3dmark 03..........How low can you go?

/me goes to install XP on the K6-2 and ATI Rage XL.

edit: make that the pentium 200 :p
I think I'v got a system around here that can pull a 3...if the video hardware even supports running 3DMark 03 :p
Rustedimpala said:
You should underclock it and see if you can get single digits. :D

Sounds like a good idea........too bad the bios on the thing don't allow me to change the FSB or voltage. :D
On '01 I had a score of 3, on a system that should have had 17-18k....turns out the CPU was throttled badly due to me being a retard and running the CPU fan way too slow.

I'd give an 03 score, but my gamerig is down for a long while