3D Vision: Your best game experiences


Dec 29, 2005
Having recently acquired a 3D capable monitor & 3D Vision 2 kit, I've been gleefully revisiting old favorites in my game collection to see what kind of results can be had with 3D. It seems most games will offer some level of 3D compatibility while others are outstanding. What games in your catalog have you found to have excellent compatibility in 3D?

Some of my favorite titles so far have been:

Red Faction: Guerrilla - Freaking awesome in 3D with the particle effects and debris from destruction flying at you through your screen - Only issues with this one is the 2D crosshairs and some slight halo effects on characters and light sources.

Just Cause 2 - Promoted as a 3D Vision ready title and rightly so. It looks stunning in 3D

Batman Arkham Asylum & City - Again, made for 3D. Looks amazing.
Witcher 2 - works great even in 3D Surround

Another friend of mine actually like Diablo III in 3D - never tried it myself.
Call of Duty: Black Ops, freaken pretty. There is one level in Vietnam at night that is annoying (3D Vision 1 glasses at the time), but the rest of it is great. I got 3D Vision 1 with my first 120hz monitor and now I got 3D Vision 2 with my Asus 27" LED 120hz (w/ light boost) and its nice.

Star Trek Online is a bit hooky, its AA effects float over the models and the shadows render different for each eye, so a lot of the FX need to be turned off, not really worth 3D.

LOTRO on the other had is sweet, made a Hobbit burglar with a huge nose and it looks like its coming out of the screen (unlike the normal effects which look like they fall into the screen.

SWTOR is plain enough that the 3D effects are very effective.

Sonic Generations and Street Fighter 4 also worked nicely with 3D.

After a while the gimmick nature of the 3D wears off and you only really use it for 3D movies (Avatar gave me the worst migraine ever).
Witcher 2 - works great even in 3D Surround

Another friend of mine actually like Diablo III in 3D - never tried it myself.

I've heard good things about Witcher 2 in 3D. Haven't tried W2 yet since I've been putting off playing it until I finish Witcher 1. I got about half way through and lost all my saves. If Witcher 1 works well with 3D I will give it another shot.

After a while the gimmick nature of the 3D wears off and you only really use it for 3D movies (Avatar gave me the worst migraine ever).

Yeah, I can see that happening for sure for a lot of games. Although, I can see that with some games, I wouldn't go back to 2D. I guess it depends on the genre and how much it lends itself to a particular game. After playing RF:G in 3D, I wouldn't go back to 2D :p

I checked out Avatar and Life of Pi in 3D and they look great. I also picked up the ASUS 27" 3D Vision 2 and have been very impressed so far. I'm not even missing the higher res and screen real estate of my HP LP3065 30"
Avatar looks beautiful in 3D, not a fan of the movie and just watched it to see it in 3D, but again it was the only movie I've watched in 3D (and I'm gathering a collection now) that gave me such a bad headache.

I have the Hobbit 3D on preorder now and I'm really excited for it.
Portal 2 and Alice were really cool in 3d. Those are probably the only two games that I can't imagine playing in 2d anymore.

Oh, Skyrim is fucking amazing in 3d.
After a while the gimmick nature of the 3D wears off and you only really use it for 3D movies (Avatar gave me the worst migraine ever).

I couldnt disagree more. Right after I got 3D vision I never looked back. I cant even think of gaming without it. I mean just pressing CTRL T to change back and forth everything looks flat and lame.
No idea why you call a gimmick something that lets you experience those 3d worlds in actual 3 instead of old plain 2D...what a concept!
I really feel in love with 3d vision too. After around a year I found myself using it less and less. I ended up selling my display. By the end I found games that I thought were amazing in 3d unplayable due to crosstalk. You do get used to the effect. Don't get me wrong it still looks cool but it makes it harder to overlook the drawbacks.

I'll revisit it at some point in the future. Sadly, progress really seems to have slowed down on 3d vision displays. So, I don't know when that will be.
Skyrim + helix fix
Starcraft 2
Diablo 3 + helix fix
Dead space series + helix fix
Doom 3 BFG
Empire Total War

I don't often use 3D but I like to fire it up occasionally. I still love the effects, I just hate FPS in 3D which is what I happen to mostly play (BF3, ArmA2/3, CSS)
I have the Acer 27" monitor with 3DV2. I find that most things look great except things with huge depth of field, like WoW outdoor environments with Max field. Things up close look great, but as you move downfield there starts to be some serius doublevision. I suppose thats kinda normal though...
You need to adjust your contrast and/or brightness to remove or reduce it. Some displays are worse than others.
I really feel in love with 3d vision too. After around a year I found myself using it less and less. I ended up selling my display. By the end I found games that I thought were amazing in 3d unplayable due to crosstalk. You do get used to the effect. Don't get me wrong it still looks cool but it makes it harder to overlook the drawbacks.

