonder what a Dvorak layout would look like. Qwerty looks like it favors the left hand according to this fellow.
Enlightening, especially in such a format. Can't appreciate it for "art" however.
I don't understand how crap like that can be classified as art. It's not art. Its a keyboard made useless.
It doesn't really appeal to me, but that is not to say it isn't art. Some people have a hard time understanding they aren't the sole arbiters of what is considered what in this world. Closer to reality is that their opinion means very little to anyone but their own grumpy selves.
I don't even see the point. Call me a hater, but really. Agreed on the WASD, maybe the center left part of the space bar, C, and .... R for reload.
I could appreciate it as art until I saw how flimsy the keys were as he pressed them. If something is going to be pointless it should at least be well made.

Also is he trying to say that he never uses any of the punctuation keys, space bar, ctrl, etc...?