3dMark 06 question


Oct 19, 2005
I've recently upgraded to an Opty 165 and 7800gt and ran 3dmark 06 with everything at stock, I got a 3814 (38xx something anyway, I'm at work and cant pull up the score cause I didnt bother to register it). I didnt modify any of the options in 3dmark (resolution or anything). Is that how everyone runs this benchmark? without touching anything?
usually that´s how it is done.
My rig got a strikingly similar score, everything at stock speed, and excellent ventilation. I am positive there is nothing wrong with my system, the problem is on 3Dmark's side. What makes me believe this is the following: 3Dmark05 gives me an accurate score, but only when 3Dmark06 is uninstalled. 3Dmark06 has caused poor performance problems with many dual core users with high-end video solutions.
I ran an OC'd 6800GT with all pipelines unlocked and an opty 175, got 2520.

Your score isn't bad.
BBA said:
I ran an OC'd 6800GT with all pipelines unlocked and an opty 175, got 2520.

Your score isn't bad.

actually, I thought mine might have been too high...I've seen OCed rigs get just a few hundred points more. been a long time since I've run 3dmark at all, and I havent really spent much time pondering the scoring system for 06. Just thought maybe I was supposed to pump something else up to get the common settings in place.

Do people (regular consumers) actually buy the full $20 version of this software? why?

ah well, soon as I figure out how to OC an A64, I'll see what I can really do...
check the hards 3dmark06 thread...after a quick look it seems your system is running really well...now oc it and come back n tell us the score :)