3Dc & Nvidia coming soon.


Jun 11, 2000

Its a great technology. And damn am I glad ATi decided to make it open, and Nvidia for not looking down upon a good thing.

An olive branch extended so that we can all benefit without having to constantly get mired in technologies that duplicate themselves all trying to achieve basically the same thing. Pretty rare nowadays.
3Dc has been enabled for NV4x in forceware for months, at least since January. (edit: make that December)

BTW, this isn't unusual. Check out the extensions list for both cards... both regularly use technologies developed by the other.
pxc said:
3Dc has been enabled for NV4x in forceware for months, at least since January. (edit: make that December)

BTW, this isn't unusual. Check out the extensions list for both cards... both regularly use technologies developed by the other.

no not really
Netrat33 said:
no not really
Not really to what? 3Dc support has existed since 67.02.

Maybe you don't know what extensions are. But I guess your post was more of a troll since it's trivial to look at extensions. And guess what? You're wrong.
geekcomputing said:
this is a good thing as it will only make your future nvidia cards faster.

3dc doesnt effect speed at all. Thats the good thing. Visual bonus without slow down.
pxc said:
Not really to what? 3Dc support has existed since 67.02.

Maybe you don't know what extensions are. But I guess your post was more of a troll since it's trivial to look at extensions. And guess what? You're wrong.

notice Brent's link.
Hence no...not really

and guess what? ............I'm right.

so try to pick a fight somewhere else with your "troll" remarks. :rolleyes:

Edit: I might add there are no games with real world experience taking advantage of 3Dc yet. Farcry didnt' do anything new to the maps and it was in beta stage anyway.
Although 3Dc is nice, I doubt you would notice it uch while actually playing, for stills it is good though.

Its not like SM3.0 though, it wont effect performance (like SM3.0 will one day) and it wont add any new cool grpahics features, jsut a tiny tiny little boost
Hate_Bot said:
Although 3Dc is nice, I doubt you would notice it uch while actually playing, for stills it is good though.

Its not like SM3.0 though, it wont effect performance (like SM3.0 will one day) and it wont add any new cool grpahics features, jsut a tiny tiny little boost

mostly better image quality with less of a hit.
Shifra said:
3dc doesnt effect speed at all. Thats the good thing. Visual bonus without slow down.

actually, the opposite is true

it increases performance by making the memory footprint smaller for normals

with that speed increase a developer can then choose to implement higher resolution normals for example, thus taking the speed increase and offsetting it with better image quality

3Dc is a good thing

we have compression for textures, it's high time to have a good algorithm for normals as well, and 3Dc is a good compression scheme for them
Brent_Justice said:
we have compression for textures, it's high time to have a good algorithm for normals as well, and 3Dc is a good compression scheme for them

I find 3Dc rather limited, because you must use normalized normals...
Also, I think the Sun normalmap compression format (see http://ic2.epfl.ch/doc/java/j3dguide/AppendixCompress.doc.html#47775, I think) is better in terms of compression ratio...