I'll revisit it at some point in the future. Sadly, progress really seems to have slowed down on 3d vision displays. So, I don't know when that will be.

DLP = no crosstalk
I bombed on my 3D monitor. I got a XL2410T and it´s just so bad but very practical with it´s adjustable and relatively stable stand.. All I see is games with potential but very few I can really have fun with. Just to much crosstalk and backbleed and just awfulness. Bulletstorm was quite nice though. Crazy and some section with tons of Vertigo that really show it off. Crysis 2 also worked really well

Otherwise my best experience was on the CRT era. There it really did deliver with no crosstalk, way better contrast meant it could better cope with the light loss. Particularly in simulations flight and racing simulators it does deliver. fps games I would like but there is a select few that don´t have to much convergence issues with the croshair.

Hoping to acquire a good VR headset in a year or two. Looks like it´s going to be at least two :(
I will agree with the Trine 2 vote. Simply the most amazing thing I have ever seen (gaming or otherwise).

Alice:Madness Returns was also really nice in 3D (and with the PhysX on high).

Batman is a good one too, if you haven't played yet.
Has anyone tried using Nvidia 3D Play with a 3DTV? What is the quality of the gaming experience? I heard that the maximum resolution you can play is 720p. I want to play games in 3D on my 55" Panasonic ST50.
Has anyone tried using Nvidia 3D Play with a 3DTV? What is the quality of the gaming experience? I heard that the maximum resolution you can play is 720p. I want to play games in 3D on my 55" Panasonic ST50.

Correct, it's a limitation of the HDMI 1.4 spec. 720p@60fps or 1080p@24fps. Kinda sucks. Really sucks, actually. Other than that it works extremely well. I personally don't care much for 3D on LCD but I have a DLP projector in my office and Panny 65VT30 in the family room and they both look fantastic in 3D, even at 720p.

Try it. You'll love it.
the concept of 3d game sounds awesome
i would love to try it but i hate watching 3d movies, they are not even true 3d.
its just seems to add more depth.

i also hate that every movie is 3d now because even when you watch it without the 3d you have to see the cheesy effects flying towards the screen.

so when gaming in 3d is stuff actually like flying at you or is it similar to 3d movies?
3D movies suck, I agree.

3D gaming is different in that you have total control of the image and are able to customise it to your liking. The same game can look very different depending on the depth and convergence settings you use.
Correct, it's a limitation of the HDMI 1.4 spec. 720p@60fps or 1080p@24fps. Kinda sucks. Really sucks, actually. Other than that it works extremely well. I personally don't care much for 3D on LCD but I have a DLP projector in my office and Panny 65VT30 in the family room and they both look fantastic in 3D, even at 720p.

Try it. You'll love it.

Thanks for the information. I'll give it a shot :)
I think Im about to try out a 3d monitor. Im not crazy about 3D movies but sounds like it may be the ticket for gaming.
just got my asus 3d monitor, Now i need a Nvidia card! so excited
Without a doubt the best 3d game I've ever played was Dead Space 3; it's one of those games I won't play in 2D cause the 3d is so good. However, I had to use the HELIX MOD fix for 3dvision to get it proper, but once tweaked it's so good you can't play 2d.

Tomb Raider - quite possibly the best game in 3D that I have played
Warhammer Space Marine
Dead Space 3
Crysis 3 (yes I know about fake 3D)
Modern Warfare 3
Sonic Generations
Batman games
Red Alert 3

I would love to try out BioShock Infinite in 3D. Also need to try Resident Evil 6.
Lots of great answers here, gotta try some of those out. I also game primarily in 3D Vision, it's the best thing since sliced bread.

Currently playing Witcher 2 in 3D; the word stunning comes to mind. But Witcher 1 also fabulous, amazing depth. The field with the tall grasslands and flowers (Chapter 3?) is jaw dropping the first time you see it. I find older games really come to life

Mass Effect 1 and 2 are great with the Helix mod
Age of Empires III is very pretty with it
Bloodrayne 2
The Batman games of course
Crysis 2 (don't care if it's faked, the effect is still good)

Battlefield 3 looks great, but framerate is limited to 40fps